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                     Rival Turf! from Jaleco Software.


Downtown at the police station, a telephone rings...

"Hey, Oozie!  It's Jack.  Listen buddy, I'm in big trouble.  We gotta do

something fast.  Heather's been missing for two whole days and I think Big

Al's got her.  Yeah, kidnapped.  No, she's not at the mall -- don't you

think I checked there first?  I know you're onto Big Al...  We gotta find

this guy before something happens to Heather.  O.K., dude, I'm on my way."

You're probably wondering what going' on, so I'll fill you in.  Heather's

my old girlfriend, see, and she's been kidnapped by Big Al and the Street

Kings.  Yeah, I know it kinda sounds like a 50's rock band, but trust me --

these guys are major bad news, dude.  They beat up on old ladies, steal

lunch money from kind...  my little sister can't even ride the bus to

school anymore.  They're taking over city, so Oozie and me are doin'

everything we can to stop 'em.  That's my buddy Oozie Nelson.  Oozie's a

cop.  His real name's Oswald, but all the guys call him "Oozie" for short.

Oh yeah, by the way, my name is Jack -- Jack Flak.

Anyway, like I was saying', Oozie and me have been tryin' to run these scum

out of town for good.  Trouble is, we haven't been able to get to their

boss, Big Al.  Oozie's been hangin' out on the streets, and he's heard a

rumor that Al's got a secret hideout south of the border.  His thugs keep it

under guard day and night, but that's not gonna stop us -- me 'n Oozie are

gonna find that slimeball and rescue Heather if it's the last thing we do.

Well, I gotta get down to the police station -- Oozie's waiting for me.

We're heading over to the Sports Stadium first -- That's where a lot of the

Street Kings hang out.  Oozie thinks we might be able to, uh, persuade a

couple of 'em to help us find Big Al.  You wanna go?  O.K., kid, c'mon...

I got a feeling we're gonna need all the help we can get.


Are you ready to rid the city of the evil influences of Big Al and his gang

of menacing maniacs, the Street Kings?  Looking for some body slammin',

gut wrenchin' action?  If so you won't be disappointed when you hit the

streets of Rival Turf -- a fast paced, fist flying adventure starring two

darring defenders and a horde of no-good, down and dirty scum.  Rival Turf

includes six demanding stages, each with two or more separate scenes for a

total of 18 action-packed arenas.  Fight Big Al's thugs on the streets, in

buses, at the stadium, on rooftops, even in the jungle.  These guys are

everywhere, and they don't let up!

The heros of Rival Turf are Jack Flak and his trusty friend, "Oozie"

Nelson.  Choose your character, then go it alone or play with a partner as

you defy the forces of decadence and destruction -- a second player can

join in at any time.  Punch, kick, and slam your opponents before they do

the same to you -- or worse.  Scavenge for goodies like baked chicken and

hot dogs to restore your strength.  Pick up weapons along the way --

knives, wrenches, baseball bats and hand grenades can give you a definite

advantage over the competition.  Each character has seven different, deadly

moves, from body slams and uppercuts to leg sweeps and pile drivers.  Take

advantage of "Angry Mode" to do some serious damage -- you're fighting mad

to begin with, but when you really get angry nothing's going to stop you!

Each player begins the game with five lives.  When you loose your last

life, you can start over or continue the game up to eight times.  Fight the

Big Boss at the end of each stage to advance to the next location.  If you

make it to the end of Stage 6, get ready for the ultimate challenge -- the

showdown with Big Al himself.  Tired of fighting the forces of evil?  Then

take a timeout and grapple with your partner in a no-holds-barred,

head-to-head contest where skill and ruthlessness will decide the winner.

Awesome 3-d graphics and brutal sound effects put you right into the

action, from the first scene to the final furious confrontation.  So roll

up your sleeves and get ready for an all-out assault on the Street Kings

and their belligerent boss.  If you're looking for non-stop action and

power-packed excitement, you've come to the right place...  Rival Turf.


     1.  Place the Rival Turf Game Pack into your Super NES? and turn on

         the unit

     2.  The title screen appears.

     3.  Press START to begin the game.

     4.  The menu screen appears.  Use the Control Pad to select an option,

         then press any button to begin.  Rival Turf includes three play

         modes: 1 Player, 2 Player, and Player versus Player (VS on the

         menu screen).


One Player Game

Choose 1 Player from the menu screen.  When the "Select Player" screen

appears, use the Control Pad on Controller 1 choose either Jack Flak or

Oozie Nelson.  Press any button to begin the game.  A second player may

join a One Player game at any time simply by pressing START on Controller

2.  See the "ON-SCREEN DISPLAYS" section for more information about joining

a One Player game

Two Player Game

Choose 2 Players from the menu screen.  When the Select Player" screen

appears, you will see a red icon for Controller 1 and a blue icon for

Controller 2.  Each player uses the Control Pad on his or her Controller to

select a character, press any button to confirm your selection (the icon

will start to flash.)  The game begins when both players have pressed a

button to confirm their selection.

If both players choose the same character, you will be able to tell them

apart by the color of their jackets:  red for Controller 1, blue for

Controller 2.  A second player may join a  One Player game at any time simply

 by pressing START on Controller 2.  See the "ON-SCREEN DISPLAYS" section

 for more information about joining a One Player game

Player Versus Player

Choose VS from the menu screen.  When the "Select Player" screen appears,

choose your characters as instructed above for a Two Player Game.  Confront

your opponent in three rounds of head-to-head competition against a

dazzling backdrop -- Mt. Fugi erupting in all it's firey splender.  The

first player to win two rounds is the champion.

Player movements and screen displays are identical to those in a regular

game, with one exception although the character icons for both players

display Angry Mode when they are under heavy attack, it does not affect

their performance or protect them from their opponent's blows.

The Config Mode Screen

Choose OPTION on the menu screen to display the Config Mode screen.

Press Up or Down on the Control Pad to select an option, then press Left or

Right on the Control Pad (or use the A Button and the B Button) to change

the selected option.  When you have finished choosing your options, press

START to return to the menu screen.

Music On/Off   Turns music on or off during the game

               (the default is ON)


Sampler        Plays 10 musical selections from the game.  Choose an option

               from 0 to 9, then press the Y Button to play that musical

               selection.  Press X Button to turn off the music. Note: The

               music option above must be ON in order to head the music

Sound Mode     Choose stereo or mono sound (the default is STEREO)

Sound FX

Sampler        Plays 26 sound effects from the game.  Choose a sound

               effect, then press the Y Button to play that effect.  Press

               the X Button to turn off continuous sound effects.

2Play Hit      Turn this option off or on.  When this option is on, you can

               attack or steal from your partner in a Two Player game.  The

               default is ON.  Now remember, play nice!

Angry Mode     Turn this option off or on.  When this option is on. Your

               character will switch to Angry Mode when he has been under

               heavy attack from the enemy.  You are more powerful in Angry

               Mode and cannot be attacked by an opponent.  Turning this

               option OFF will make the game more challenging.  The default

               is ON.


Controls       You may change the controls for Run, Jump, Normal Attack

               and Special Attack.  If you choose the same button for two

               controls you will not be able to exit the Config Mode

               screen.  Controls for both players are chosen with

               Controller 1.  The default controls are:

                     RUN     LR        NORMAL ATTACK     Y

                     JUMP    B         SPECIAL ATTACK    A


Each character has his own distinct set of moves, described below.  To

pause the game during play, press START on Controller 1.

Jack Flak

Move                                    Attack

WALK LEFT OR RIGHT                      PUNCH          Y Button

Left or Right on the Control Pad        FLYING KICK    Y Button while

WALK UP OR DOWN                                        jumping and flipping

Up or Down on the Control Pad           SLIDING KICK   Y Button while

JUMP                                                   dashing left or right

B Button


Left or Right on the Control Pad + B Button


Left on the Control Pad + L or R Button


Right on the Control Pad + L or R Button

Close Range Attack

You can perform certain moves when your character makes body contact with

an enemy (which isn't always easy!).  To perform each of these moves, you

must first grab your enemy by moving in very close.


Y Button


Left or Right on the Control Pad + Y Button


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