919 - Chickasaw.txt

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#919 - Chickasaw

owner = CHI
controller = CHI
culture = chickasaw
religion = totemism
capital = "Chickasaw"
trade_goods = grain
hre = no
base_tax = 2 
base_production = 2
base_manpower = 1
is_city = yes
add_core = CHI
native_size = 20
native_ferocity = 8
native_hostileness = 2

discovered_by = north_american

1540.1.1 = { discovered_by = SPA } # Hernando De Soto
1670.1.1 = { discovered_by = FRA } # Robert Cavelier de La Salle

1786.1.10= {
	owner = USA
	controller = USA
	add_core = USA
	culture = american
	religion = protestant
} #Treaty of Hopewell (with the Chickasaw), come under US authority
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