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Gerald Celente overturns the Beck lie that blames Russia and
China for the coming economic collapse. The criminal banksters
created the Great Depression. That's common knowledge. Banksters
always create economic booms and busts. So, when the banksters
are about to collapse the economy, they have high visibility stooges
like Glenn Beck divert the angry mobs away from the banksters.
Glenn Beck is an obvious stooge for the international criminal
banksters. We all must out Glenn Beck and show the millions of
libertarians, whom he is back-stabbing, that although he curries
our favor on constitutionality, he covers the butts of the criminal
banksters whom we all know are raping and pillaging our economy.
This big Beck lie is timed to divert public outrage away from the
criminal banksters and toward Russia and China, who are enemies
of freedom, but who are verifiably *not* the culprits in this coming
bankster-plotted economic crash. JD
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