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                          Q*BERT III DOCS
                   TYPED BY BlueWater Of MAGiCAL

Just when you thought it was safe to go hopping around on a pyramid...!
Q*BERT 3 takes the classic Q*BERT arcade game theme to new heights, with an
amazing variety of eye-popping, multi-screen worlds. You control Q*BERT as
he tries to clear screen after screen while being chased by a wild bunch of
crafty characters. You'll encounter the old familliar cast, along with a
whole universe of new enemies, obstacles and items. And in Q*BERT 3,
Q*BERT's classic pyramid is only one of over 100 differently-shaped
playfields. You'll find level after level of new and unique challenges!

Put the Q*BERT 3 Game Pak in the Super NES and turn the power on. When the
TITLE SCREEN appears, select either 1 PLAYER START, 2 PLAYER START, or
OPTIONS by moving the control Pad up and down; then press START.

From the OPTIONS screen, you can select certain game options. Move the
blinking Q*BERT cursor up and down with the Control Pad to select which
option you want to set; then move the blinking cursor left and right with
the Control Pad to select the setting of each option. The options are:

                        Music On/Off
Turns the music during the game on or off, leaving the sounds
on (On default.)
Plays the music in stereo or mono depending on how your TV is
hooked up. (Mono by default.)
                      Backgrounds On/Off
Turns off the colorful background behind Q*BERT during
gameplay. (On default.)
Select the button presses required to make Q*BERT jump around the
board. Choose one of the four different ways to hold the Super NES Control
Pad, whichever is most comfortable to use. The diagram on the screen shows
which buttons are used to make Q*BERT jump in each direction.

Press START from the OPTIONS screen to return to the TITLE screen.

You control Q*BERT as he hops surface to surface on a stack of cubes.
Hopping on a surface changes its color. Stay on the board! Hopping off the
board results in a disastrous plummet! To finish a round, you must make all
of the surfaces of the stack of cubes match a target color. Once a round has
been finished, Q*BERT goes on to a new round, with a different shaped board.
Sounds easy? At first, it is, because Q*BERT needs only to land on each cube
at least once to make it reach the target color. But after every four
rounds, a new level starts, and the rules change! In level 2, Q*BERT must
land on each cube at least twice to make it reach the target color. In level
5, he must land on each cube exactly once (landing on it again changes it
back from the target color). In level 6,exactly twice! and after that...!
                         Pausing the Game/
                         Playfield Overview
Press the START button during the game play to pause the game. When you
pausedthe game, an overview of the entire board will appear, showing you
where Q*BERT is; which squares still need to be changes to the target
color;and the location of the remaining disks. Press START again to resume

Q*BERT starts the game with lives. Q*BERT is awarded an extra life at 5,000
points, and another extra like after each subsequent 15,000 points.
                              Game Over
The game is over when Q*BERT runs out of lives. If your score is one of the
8 highest, you are invited to enter your name onto the High Score list.
Select the letter by pressing up and down on the Control Pad;move on to the
next letter by pressing right and left on the Control Pad; when finished,
press START.
When the game is over, you will be invited to CONTINUE playing at the
beginning of the level most recently started (your score is reset to 0); or
you may elect to END the game, and start from scratch (to try to maximize
your own score). Select either CONTINUE or END by pressing right or left on
the Control Pad, and press START.

All the while, Q*BERT must avoid and/or thwart a variety of characters
jumping around the board with him. These enemies may inadvertently conk him
on the head; may chase him relentlessly (or accidentally!); or may change
the color Q*BERT set them to!
                     Enemies Q*BERT Must Avoid
BAD BALL(RED)-Falls from top to bottom.
COILY BALL(PURPLE)-Falls from top to bottom;when it reaches the bottom, it
turns into Coily.
COILY(SNAKE)-Chases Q*BERT anywhere he goes on the board.
UGG & WRONG-WAY(RED GUYS)-These guys live in another dimension, where the sides of the
cubes are the surfaces, and they fall "accross" the board- but Q*BERT must
avoid then all the same.
LEFTY & RIGHTY-Traverse the board in left and right circles.
FROGG-Chases Q*BERT anywhere he goes on the board.
TOP HAT & DERBY-Jump in fixed positions.
BEACON-Shoots fast red mini-balls.
                       Characters Q*BERT Can Catch
SAM & SLICK (GREEN GUYS)- Fall from top to bottom, changing the clor of the
cubes they land on.

                          Freeze Ball
Catching the Freeze Ball cause all the other characters on the board to
freeze while Q*BERT safely hop wherever he wants.
Catch Apples, Cherries and Strawberries for extra points.
                         Flying Disks
Q*BERT must stay on the board, but he can jump off the board onto a Disk,
which will float Q*BERT to a spot somewhere on the board. After they are
used, Disks go away.
                        Permanent Disks
Some Disks can be re-used again and again to get from place to place.

Hint:Lure Coily to his demise by hopping onto a disk while Coily is
following Q*BERT! When this happens, most of the other characters are
whisked off the board, giving Q*BERT precious moments to hop unhindered by
his foes.

Q*BERT is given 15 points for each square he jumps on, or 25 points for
making the square change to the target color. Other points are awards for:
FREEZE BALL - 100 points when caught.
SAM & SLICK - 300 points when caught.
COILY - 500 points for luring Coily into jumping off the board.
STRAWBERRY - 500 points.
APPLE - 1000 points.
CHERRIES - 2500 points.
BONUS POINTS are awarded when Q*BERT finishes a round. The first round gives
Q*BERT 750 points; on each subsequent round, the bonus increases by 250
points, to a maximum of 5000 points!

          Call The MAGiCAL Boards At The Following Numbers

      THE NETWORK    (WHQ)   -   +31-2550-31623
      SPLATTER HOUSE (UKHQ)  -   +44-707-874-852
      DATA CAFE      (DHQ)   -   +31-4132-52751
      SADO CITY      (GHQ)   -   +49-711-567110


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