Bookworms Level Starter_Test 2.pdf

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Bookworms Level Test 2
Choose the best answer.
Every day lots of different people come to Happy Hills because there are lots of exciting things to do.
Sally Brown (1)
walks / waits / works / wants
at Happy Hills in her holiday. (2)
She / It / Her / Hers
is a
student and she wants (3)
for / to / at / of
be a teacher.
‘I need the (4)
money / car / house / clothes,’
she tells her family, ‘and it’s (5)
an / a / the / that
job.’ But she is always (6)
much / more / such / very
tired in the evening.
The workers (7)
on / at / to / with
Happy Hills arrive early in the (8)
work / time / morning / night.
all wear clean green trousers (9)
also / but / so / and
yellow shirts. They must smile a (10)
lot / lots / not / little
and be nice to all the (11)
schools / cars / clothes / visitors.
Every morning Mr Parry puts a (12)
email / list / paper / letter
Jobs for Today
in the (13)
workers’ / Sally’s
/ Mr Parry’s / family’s
canteen. Mr Parry wears different clothes. (14)
Her / Our / Their / His
shirt is green and
his trousers (15)
are / is / was / am
white, and he wears a red (16)
shoes / coat / trousers / bag
I’m Ken
Parry. Can I
play / see / help / talk
on his pocket. The visitors (18)
name / call / tell / say
him Ken,
but all the workers (19)
name / call / tell / say
him Mr Parry.
Today Sally arrives (20)
of / to / for / at
Happy Hills at eight o’clock. On her shirt there is a picture of a
smiling face and
Have a Happy Day
in black and red writing. She goes to the canteen and looks for Mr Parry’s
‘What job am I doing today?’ Sally thinks. ‘Am I making tea, or helping in the children’s play house?’
But Sally is wrong. The list says, ‘Sally Brown – Connie Cat. Break: eleven o’clock.’
1. works
10. lot
19. call
© Oxford University Press
2. She
11. visitors
20. at
3. to
12. list
4. money
13. workers’
5. an
14. His
6. very
15. are
7 at
16. coat
8. morning
17 help
9. and
18. call
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