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                     Super Battletank: War in the Gulf
                           Commander's Directive

Table of Contents

Title Page......................................................1
Nintendo Seal of Quaility Page..................................2
Table of Contents...............................................3
Powering Up.....................................................5
Controlling the M1A1............................................6
Receiving Mission Orders........................................7
The Battle Screen...............................................8
     The Instrument Panel.......................................8
The Radar Maps.................................................10
     Long-range Radar Map......................................10
     Short-range Radar Map.....................................10
     7.62mm Machine Guns.......................................11
     120mm Cannons.............................................11
     Laser-guided Shells.......................................12
     Smoke Screen..............................................12
Allied Bases...................................................13
     Damage and Repair.........................................13
Fortified Enemy Strongholds....................................14
     Stronghold Assault Strategy...............................15
Mission Completion.............................................16

                                 <Page 3>
                          COMMUNIQUE TO ALL M1A1
                           BATTLETANK COMMANDERS

As you know, the Persian Gulf air war has been underway for some time now,
and we have been completely successful in all aspects of that campaign.

While we have previously been unable to confirm the necessity of launching
a ground attack, we have certainly been prepared to commence such action
for the past several months.

It is my duty to inform you at this time that the decision to go ahead with
the ground war has been made.  We have received orders from the president
authorizing immediate troop movements into Kuwait.

On behalf of all the Allies and the American people, the president extends
his appreciation to you and your men for training so diligently and waiting
so patiently these last few months.  You have earned his respect and
complete confidence.

As for myself, I know you will perform brilliantly.

                                 <Page 4>

"I just want everybody to know that we have a toolbox that's full of tools
and I brought them all to the party"-General Colin Powell, Chairman, Chiefs
of Staff

M1A1 Abrams Battletank

Weight: 63 Tons
Measurement: 20 ft long, 11.8 ft wide, 7.8 ft high
Primary Weaponry: 120mm M-68E1 smoothbore cannon, firing M-728 armor-piercing
                  shells at a range of 2.5 miles
Secondary Weaponry: 7.62mm M-240 machine guns
Engine: 1,500 hp gas turbine
Top Speed: 42 mph
Maximum Range at Top Fuel Capacity: 288 miles
Number of Units Deployed to Persian Gulf: 1,900


1. Make sure the power switch is OFF.
2. Insert the Super Battletank: War in the Gulf" Game pack as described in
3. Turn the power switch ON.
To Start: Push the START BUTTON on the game controller.

                                 <Page 5>

To Steer Tank-Press the TOP RIGHT or TOP LEFT BUTTONS.
To Increase Speed-Hold down BUTTON X.
To Decrease Speed-Hold down BUTTON Y.
To reverse Direction- Hold down BUTTON Y when stopped.
To View Long-Range Map-Press BUTTON B.
To Select a New Weapon-Press SELECT.
To Fire a Weapon-Press BUTTON A.
To Lower Cannon or Weapons Sight-Press the UP ARROW.
To Raise Cannon or Weapons Sight-Press the DOWN ARROW.
To Pause/Unpause-Press START.

                                 <Page 6>

After a short briefing by the commander of the Allied Forces, you will be
given your mission orders along with the current time and present location.
Each mission assigns to your M1A1 a number of enemy objects that must be
located and destroyed (see that Long-range Radar Map icons on page 10 for
complete listing of enemy targets).

Expect a total of 10 missions in this campaign that will increase difficulty
and vary as to time of day.  The number of enemy encounters will
progressively rise, and combat will become more intense.  Missions 3-10 are
expected to culminate with assists in heavy-fortified Enemy Strongholds; See
page 14 for more information.

if your have previously familiarized yourself with your orders, you may
bypass this screen by pressing START or BUTTON A.

                                 <Page 7>

This is the view from which you will deploy your weapons and actively
engage the enemy.  All tank commanders are expected to have spent the
requisite number of hours in battle station training, as stipulated by the
Allied Forces commander.  Combat participation without a complete
understanding of the following section is strongly discouraged.

          |                                                           |
          |                                                           |
          |                     {Battle Screen}                       |
          |                                                           |
          |                                                           |
          |                                                           |
          |                  |-Message Center                         |
          |          =======================================          |
          |                              ------------- -------------  |
          |------- -------               |G-Gun Angle| |           |  |
          ||     | |     |               |R-Range    | |Short-range|  |
          ||     | |Speed|               |M-Mission #| |Radar Map  |  |
          |------- -------               |E-# Targets| |           |  |
          ||     | |     |               ------------- -------------  |
          ||     | |Fuel |  Weapon Status O                           |
          |------- -------  Indicators    O       =================== |
          |                               O         |  O 7.62mm  150  |
                                              |                   |-Shots
                                              |                      Remaining
                                              |-Damage Control

The Instrument Panel

The M1A1's fully-instrumented drivers station provides direct access to all
computerized weaponry and guidance systems.

Following is a brief overview of instrumentation function.  For detailed
explanations of each feature, consult the appropriate sections contained
in this document.

                                 <Page 8>
Message Center: Relays crucial information, such as equipment status, mine
                field approach warnings, communications from headquarters,
                and your score.

Gun Angle: The precise angle to which the 120mm cannon turret is raised or
           lowered at any given time [range from 0 = straight ahead,
           through 10 = fully raised].

Range: The distance, in meters, of the sighted enemy from your tank.  This
       information can only be provided when a weapons sight has targeted
       either a mobile or stationary enemy.

Mission Number: Numbered 1-10.

Enemy Targets Remaining: This is the number of enemies still active and in
                         operation that must be destroyed in order to
                         complete a mission.

Short-range Radar Map: Shows the location of the enemy relative to your tank.

Damage Indicator Lights: Each light registers a significant hit your tank
                         has sustained from the enemy.  The M1A1 is capable
                         of tolerating a maximum of 5 hits.  On the sixth hit,
                         your mission will be reported as failed.

Speedometer: The needle moves clockwise as your speed increases, and
             counterclockwise as your speed decreases.  When your tank is in
             reverse, the needle moves counterclockwise past the zero point.

Fuel Gauge: When the needle is positioned all the way to the right, you are
            fueled to capacity.  As you burn up fuel, the needle moves to the

Weapons: When a particular weapon has been selected for use, its status
         indicator will be illuminated.

Weapons Status Indicator: Indicates the condition of the weapon in use.
                          Green light = OK to engage.
                          Red Light = System out; Unavailable.
                          Blinking green light = reloading or overheating.

Shots remaining: The amount of ammunition available for a particular weapon.

                                 <Page 9>

The M1A1 comes equipped with advanced Nav-Star uplink navagational systems
that will maximize your effectiveness in combat.  Use these instruments in
the following sequence:

1. Long-range Radar Map
The Long-range Radar Map enables you to quickly and efficiently locate
mobile and stati...
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