Campione! SS1 - The Imprisoned Campione.pdf

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The Imprisoned Campione
Kusanagi Godou.
Japanese nationality, sixteen years old, male.
He, from the Jounan Academy High School Division, did not think of
himself as the type that particularly stood out.
His personality was on the gentler side, more or less.
He was not like those who enjoyed making a racket in the middle of class,
nor was he a pupil who often voiced his opinions out loud. It wasn't that he
was bad at associating with people or an eccentric.
Looks wise, he was ordinary.
According to his fault-finding sister, 'If he works harder he should be able
to become even better, but it's because he's been slacking that he's the
way he is now'. And to Erica Blandelli, his 'partner' with whom he already
had an inseparable relationship, 'His physique isn't bad, but he's lacking in
the charisma and majesty departments'.
His results were above average. His forte was in arts and humanities,
whereas he did not do well in science.
He had confidence in his physical abilities, but not in the same way as
those Olympic athletes.
In actual fact, he possessed an inexplicable power that went against the
laws of nature, but what could only be said of him in the context of this
school was that he was a perfectly normal student.
Which is why, [mediocre] and [moderate]... that sort of expression was
probably appropriate for him.
― Hey, Kusanagi. What kind of person do you think you are?
One day during break time, in the classroom of the first year's fifth class.
In the face of that question from his peers, Godou did not answer.
At that time, the ones that happened to be present were Takagi, Nanami
and Sorimachi.
The three of them were the same; from the fifth class of the first years.
Then, the three of them together, for some reason, stared strangely at
Godou's face.... What's up with that bizarre look you're giving me?
It was the expression of peasants suffering under heavy taxation and
oppressive rule, who were glaring at the responsible tyrant in anger and
infuriation. With enmity in their hearts, the eyes that revealed the endured
fury within. Like a blade with a seemingly dull edge, it was a dangerous
look ―
It was exactly like that description.
"... Hey, are you listening?"
"... Yeah, he heard you. This guy does not understand his own situation at
all. This bastard king!"
"... The usual plan, as I thought it seems that we have to proceed with it,
Then, they started to whisper and murmur to each other.
"Oi, what are you guys talking about in secret? Also that question, was
there some meaning behind it?"
"Don't be concerned with such insignificant details, Kusanagi. This score
must be settled!"
"Hahaha, what are you saying
. Forget what was just said, Kusanagi.
Don't assume that there's a moon every night!"
"Oi oi, you let your true feelings slip, control yourselves a little more. By
retributive justice, the devil ought to die!"
".... Are you alright, guys? You all look seriously weird."
Godou asked worriedly.
However, they did not answer him, simply returning to their own seats with
dark expressions on their faces.
― After school, on the same day as that event.
Kusanagi Godou was abruptly, kidnapped and confined.
■          ■          ■
"― With that, let us begin the first commission of inquiry on that son of a
bitch Kusanagi Godou who has monopolized the two great bishoujos of the
campus. Everyone, are you ready?"
"No problem! Let us pass the judgment of righteousness on Kusanagi
Godou, enemy of the unpopular!"
"Agreed! We, based on the impartial ideology of love collectivism, cast our
blame upon the bourgeoisie
that hog the wealth injusticely!"
That day, Godou was on duty.
He needed to just collect the printouts to be submitted that day and place
them on the teacher-in-charge's desk in the staff room. Finishing that task,
he returned to the first year's fifth class classroom.
It was on the way back that the act of kidnapping was carried out
In a place where there was no one close by, Godou was covered head-first
with a large jute bag.
No matter how much he struggled with his arms and legs, it was useless.
Godou was then lifted up by a few people, and brought away like that. To
make matters worse, his limbs were all bound by duct tape, his movements
And then, the one who removed the bag from his head, before him ―
It was a room with windows that were covered by black curtains, blocking
out the sunlight, a classroom somewhere in the school. The lights were off,
and it was pitch-dark.
The only source of light was the torchlight that someone was holding.
With just that, it was difficult to understand the situation.
But Godou had night-vision on par with an owl's, and with that he surveyed
the surroundings. Perhaps, it was an empty classroom that was not often
That could be surmised from the fact that there were no desks arranged in
the classroom.
And, the shape of the three people before him ―
They had paper bags over their heads. There were openings in said paper
bags, slits for their eyes.
He could not discern their identities by just that. Just who were they? They,
who had captured and subsequently confined him. He had no clue who
they were exactly, but he could guess. At last, have the people from the
magic associations infiltrated into the school?
Even so, Kusanagi Godou was a [King].
Having undertaken such bold measures, could it be that someone powerful
was pulling the strings behind this?
They were also thoroughly prepared, dressed in the correct High School
Division uniform. And on their head were paper bags. Only the eyes and
mouth regions were cut open. Like this, their identities could not be dis ―
Godou remembered something about the voices earlier, and looking at
their stature, he realized.
"What are you doing, Takagi. Over there, are Nanami and Sorimachi,
"F-fool! We do not go by those kinds of names!"
"Yea, yeah. We are absolutely not classmates with a bastard like you!
"Yes, we are the Gang of Justice, those who lament over the state of the
country, and love the nation! Do not misunderstand!"
The trio proclaimed, evidently in a panic.
"How should I say this... I didn't think you guys were this stupid. As of now,
your crimes are still forgivable. Kindly release me."
Filled with pity and amazement, Godou advised.
At any rate, why do I have to suffer something like this?
"Keh! This guy, from the look in his eyes, he thinks that he's being confined
under false charges!"
One of the idiot trio shined his torchlight right in Godou's face, and spat
As I thought, that was Takagi's voice.
"Calm down. We have plenty of time. To this insolent asshole, without
rushing, let us tell him the true severity of his sins!"
Almost like an 'underling A' type of character entering onto the stage in
some historical play. This should be Nanami.
"Aaah, let us teach this guy a lesson or two. In the place of God, we shall
pass judgment over him!"
And this was the trademark phrase of the hero protagonist. The voice
belonged to Sorimachi.
".... Although I don't really get what's going on, but I understand your
determination. First, remove the tape, and then we'll talk this over
peacefully, ok?"
"Kukuku. You bastard, it seems you still do not understand your current
One of the idiot trio, probably Sorimachi, declared.
"What we seek, is not to talk things over with a bastard like you! This is
"... J-judgment?"
"Kusanagi Godou! You are a bastard who toys with the hearts and desires,
the bodies of the two great bishoujos of the school, the tyrant managing a
harem! For that crime, you deserve certain death!"
".... What?"
Godou felt the sensation of giddiness, hearing Sorimachi's accusation.
The two great bishoujos. Harem. What on earth were these guys talking
"Comrade T
! Read out loud, the first of Kusanagi Godou's crimes!"
"Ooh! ... Number one, the accused, was involved with the blond goddess
who possesses a transcendent body, at various locations ― t-the
classroom, the campus, the roadside, before the general public! Flirting
while clinging together, confirming their love, and yet he insists that there is
nothing going on between him and Erica-sama!"
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