
(6 KB) Pobierz
tutorial = {
	index = 4
	category = 1
	buttonText = "TUT_BAS_CHAPTER04_BUTTON"
	country = ENG
	window = "hints_window"	# default window
	moveable = yes
	save_game = "eu4_tutorial_chapter4.eu4"
	page = {
		index = 1
		title = "TUT_BAS_CHAPTER04_PAGE01_TITLE" # Declare War
		disabled_gui_object = { f_button_1 }
		disabled_gui_object = { f_button_2 }
		disabled_gui_object = { unitpanel disbandbutton }
		effect = { # This page's effects on the world
			ai = no
			goto = 236 #London
			pauseable = yes
			pause = yes
			add_treasury = 500
			speed = 3
			LEI = {				
				add_country_modifier = {
					name = tutorial_negative_modifier
					duration = -1
			add_country_modifier = {
				name = tutorial_modifier
				duration = -1
			country_event = {
				id = tutorial.6
			direction_pointer = {
				enable = yes
				target = 374
			province_highlight = {
				enable = yes
				target = 374
			ENG = {
				add_core = 374
		leave_page_effect = {
			direction_pointer = { enable = no }
			province_highlight = { enable = no }
		#extra_window = {
		#	window = "dummy-ul"
		#	sprite = "GFX_uiarrow_right"
		#	position = {
		#		x = 230
		#		y = 347
		#	}
		#connected_icons = { dummy-ul countrydiplomacyview button_homecountry }	
		trigger = { 
			war_with = LEI
		option = {
			button = "TutorialPageButtonOption"
			text = "TUT_MENU"
			action = "close"
			tooltip = "TUT_MENU_TOOLTIP"
			position = {
				x = 7 #10
				y = 338
		option = {
			name = "hint_minimise"
			text = "MINIMISE"
			action = "minimize"
			tooltip = "TUT_BAS_CLOSE_TOOLTIP"
	page = {
		index = 2
		title = "TUT_BAS_CHAPTER04_PAGE02_TITLE" # War against Leinster
		disabled_gui_object = { f_button_1 }
		disabled_gui_object = { f_button_2 }
		disabled_gui_object = { unitpanel disbandbutton }
		effect = { # This page's effects on the world
			ai = no
			goto = 374 # Leinster
			pauseable = yes
			pause = yes
			#mapmode = "political"
			#close_window = "all"
			direction_pointer = {
				enable = yes
				target = 374
			province_highlight = {
				enable = yes
				target = 374
		leave_page_effect = {
			direction_pointer = { enable = no }
			province_highlight = { enable = no }
		trigger = {
			page = 3
			war_score = 100
		trigger = {
			page = 4
			ENG = { truce_with = LEI }
		option = {
			button = "TutorialPageButtonOption"
			text = "TUT_MENU"
			action = "close"
			tooltip = "TUT_MENU_TOOLTIP"
			position = {
				x = 7 #10
				y = 338
		option = {
			name = "hint_minimise"
			text = "MINIMISE"
			action = "minimize"
			tooltip = "TUT_BAS_CLOSE_TOOLTIP"
	page = {
		index = 3
		title = "TUT_BAS_CHAPTER04_PAGE03_TITLE" # Sue for peace
		disabled_gui_object = { f_button_1 }
		disabled_gui_object = { f_button_2 }
		disabled_gui_object = { unitpanel disbandbutton }
		effect = { # This page's effects on the world
			pauseable = no
			pause = yes
			ai = no
			direction_pointer = {
				enable = yes
				target = 374
			province_highlight = {
				enable = yes
				target = 374
		leave_page_effect = {
			direction_pointer = { enable = no }
			province_highlight = { enable = no }
		trigger = {
			page = 4
			ENG = { truce_with = LEI }
		trigger = { 
			page = 4
			NOT = { exists = LEIT }
		option = {
			button = "TutorialPageButtonOption"
			text = "TUT_MENU"
			action = "close"
			tooltip = "TUT_MENU_TOOLTIP"
			position = {
				x = 7 #10
				y = 338
		option = {
			name = "hint_minimise"
			text = "MINIMISE"
			action = "minimize"
			tooltip = "TUT_BAS_CLOSE_TOOLTIP"
	page = {
		index = 4
		title = "TUT_BAS_CHAPTER04_PAGE04_TITLE" # Truce with Leinster
		disabled_gui_object = { f_button_1 }
		disabled_gui_object = { f_button_2 }
		disabled_gui_object = { unitpanel disbandbutton }
		#extra_window = {
		#	window = "dummy-ul"
		#	sprite = "GFX_uiarrow_up"
		#	position = {
		#		x = 215
		#		y = 140
		#	}
		effect = { # This page's effects on the world
			pauseable = no
			pause = yes
			ai = no
		option = {
			button = "TutorialPageButtonOption"
			text = "TUT_NEXT"
			action = "continue"
			tooltip = "TUT_NEXT_TOOLTIP"
			position = {
				x = 183 #180
				y = 338
		option = {
			button = "TutorialPageButtonOption"
			text = "TUT_MENU"
			action = "close"
			tooltip = "TUT_MENU_TOOLTIP"
			position = {
				x = 7 #10
				y = 338
		option = {
			name = "hint_minimise"
			text = "MINIMISE"
			action = "minimize"
			tooltip = "TUT_BAS_CLOSE_TOOLTIP"
	page = {
		index = 5
		title = "TUT_BAS_CHAPTER04_PAGE05_TITLE" # The End... or the beginning?
		disabled_gui_object = { f_button_1 }
		disabled_gui_object = { f_button_2 }
		disabled_gui_object = { unitpanel disbandbutton }

		effect = { # This page's effects on the world
			pauseable = no
			pause = yes
			close_window = "all"
			ai = no
		trigger = { #prevent tutorial from automatically skipping to next page
			NOT = { ai = no }
		option = {
			button = "TutorialPageButtonOption"
			text = "TUT_MENU"
			action = "close"
			tooltip = "TUT_MENU_TOOLTIP"
			position = {
				x = 7 #10
				y = 338
		option = {
			name = "hint_minimise"
			text = "MINIMISE"
			action = "minimize"
			tooltip = "TUT_BAS_CLOSE_TOOLTIP"
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