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# Events for West African nations
# written by Rufus Tronde

namespace = west_african

# The Sultanate of [Country]
country_event = {
	id = west_african.1
	title = "west_african.1.t"
	desc = "west_african.1.d"
	picture = TUAREG_OTTOMAN_eventPicture

	trigger = {
		has_dlc = "Art of War"
		OR = {
			government = tribal_despotism
			government = tribal_kingdom
			government = tribal_federation
			#government = tribal_democracy
		NOT = { has_country_flag = sultanate_request_choice }
		legitimacy = 90
		stability = 3
		OR = {
			full_idea_group = economic_ideas
			full_idea_group = innovativeness_ideas
			full_idea_group = administrative_ideas
		religion_group = muslim
		151 = {
			owned_by = TUR
		TUR = {
			religion_group = muslim
			has_ruler_modifier = khalifah
			NOT = { war_with = ROOT }

	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 12

	immediate = {
		set_country_flag = sultanate_request_choice

	# Seek support from Caliph
	option = {
		name = "west_african.1.a"
		TUR = {
			country_event = { id = west_african.2 days = 30 }

	# Don't seek support
	option = {
		name = "west_african.1.b"
		add_prestige = 15

# A Sultan in [From.GetName]
country_event = {
	id = west_african.2
	title = "west_african.2.t"
	desc = "west_african.2.d"
	picture = TUAREG_OTTOMAN_eventPicture

	is_triggered_only = yes

	# Accept
	option = {
		name = "west_african.2.a"
		FROM = {
			country_event = { id = west_african.3 days = 30 }
			add_opinion = {
				who = ROOT
				modifier = approved_sultanate
		ai_chance = { 
			factor = 1
			modifier = {
				factor = 0
				NOT = {
					has_opinion = { who = ROOT value = 0 }

	# Decline
	option = {
		name = "west_african.2.b"
		FROM = {
			country_event = { id = west_african.4 days = 30 }
			add_opinion = {
				who = ROOT
				modifier = did_not_approve_sultanate

# Caliph Approves of Sultanate
country_event = {
	id = west_african.3
	title = "west_african.3.t"
	desc = "west_african.3.d"
	picture = TUAREG_OTTOMAN_eventPicture

	is_triggered_only = yes

	option = {
		name = "west_african.3.a"
		if = {
			limit = { government = tribal_despotism }
			change_government = despotic_monarchy
		if = {
			limit = { government = tribal_kingdom }
			change_government = feudal_monarchy
		if = {
			limit = { government = tribal_federation }
			change_government = feudal_monarchy
		#if = {
		#	limit = { government = tribal_democracy }
		#	change_government = oligarchic_republic
		if = {
			limit = {
				religious_unity = 0.75
				NOT = { religious_unity = 1.0 }
			add_stability = -1
		if = {
			limit = {
				religious_unity = 0.5
				NOT = { religious_unity = 0.75 }
			add_stability = -2
		if = {
			limit = {
				religious_unity = 0.25
				NOT = { religious_unity = 0.5 }
			add_stability = -3
		if = {
			limit = {
				religious_unity = 0.1
				NOT = { religious_unity = 0.25 }
			add_stability = -4
		if = {
			limit = {
				NOT = { religious_unity = 0.1 }
			add_stability = -5

# Caliph Disapproves of Sultanate
country_event = {
	id = west_african.4
	title = "west_african.4.t"
	desc = "west_african.4.d"
	picture = TUAREG_OTTOMAN_eventPicture

	is_triggered_only = yes

	option = {
		name = "west_african.4.a"
		add_prestige = -15

# People of the Desert
province_event = {
	id = west_african.5
	title = "west_african.5.t"
	desc = "west_african.5.d"
	picture = CAMEL_PATROL_eventPicture

	trigger = {
		has_dlc = "Art of War"
		is_capital = no
		owner = {
			capital_scope = { has_climate = arid }
			culture_group = sahelian
			primary_culture = ROOT
			is_tribal = yes
		any_neighbor_province = {
			culture = ROOT
			owner = {
				NOT = { accepted_culture = PREV }
			has_climate = arid
			NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
			NOT = { has_province_flag = desert_border_patrols }

	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 2400

	# Raid
	option = {
		name = "west_african.5.a"
		owner = { add_treasury = 50 }
		random_neighbor_province = {
			limit = {
				culture = ROOT
				has_climate = arid
				NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
			set_province_flag = raided_in_desert
			owner = {
				country_event = { id = west_african.6 days = 7 }
				tooltip = {
					add_casus_belli = {
						target = ROOT
						type = cb_insult
						months = 12

	# Don't raid
	option = {
		name = "west_african.5.b"
		owner = { add_adm_power = 20 }

# Desert Raiders
country_event = {
	id = west_african.6
	title = "west_african.6.t"
	desc = "west_african.6.d"
	picture = CAMEL_PATROL_eventPicture

	is_triggered_only = yes

	option = {
		name = "west_african.6.a"
		add_treasury = -50
		add_casus_belli = {
			target = FROM
			type = cb_insult
			months = 24

# A Safer Border
province_event = {
	id = west_african.7
	title = "west_african.7.t"
	desc = "west_african.7.d"
	picture = CAMEL_PATROL_eventPicture

	trigger = {
		has_dlc = "Art of War"
		has_province_flag = raided_in_desert
		is_capital = no
		any_neighbor_province = {
			owner = { is_tribal = yes }

	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 1200

	# Send troops to patrol
	option = {
		name = "west_african.7.a"
		owner = {
			add_manpower = -1
			add_treasury = -25
		set_province_flag = desert_border_patrols
		clr_province_flag = raided_in_desert

	# Send ruler to patrol
	option = {
		name = "west_african.7.b"
		trigger = {
			owner = { has_regency = no }
		owner = {
			add_prestige = 15
			add_adm_power = -25
		set_province_flag = desert_border_patrols
		clr_province_flag = raided_in_desert

	# Don't patrol
	option = {
		name = "west_african.7.c"
		add_local_autonomy = 20

# Wasteland to Some
country_event = {
	id = west_african.8
	title = "west_african.8.t"
	desc = "west_african.8.d"
	picture = DESERT_CARAVAN_eventPicture

	trigger = {
		has_dlc = "Art of War"
		culture_group = sahelian
		any_active_trade_node = {
			has_merchant = PREV
			NOT = {
				has_trade_modifier = {
					who = ROOT
					key = desert_traders
			any_trade_node_member_province = {
				is_wasteland = yes

	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 480

	# Use caravan routes for trade
	option = {
		name = "west_african.8.a"
		random_active_trade_node = {
			limit = {
				has_merchant = PREV
				NOT = {
					has_trade_modifier = {
						who = ROOT
						key = desert_traders
				any_trade_node_member_province = {
					is_wasteland = yes
			add_trade_modifier = {
				who = root
				duration = 3650
				power = 20
				key = desert_traders

	# Use desert as base for raids
	option = {
		name = "west_african.8.b"
		add_treasury = 50
		random_active_trade_node = {
			limit = {
				has_merchant = PREV
				NOT = {
					has_trade_modifier = {
						who = ROOT
						key = desert_traders
				any_trade_node_member_province = {
					is_wasteland = yes
			every_trade_node_member_country = {
				limit = { NOT = { tag = ROOT } }
				add_opinion = {
					who = ROOT
					modifier = raided_in_wastelands

# Idolatry or Reverence?
province_event = {
	id = west_african.9
	title = "west_african.9.t"
	desc = "west_african.9.d"
	picture = CHRISTIAN_ANIMIST_ALTAR_eventPicture

	trigger = {
		has_dlc = "Art of War"
		has_missionary = yes
		religion = shamanism
		owner = { religion_group = christian }

	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 1200

	# Their fate is pure
	option = {
		name = "west_african.9.a"
		owner = {
			add_country_modifier = {
				name = "animist_syncretism"
				duration = 7300

	# Root out the heathens
	option = {
		name = "west_african.9.b"
		add_province_modifier = {
			name = "dogmatic_preacher"
			duration = 3650

# God of the Sky
country_event = {
	id = west_african.10
	title = "west_african.10.t"
	desc = "west_african.10.d"
	picture = CHRISTIAN_ANIMIST_ALTAR_eventPicture

	trigger = {
		has_dlc = "Art of War"
		religion = shamanism
		any_neighbor_country = {
			religion = catholic
		NOT = { has_country_modifier = animist_syncretism }

	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 1200

	# Reject syncretism
	option = {
		name = "west_african.10.a"
		random_neighbor_country = {
			limit = { religion = catholic }
			add_opinion = {
				who = ROOT
				modifier = renounced_our_faith

	# Embrace syncretism
	option = {
		name = "west_african.10.b"
		add_country_modifier = {
			name = "animist_syncretism"
			duration = 7300
		random_owned_province = {
			limit = {
				any_neighbor_province = {
					owner = { religion = catholic }
				religion = shamanism
				NOT = { has_province_modifier = religious_center }
			change_religion = catholic

# Tradition or Haram?
province_event = {
	id = west_african.11
	title = "west_african.11.t"
	desc = "west_african.11.d"
	picture = MUSLIM_ANIMIST_ALTAR_eventPicture

	trigger = {
		has_dlc = "Art of War"
		has_missionary = yes
		religion = shamanism
		owner = { religion_group = muslim }

	mean_time_to_happen = {
		months = 1200

	# Respect their practices
	option = {
		name = "west_african.11.a"
		owner = {
			add_country_modifier = {
				name = "animist_syncretism"
				duration = 7...
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