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Praise for
Trend-Driven Innovation
“If you’re an innovator, designer, entrepreneur or in need of one,
read this book. It is entertaining and pathologically precise, and
unveils a simple and elegant system for spotting early trends that
may reshape our business, community and life.”
Lisa Gansky
Entrepreneur; Author of
The Mesh
“This book is a highly contemporary insight into how the world is
changing that goes beyond the obvious and anticipated. Leaders
who are focused on delivering what people will want should pay
these insights great attention now.”
David Bartlett
— Chairman, Future Industries Fund Advisory Council; Former Premier of Tasmania
“Some of the smartest thinking about the swiftest way to get
the answers to what drives consumers in the hypercompetitive,
hyperconnected era where the customer isn’t just always right, they
are ahead of the commercial producer almost every time.”
Julia Hobsbawm
— Founder, Editorial Intelligence; Honorary Visiting Professor in Networking, Cass
Business School, London
“As an entrepreneur, you intuitively ‘get’ the trend you’re riding.
But as you scale you need to understand how to deal with the next
wave of trends too.
Trend-Driven Innovation
is a practical guide that
we’re using to do just that.”
Cassandra Stavrou
— Founder, Propercorn
“I normally never promote someone else’s business book—but
this book I could not turn away—the subject is so current and
so relevant—and the writing so captivating I inished it on one
business trip. Read it.”
Fredrik Härén
— Author of
The Idea Book,
one of “The 100 Best Business Books of All Time”
“Being CEO of a leading sharing economy startup, people often ask
me how they can spot the next big trend.
Trend-Driven Innovation
gives me insights, language and tools to explain how to do that.”
Alex Stephany
— CEO, JustPark
“A book to keep on the desk at all times; a constant reminder that
trends are all around us, and a guide to inspiring fresh thinking and
realizing your own innovative future.”
Mark Haviland
— Managing Director, Rakuten Marketing Europe
“While there is no crystal ball,
Trend-Driven Innovation
acts like a
lighthouse to steer your ships to a safer business destination. Be
brave and set sail!”
Nicola Belli
— Front End Consumer and Product Innovation Director, Sailo Spa
“Very thorough, hands-on perspective on the translation of trends
into business opportunities.”
Jakob Sutmuller
— Author of
Serious Concepting;
Senior Lecturer at Fontys Academy for Creative
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