Call of Cthulhu - Canis Mysterium.pdf

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By Scott Haartman
Edited by Meghan McLean
Cover Art by Colin Nitta
Interior Art by Eric York
To all intrepid adventurers: welcome.
Canis Mysterium
is an adventure scenario for the
Call of Cthulhu™
roleplaying system designed to be played in one or more gaming sessions. This scenario is suitable as an
introduction to a new campaign or can easily be worked into an established storyline. As written, this ad-
venture is set in and near Arkham of October of 1930, making Chaosium’s
The Compact Arkham Unveiled
supplement particularly helpful.
In The Werewolf of Coldwater Falls, the investigators are called upon to research the strange psychol-
ogy behind a man exhibiting canine behaviors, discovered with the shinbone of a missing girl dangling from
his maw.
In Addendum: After Coldwater Falls, several scenario seeds are offered to keepers who wish to expand
and continue the events in this gaming adventure, perhaps giving birth to a brand new campaign or provid-
ing handy subplot sessions to pre-existing campaigns.
It is recommended that if new characters are being created for this scenario they have Arkham, Mas-
sachusetts as home; and ties to Miskatonic University (particularly the Psychology department) are encour-
aged. However, keepers should feel free to take liberties when drawing their players into the events of these
Sincere thanks are offered to Mr. John Dalton, Mr. Glenn Klapperich, and Mr. Greg Lanier whose play
at BradCon 2011 inspired the original short adventure from which these scenarios were drawn. Gentlemen,
I am indebted.
—Scott Haartman
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