Bunny And The Bull.txt

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{3357}{3448}/For sometime now Stephen Turnbull|has been a man of routine.
{3464}{3529}/Everyday he showers for 27 minutes...
{3563}{3608}/brushes for 4...
{3623}{3664}gargles for 8...
{3672}{3705}/and flosses for 7.
{3748}{3782}/He then files the floss...
{3835}{3872}/stacks his urine...
{3896}{3933}/and notes its pH
{3959}{4040}/Next he washes everything|that has so far touched his body
{4041}{4129}/completes a 200-page book|of bumper crosswords
{4130}{4241}/and watches 8 episodes of|Ray Mears' Extreme Survival on video tape.
{4242}{4308}/Remember, you should always|carry a parachute.
{4309}{4365}/Then it's time for lunch.
{4390}{4443}/Everyday|Stephen eats the same meal-
{4459}{4509}/a freeze-dried vegetarian lasagne,
{4510}{4581}/hermetically sealed|for maximum life expectancy
{5508}{5561}/But today something is different
{5611}{5705}/Today there is a break in his|carefully-orchestrated routine.
{5754}{5811}/Today Stephen will attempt to do
{5812}{5868}/something he hasn't done|for over a year.
{5972}{6021}/Stephen will try to leave the house.
{7024}{7093}/Ahoy there, matey,|and welcome to Captain Crab.
{7094}{7166}/He sails the 7 seas|so you don't have to,
{7168}{7281}/bringing you the freshest produce|which will have you hooked, line and sinker.
{7283}{7360}/Before we hoist anchor,|tell me your name, sailor.
{7361}{7427}- Stephen Turnbull.|- And where do you hail from?
{7428}{7476}15B Limestone Road,
{7477}{7524}King's Cross, London,
{7574}{7661}/Would you like to order fish-|such as cod, sole, haddock
{7662}{7728}/halibut, mackerel, catfish, krill...
{7754}{7861}Would you like to order crustacean-|such as crab, lobster, prawn, scallop...
{7888}{7947}/Would you like to order|the vegetarian option?
{7971}{8016}/Great choice, shipmate.
{8017}{8065}/Today's vegetarian option is...
{8066}{8117}/Mixed vegetables.
{8128}{8168}/Sounds delicious!
{8169}{8234}/There's nothing that|the Captain likes more
{8235}{8296}/than to chow down|on a hearty plate of...
{8316}{8366}/Mixed vegetables.
{8367}{8420}/My personal favourite!
{8421}{8480}/To complete the order, just say|"Feed me."
{8531}{8577}/Say "Feed me."|Say "Feed me."
{8583}{8637}/Say "Feed me."|Say "Feed me."
{8645}{8683}Feed me.
{8685}{8732}/We surely will, shipmate.
{8733}{8805}/Now relax,|your order is sailing your way
{9795}{9843}Welcome to Captain Crab, sir.
{9844}{9892}Please take a seat.
{9898}{9936}Hey dude.
{9942}{10001}You look gorgeous.|She's gonna love you.
{10024}{10062}This is it?
{10088}{10175}You told me you'd booked me a table|in a world-class seafood restaurant.
{10176}{10237}- And?|- This place is a dump.
{10238}{10333}What the fuck are you talking about?|It's incredible. I eat here all the time.
{10334}{10401}I've been waiting for this day|for 3 years, Bunny.
{10403}{10483}I'm hardly going to tell Melanie I love her|in a Captain Crab.
{10485}{10532}Hey, come on.
{10533}{10603}I've saved you the best table|in the house, buddy.
{10605}{10653}Hit the lights, Ray.
{10693}{10776}Now, listen to me.|You're ready, all right? You're gorgeous.
{10777}{10854}You've carried this girl's|library books for 3 years.
{10855}{10920}You've even got a PhD to impress her,|for God's sake.
{10921}{10995}If this piece of chicken|don't wanna work your joint after that,
{10996}{11044}I'll cut off my right nut.
{11088}{11131}Thank you.
{11153}{11189}Fuck her, dude.
{11240}{11292}The "Friend Zone".
{11293}{11336}Well, it was 3 years.
{11337}{11435}In my book, if you haven't had snogsies|by closing time it's game over.
{11436}{11479}Maybe there's a way back.
{11480}{11532}No way back from the Friend Zone,|dude.
{11533}{11576}She doesn't see you as a sexual being.
{11577}{11620}- But I am one.|- I know.
{11621}{11653}I think you're gorgeous.
{11654}{11738}So do loads of girls, just...|not in Britain.
{11739}{11791}That's why we need to hit the road, man.
{11792}{11857}Find ourselves a country|where you can do something about
{11858}{11965}those walloping great Space Hoppers|you've got clanging around in your pants.
{11966}{12004}I'm having a year off sex.
{12005}{12038}Another one?
{12062}{12108}Come on, man, give yourself a break.
{12109}{12144}Let's go on holiday.
{12145}{12188}I thought you were broke.
{12217}{12271}All that's about to change.
{12331}{12379}Who have you got in the 3:40 at Ripon?
{12381}{12418}Future Proof.
{12429}{12477}Atlantis Rising.
{12501}{12566}- Are you mentally ill?|- That horse is a shoe-in.
{12568}{12622}I know that horse.|It's 50-1 for a reason.
{12689}{12746}- Is this the Heindberg Theory again?|- No.
{12747}{12827}There's no way the jockey with|the most aggressive face always wins.
{12828}{12911}All right, you were right.|I've accepted that now, thank you.
{12912}{12960}But this is a bona fide tip.
{12961}{13010}Masouda reckons he's a dead cert.
{13011}{13059}Who's Masouda?
{13060}{13107}Remember when I was in the Yemen?
{13108}{13176}Masouda's this really sexy|stable girl out there.
{13177}{13260}And she says in training he's dynamite.
{13261}{13329}They've been slow running him|just to get the odds up.
{13331}{13408}And this is the race|they're gonna let that donkey fly.
{13409}{13471}- Isn't that illegal?|- Massively illegal, dude.
{13472}{13531}We'll probably go to jail. That's the point.
{13533}{13580}Think about it - 50 quid at 50-1 .
{13581}{13629}That's 2-and-a-half grand.
{13630}{13733}Easily enough for a little jaunt round|Europe for a couple of fellas like us.
{13781}{13824}All right, yeah, 50 quid on the nose.
{13825}{13856}That's my boy.
{13857}{13928}/Last bets, please.|Last bets for the 3:40 at Ripon.
{14033}{14081}When were you in the Yemen?
{14082}{14130}Last summer.
{14131}{14179}I thought you were on a fishing boat.
{14219}{14267}Yeah... fishing boat in the Yemen.
{14409}{14510}The song that Yemenese fisher folk sing|almost constantly as they labour.
{14520}{14560}Yeah. Good tune, that.
{14571}{14609}How did it go?
{14677}{14745}/* Wahey... fishy-fishy
{14769}{14839}/* Come onto the boat
{14858}{14916}/* Please come on
{14917}{14964}/* To the boat... why?
{14965}{15013}/* I don't know
{15014}{15098}/* Because we are hungry for our...
{15099}{15147}/* Tea
{15148}{15198}- There is no Masouda, is there?|- No.
{15199}{15235}- Ever been to the Yemen?|- No.
{15237}{15330}- This is the Heindberg Theory again.|- Fine, yes. But look at his face.
{15331}{15379}That is one mean motherfucker.
{15381}{15462}/There's the 50-1 outsider, Atlantis Rising,
{15463}{15556}/trying to get to know the favourite,|who doesn't seem to be having it
{15557}{15631}/And they're off.|A clean start apart from Atlantis Rising,
{15632}{15684}/who seems stuck|but finally gets underway
{15685}{15732}/The running's being made|by Future Proof,
{15733}{15799}/followed by Henley's A Washout|and Doodlebug Dreamer,
{15800}{15848}/while Atlantis Rising brings up the rear.
{15849}{15895}/As they head to the first fence,
{15896}{15982}/Future Proof is pulling away from|Henley's A Washout and Woggletok
{15983}{16096}/while the little fancied Atlantis Rising is|some way back and out of the running.
{16097}{16131}Useless. He's way back!
{16132}{16194}They haven't let him fly yet.|They haven't let him fly.
{16195}{16243}/...between himself and the field
{16245}{16308}/Atlantis Rising struggling way back
{16515}{16550}- Come on!|- Come on!
{16552}{16600}/... whip has had an immediate effect
{16601}{16668}/A sterling run from Atlantis Rising,
{16669}{16739}/moving up through the field|to join the front runners.
{16740}{16790}/Almost neck and neck|with Future Proof.
{16792}{16836}One more! One more!
{16837}{16875}Hit him harder!
{16876}{16941}/Coming up to the 2nd to last|They land neck and neck
{16956}{17004}/The favourite is pulling away again.
{17005}{17047}/Future Proof has pulled away
{17048}{17102}- Don't do that.|- Come on. Come on.
{17104}{17192}/Barring a miracle, it looks like|the favourite has won this race.
{17245}{17277}He's down!
{17278}{17325}- Future Proof's down!|- He's fallen,
{17326}{17419}/leaving a clear run now for the|50-1 outsider Atlantis Rising,
{17421}{17468}/who has taken the spoils.
{17621}{17669}We did it, man! We did it!
{17670}{17718}We did it. We did it.
{17719}{17800}They're not gonna put that|other horse to sleep, are they?
{17801}{17874}No. God, no, it's not the '60s.|They don't do that any more.
{17875}{17955}Come on, why don't we grab a drink|while they count our cash?
{20117}{20158}There we go.
{20256}{20304}Where's your luggage?
{20371}{20408}You're an idiot.
{20409}{20514}The book says there are 31 essentials|you should always have about you.
{20515}{20558}Money belt, passport, tickets, camera,
{20560}{20599}bug spray, sun cream, flashlight, string,
{20600}{20638}waterproof matches, lighter, tripod,
{20639}{20683}life jacket, compass, maps, spare string,
{20685}{20731}sleeping bag, ground sheet,|bivouac, jerry can,
{20733}{20780}first-aid kit, loo roll,|spade, strong string,
{20831}{20892}water pills, galoshes|and a personal flare.
{20955}{21003}- Got any string?|- Yeah.
{21004}{21052}Got plenty, actually.
{21053}{21100}That's very funny. Very good.
{21101}{21176}Fancy a tinny? A going-away present|from Captain Crab.
{21177}{21228}- That's nice.|- When I say present...
{21229}{21276}- You nicked them.|- I did.
{21277}{21325}No, I'll make one of my cocktails.
{21326}{21368}Not one of those things.
{21369}{21440}- I thought you said you liked them.|- Yeah, but they ...
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