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~~ Gaza News from Good Jews, Not from Zionist Racists ~~
The ideology of Zionism has been declared by the United Nations
as "racism." Zionism is akin to Nazi Aryanism, because its basic
tenet is that "the difference between a Jew and a Gentile is as
great as the difference between a human being and an animal."
That is a direct quote from the late great Dr. Israel Shahak,
in a speech, the transcript of which was published in Britain back
in the 1990s. I have that publication and will post it. Israel Shahak
and his parents were imprisoned in one of Hitler's death camps, so
when he emigrated to the new State of Israel, he was appalled to
see nazi-like conditions prevailing there.
There are many good Jews like Israel Shahak. Danny Gold, of
VICE NEWS is one such good Jew who has compassion, so much so
that he risked his life to show the world the wholesale atrocities
being committed by these Zionist, racist fiends. His hope, and mine,
is that you will spread his news to others. Hatred and murder is of
the spirit of Satan. Compassion and conscience is of the Spirit of God.
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