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# Events for Venice
# written by Johan Andersson, Niklas Strid & Henrik Lohmander

namespace = flavor_ven
normal_or_historical_nations = yes

# The Veneto-Turkish Conflict
country_event = {
	id = flavor_ven.1
	title = "flavor_ven.EVTNAME1"
	desc = "flavor_ven.EVTDESC1"
	picture = BATTLE_eventPicture
	fire_only_once = yes
	trigger ={
		is_year = 1450
		NOT = { is_year = 1550 }
		tag = VEN
		151 = {
			owned_by = TUR
		358 = {
			owned_by = TUR
		TUR = { is_subject = no	}
		NOT = { alliance_with = TUR }
		NOT = { war_with = TUR }
	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 300

	option = {		# Demand Alexandria as compensation!
		name = "flavor_ven.EVTOPTA1"
		ai_chance = { factor = 90 }

		TUR = {
			country_event = { id = flavor_tur.3359 days = 10 tooltip = "flavor_ven.EVTTOOLTIP1" }
	option = {		# Accept their expansion
		name = "flavor_ven.EVTOPTB1"
		add_prestige = -10

# Compensation Denied
country_event = {
	id = flavor_ven.2
	title = "flavor_ven.EVTNAME2"
	desc = "flavor_ven.EVTDESC2"
	picture = DIPLOMACY_eventPicture
	is_triggered_only = yes
	option = {		# At least we now have a claim on it
		name = "flavor_ven.EVTOPTA2"

# Alexandria Aquired
country_event = {
	id = flavor_ven.3
	title = "flavor_ven.EVTNAME3"
	desc = "flavor_ven.EVTDESC3"
	picture = DIPLOMACY_eventPicture
	is_triggered_only = yes
	option = {		# Excellent
		name = "EXCELLENT"

# Control of Famagusta (from CYP event)
country_event = {
	id = flavor_ven.4
	title = flavor_ven.4.t
	desc = flavor_ven.4.d
	picture = DIPLOMACY_eventPicture
	is_triggered_only = yes
	option = {
		name = flavor_ven.4.a
		add_prestige = 5
		163 = {
			add_trade_modifier = {
				who = root
				duration = 7300
				power = 5
				key = control_of_famagusta

# Stratioti
country_event = {
	id = flavor_ven.5
	title = flavor_ven.5.t
	desc = flavor_ven.5.d
	picture = BATTLE_eventPicture
	fire_only_once = yes
	trigger ={
		tag = VEN
		NOT = { exists = BYZ }
		NOT = { is_year = 1550 }
		151 = {
			owned_by = TUR
		any_owned_province = {
			culture = greek
	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 100
	option = {		
		name = flavor_ven.5.a
		add_army_tradition = 10
		add_manpower = 10
		every_owned_province = {
			limit = {
				culture = greek
			add_base_manpower = 1

# Ottomans in Morea
country_event = {
	id = flavor_ven.6
	title = flavor_ven.6.t
	desc = flavor_ven.6.d
	picture = REVOLUTION_eventPicture
	fire_only_once = yes
	trigger ={
		tag = VEN
		NOT = { is_year = 1500 }
		145 = {
			owned_by = TUR
		1773 = {
			owned_by = TUR
	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 100

	option = {		
		name = flavor_ven.6.a
		ai_chance = { factor = 90 }

		TUR = {
			add_opinion = { who = ROOT modifier = ven_opinion_morean_confrontation }
		add_claim = 145
		add_claim = 1773
		hidden_effect = {
			TUR = {
				country_event = { id = flavor_ven.7 }
	option = {		
		name = flavor_ven.6.b
		1773 = {
			add_trade_modifier = {
				who = root
				duration = 7300
				power = -25
				key = ven_opinion_morean_confrontation
		add_prestige = -5
		add_republican_tradition = -5

#Ottoman response to .6
country_event = {
	id = flavor_ven.7
	title = flavor_ven.7.t
	desc = flavor_ven.7.d
	picture = REVOLUTION_eventPicture
	is_triggered_only = yes
	option = {		
		name = flavor_ven.7.a
		add_casus_belli = {
			target = VEN
			type = cb_insult
			months = 60

# Monte Vecchio & Monte Nuovo
country_event = {
	id = flavor_ven.8
	title = flavor_ven.8.t
	desc = flavor_ven.8.d
	picture = ECONOMY_eventPicture
	fire_only_once = yes
	trigger ={
		tag = VEN
		is_year = 1460
		NOT = { is_year = 1550 }
		num_of_loans = 1
	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 12
	option = {		
		name = flavor_ven.8.a
		ai_chance = { factor = 90 }
		add_country_modifier = {
			name = ven_monte_nuovo
			duration = 36500
	option = {		
		name = flavor_ven.8.b
		add_inflation = -2

# Dominican Inquistion
country_event = {
	id = flavor_ven.9
	title = flavor_ven.9.t
	desc = flavor_ven.9.d
	picture = POPE_PREACHING_eventPicture
	fire_only_once = yes
	trigger ={
		tag = VEN
		religion = catholic
		is_at_war = no
		NOT = { is_year = 1550 }
	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 300
	option = {		
		name = flavor_ven.9.a
		ai_chance = { factor = 90 }

		PAP = {
			add_opinion = { who = ROOT modifier = ven_venetian_first }
		add_country_modifier = {
			name = ven_venetian_first
			duration = -1
	option = {		
		name = flavor_ven.9.b
		PAP = {
			add_opinion = { who = ROOT modifier = ven_christian_first }
		add_country_modifier = {
			name = ven_christian_first
			duration = -1

# Arte dell'Abbaco
country_event = {
	id = flavor_ven.10
	title = flavor_ven.10.t
	desc = flavor_ven.10.d
	picture = ECONOMY_eventPicture

	fire_only_once = yes
	trigger ={
		tag = VEN
		is_year = 1475
		NOT = { is_year = 1500 }
	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 60
	option = {		
		name = flavor_ven.10.a	
		add_adm_power = 25
		add_dip_power = 25
		add_mil_power = 25

# Conflict with the Papacy
country_event = {
	id = flavor_ven.11
	title = flavor_ven.11.t
	desc = flavor_ven.11.d
	picture = POPE_PREACHING_eventPicture
	fire_only_once = yes
	trigger ={
		tag = VEN
		has_country_modifier = ven_venetian_first
		exists = PAP
		OR = { 
			owns = 114
			owns = 116
			owns = 119
			owns = 115
			owns = 117
	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 36
	option = {		
		name = flavor_ven.11.a
		ai_chance = { factor = 90 }
		add_prestige = -20
		PAP = { country_event = { id = flavor_ven.12 days = 2 tooltip = flavor_ven.11.12 } }
	option = {		
		name = flavor_ven.11.b
		remove_country_modifier = ven_venetian_first

# The Town of Sin
country_event = {
	id = flavor_ven.12
	title = flavor_ven.12.t
	desc = flavor_ven.12.d
	picture = POPE_PREACHING_eventPicture
	is_triggered_only = yes
	option = {		
		name = flavor_ven.12.a
		VEN = {
			every_owned_province = {
				add_claim = ROOT

#Spice Trade Threatened
country_event = {
	id = flavor_ven.13
	title = flavor_ven.13.t
	desc = flavor_ven.13.d
	picture = MERCHANTS_TALKING_eventPicture

	trigger = {
		tag = VEN
		exists = MAM
		exists = POR
		1331 = { # Gulf of Aden
			is_strongest_trade_power = POR
		358 = { # Alexandria
			is_strongest_trade_power = VEN
		358 = { owned_by = MAM }
		NOT = { is_rival = MAM }
		NOT = { war_with = MAM }
		MAM = { has_country_flag = MAM_POR_conflict }

	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 36
	option = {		
		name = flavor_ven.13.a
		ai_chance = { factor = 90 }
		add_dip_power = -25
		MAM = { country_event = { id = flavor_ven.14 days = 2 tooltip = flavor_ven.13.14 } }
		POR = {
			add_opinion = { who = ROOT modifier = ven_helping_mamelukes }
	option = {		
		name = flavor_ven.13.b
		add_prestige = -10

# Venice sends help
country_event = {
	id = flavor_ven.14
	title = flavor_ven.14.t
	desc = flavor_ven.14.d
	picture = MERCHANTS_TALKING_eventPicture
	is_triggered_only = yes
	option = {		
		name = flavor_ven.14.a
		1331 = {
			add_trade_modifier = {
				who = root
				duration = 3650
				power = 15
				key = venetian_help


# Ministers of the Waterways
country_event = {
	id = flavor_ven.15
	title = flavor_ven.15.t
	desc = flavor_ven.15.d
	picture = ADVISOR_eventPicture
	fire_only_once = yes
	trigger ={
		tag = VEN
		owns = 112
		government = republic
		is_year = 1500
		NOT = { is_year = 1550 }

	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 120
	option = {		
		name = flavor_ven.15.a
		112 = { 
			add_province_modifier = {
				name = "ven_ministers_of_waterways"
				duration = -1
		add_adm_power = -50
	option = {		
		name = flavor_ven.15.b
		ai_chance = { factor = 0 }
		add_prestige = -5

# The Ghetto of Venice	
country_event = {
	id = flavor_ven.16
	title = flavor_ven.16.t
	desc = flavor_ven.16.d
	picture = CITY_DEVELOPMENT_eventPicture

	fire_only_once = yes
	trigger ={
		tag = VEN
		has_country_modifier = ven_venetian_first
		is_year = 1500
		NOT = {
			is_year = 1600 
		owns = 112
	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 300
		modifier =  {
			factor = 0.25
			OR = {
				SPA = { has_country_flag = torquemada_expelled }
				CAS = { has_country_flag = torquemada_expelled }
	option = {		
		name = flavor_ven.16.a
		ai_chance = { factor = 90 }
		add_papal_influence = -10
		112 = {
			add_province_modifier = {
				name = venice_ghetto
				duration = -1
	option = {		
		name = flavor_ven.16.b
		add_papal_influence = 10
		add_stability_or_adm_power = yes

# Antonio Pigafetta
country_event = {
	id = flavor_ven.17	
	title = flavor_ven.17.t
	desc = flavor_ven.17.d
	picture = SHIP_SAILING_eventPicture	

	fire_only_once = yes
	trigger ={
		tag = VEN
		NOT = { has_idea = quest_for_the_new_world }
		exists = SPA
		SPA = {
			OR = {
				#around malacca
				has_discovered = 1360
				has_discovered = 1361
			OR = {
				#around philippines
				has_discovered = 1398
				has_discovered = 1395
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