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Unit 9 Test A                            Imię i nazwisko: ________________________ Klasa: ____

1. Posłuchaj dwukrotnie nagrania i określ, czy podane zdania są prawdziwe (T-True), czy fałszywe


1. Kelly and Mark can play basketball. T/F

2. Simon doesn’t like sports.                                T/F

3. Kelly can ride a horse.                                 T/F

4. Kelly isn’t a sports fan.                                T/F

5. Kelly is hungry.                                              T/F

___ / 10


2. Dokończ brakujące wyrazy.

1. Carrie isn’t sad. She’s h__________y.

2. Go to bed! You are very t__________d.

3. Can you pass the water, please? I’m very t________y.

4. I don’t like this film. I’m b_________d.

5. I love v________________l!

6. I don’t like f____________l but I like basketball.

7. I’m not happy. I’m s_____d.

8.  My grandfather is e________y-s___n (87) years old.

9. I’ve got t_________y-f______e T-shirts: ten blue, seven black and eight white.

10. I can play t__________s very well.

11. It’s a horror film. My little sister is
f ______________d.

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3. Uzupełnij tekst, wybierając z ramki odpowiednie wyrazy.

is   doesn’t   am      does  like  a               are   can   an   can’t  likes has   don’t   have   do


My name 1______ Tom and I 2______ ten. I’m 3______ student at Tuneshill Primary School. I 4______ got two sisters: Tanya and Tina. I 5______ them . They 6______ very clever and funny. They 7______ play instruments and dance very well.

I 8______ sing at all and I 9______ like music. What about you? 10______ you like singing or dancing?


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4. Ułóż pytania i dopasuj do nich odpowiedzi. Jedna odpowiedź nie pasuje do żadnego z pytań.

1. close / ? / you / , / please / the / can / window             


2. like / orange juice / does / ? / Nick 


3. whose / are / ? / these / socks             


4. Sally / got / has / piano / ? / a             


5. your father / snowboarding / ? / does / like 


6. my / help / can / ? / with /  you / me / homework


7. play / and / your / you / can / brother hockey / ?


a. They are Karl’s.

b. Yes, he does. He loves sports.

c. Yes, no problem.

d. Yes, we can.

e. No, he doesn’t. He likes Coke.

f. Yes, she has.

g. Yes, he is.

h.  Sorry, I can’t. I’m busy.

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5.* Odnajdź i zakreśl pięć sportów plażowych.

surfing the Internet                               jet skiing     snowboarding                   exciting

windsurfing                enjoyable  water-skiing

     surfing               horse-riding

paragliding    dangerous

* Ćwiczenie nieobowiązkowe – CLIL/Culture

___ / 5

Punkty ___/ 50



Photocopiable Evolution plus 1 © Macmillan Publishers S.A. 2010 Polish edition © Macmillan Polska 2014

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