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 MagiCMac Sound driver programmers documentation v0.96 from GSXB driver
XBIOS Functions list:

Locksound()    XBIOS function 128.
Unlocksound()  XBIOS Function 129.
Soundcmd()     XBIOS Function 130.
Setbuffer()    XBIOS Function 131.
Setmode()      XBIOS Function 132.
Settracks()    XBIOS Function 133.
Setmontracks() XBIOS Function 134.
Setinterrupt() XBIOS Function 135.
Buffoper()     XBIOS Function 136.
Dsptristate()  XBIOS Function 137. Not yet implemented.
Gpio()         XBIOS Function 138. Just used for clock selection.
Devconnect()   XBIOS Function 139.
Sndstatus()    XBIOS Function 140.
Buffptr()      XBIOS Function 141.

Some functions are not 100% compatible with GSXB/MilanBlaster because 
the way under MacOS with sound devices is different.


       XBIOS 128

       long Locksnd ( void );

          When one intends to use the soundsystem, Locksnd() should be 
          called to prevent other clean applications from using the 
          soundsystem. All cleanly written applications call Locksnd() 
          before attempting to use the soundsystem, but unfortunately 
          there exists some that just plunge ahead.

          So, ALWAYS call Locksnd() before using the sound XBIOS!!!

          move.w  #128,-(sp)
          trap    #14
          addq.l  #2,sp
  Return: Locksnd() will return 1 if soundsystem was sucessfully locked, 
          or ESNDLOCKED if it is already locked by another application.


       XBIOS 129

       long Unlocksnd ( void );

          When done using the soundsystem, call Unlocksnd() to free the 
          soundsystem. This will make other applications able to use it 

          move.w  #129,-(sp)
          trap    #14
          addq.l  #2,sp

  Return: Unlocksnd() will return E_OK (0) if the soundsystem was 
          successfully unlocked, or ESNDNOTLOCK if it wasn't locked.


       XBIOS 130

      long Soundcmd ( word Mode, word DATA );

          Soundcmd() is the function used to control most of the things 
          relating to PCM sound, like setting DAC/ADC sampling rate, 
          selecting record sources, etc...

          move.w  DATA,-(sp)
          move.w  Mode,-(sp)
          move.w  #130,-(sp)
          trap    #14
          addq.l  #6,sp


 Mode 0   Set Left PCM attenuation (DAC)
 Mode 1   Set Right PCM attenuation (DAC)

          These modes sets the attenuation for the DAC's Left/Right 

  DATA:   attenuation (0 - 255) If DATA = SND_INQUIRE (-1), the current 
          setting will be returned without change.

  Return: Returns the value actually set, or ENODEV if installed driver 
                does not have PCM sound.


 Mode 2 - Set Record Gain Left channel (ADC)
 Mode 3 - Set Record Gain Right channel (ADC

          These two modes set the record gain for the Left and Right ADC 

  DATA:   Record Gain (0 - 255). If DATA = SND_INQUIRE (-1), the current 
          setting will be returned without change.

  Return: Returns the value actualy set, or ENODEV if installed
          driver can't do recording.


 Mode 4   Enable/disable (unmute/mute) ADC and the Matrix on DAC.

  DATA:   DATA is a bitmask specifying to Enable/Disable. A SET bit 
          enables/unmutes and a CLEARED bit disables/Mutes :

          Bit 0 - ADC
          Bit 1 - Matrix

  Return: Returns the actual setting being done. This call does not 
          return any errors if the hardware driver does not support a 
          channel attempted enabled/disabled.

  Note:   At this time, only ADC is used by the driver, and the driver
          forces bit 1 (Matrix) to enabled always.


  Mode 5  Record source select. This mode is used to select a input 
          source for the ADC.

  DATA:   DATA is a bit mask of record sources. If DATA = SND_INQUIRE    
          (-1), no changes are made, and the current settings are 
          returned. Originally, a SET bit will select Soundchip (Aux1 here),
          and a CLEARED bit will select Microphone. Under Mac, the 
          driver select the current input source when the 2 bits are 
          CLEARED and the source 1 when one or two bits are SET.

          Bit 0 - Right record channel source select.
          Bit 1 - Reft record channel source select.

  Return: Returns the actual setting being done. This call does not 
          return any errors if the hardware driver does not support a 
          channel attempted enabled/disabled.


 Mode 6   SETPRESCALE. This mode is only valid (that is, it does nothing) 
          until after using Devconnect() to set the prescaler to TT030 
          compatibility mode. When that is done, DATA represents the 
          TT030 compatible prescaler values as follow :

          Name        Value    Meaning
          CCLK_6K       0        Divide by 1280 (6.25 KHz)
          CCLK_12K      1        Divide by  640 (12.5 KHz)
          CCLK_25K      2        Divide by  320 (25 KHz)
          CCLK_50K      3        Divide by  160 (50 KHz)

          If DATA = SND_INQUIRE (-1), the current prescale setting is 
          returned without any changes being done.

  Return: This mode returns the actual setting.


 Mode 7   Set Sample rate. This is a MilanBlaster/GSXB only mode, and is 
          is available when bits 2 AND 5 in _SND cookie is SET. If this 
          is true, always use this call to set desired sample rate.

  DATA:   If DATA = SND_INQUIRE (-1), the current sample rate is returned 
          without any changes. Otherwise DATA contains the desired sample 
          rate, between 0 - 65533 Hz.

  NOTE:   This call acutally sets the rate for both the DAC and the ADC.

  Return: Returns the sample rate acutally set for the ADC and the DAC.


 Mode 8   Set desired format for 8-bit samples. This is a  
          MilanBlaster/GSXB only mode, and is is available when bits 2 
          AND 5 in _SND cookie is SET. This call is used to change the 
          format on 8-bit samples.
  DATA:   If DATA = SND_INQUIRE (-1), the sampleformat currently in use 
          is returned. Otherwise DATA is a bitmask with the following 

          Bit 0 - If set, Signed
          Bit 1 - If set, Unsigned

  Return: The driver always returns 1 (Signed).


 Mode 9   Set desired format for 16-bit samples. This is a  
          MilanBlaster/GSXB only mode, and is is available when bits 2 
          AND 5 in _SND cookie is SET. This call is used to change the 
          format on 16-bit samples. 

  DATA:   If DATA = SND_INQUIRE (-1), the sampleformat currently in use 
          is returned. Otherwise DATA is a bitmask with the following 

          Bit 0 - If set, Signed
          Bit 1 - If set, Unsigned
          Bit 2 - If set, Big endian (motorola byte order)
          Bit 3 - If set, Little Endian (Intel byte order)

  Return: The driver always returns 5 (Signed Big endian).


 Mode 10  Set desired format for 24-bit samples. This is a  
          MilanBlaster/GSXB only mode, and is is available when bits 2 
          AND 5 in _SND cookie is SET. This call is used to change the 
          format on 24-bit samples. The driver does not support 24-bit 

  DATA:   If DATA = SND_INQUIRE (-1), the sampleformat currently in use 
          is returned. Otherwise DATA is a bitmask with the following 
          meaning :

          Bit 0 - If set, Signed
          Bit 1 - If set, Unsigned
          Bit 2 - If set, Big endian (motorola byte order)
          Bit 3 - If set, Little Endian (Intel byte order)

  Return: The driver always returns 0.


 Mode 11  Set desired format for 32-bit samples. This is a  
          MilanBlaster/GSXB only mode, and is is available when bits 2 
          AND 5 in _SND cookie is SET. This call is used to change the 
          format on 32-bit samples. The driver does not support 32-bit 

  DATA:   If DATA = SND_INQUIRE (-1), the sampleformat currently in use 
          is returned. Otherwise DATA is a bitmask with the following 
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