Gerald Clark - The 7th Planet, Mercury Rising.pdf

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All referenced images obtained via license-free public sources
Copyright © 2014 Gerald Clark
All rights reserved.
I would like to dedicate this book to my twin flame Christa J. Clark. She inspires my days with
love and beauty and fearlessly probes unseen dark places filling them with effervescent light.
Without my soul mate by my side everyday on this holographic journey towards our mutual destiny, it
is doubtful you would be reading these words today.
In addition to the loving support I receive at home, time must be taken to acknowledge the
community that has formed in response to both of our missions, both Artistic Vegan and Anunnaki of
Nibiru fans alike. There has been fan crossover which has been fun for both of us. Thanks to all of
you and your kind support for our individual and joint missions. Because of your love and support,
Christa and I have responded to the community needs and provided both Star Fire Gold and the
immunity bolstering Colloidal Silver that is now available.
Last but not least, I would like to dedicate this book to all the truth seekers in the world. Your
willingness to go beyond the normal script has led you to an important and interesting puzzle piece in
your archetypal path towards the ultimate goal, a homecoming! Enjoy the book and share the
Christa Clark, my wife and twin flame living her personal legend helping mankind purify their
consciousness and live in the LIGHT!
So proud of her fearless dedication to her mission!
for all that she does for humanity!
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