Kaisi Yeh Yaariaan S01E63 - Ricocheting feelings.ass.txt

(9 KB) Pobierz
00:00:05: Episode 63
00:00:11: Manik.
00:00:15: I'm glad. I'm glad that they broke up.
00:00:17: It's good they broke up or else I would have killed that bloody Raghav.
00:00:21: I mean how could he use my friend? How could he??\N--What?
00:00:24: They broke up?
00:00:26: But...\N--But what?
00:00:28: Manik but...\N---But nothing! You know all this thing was just bullshit!
00:00:35: That Raghav! How could he play with my friend's emotions??
00:00:42: I mean he should have thought about it, he's a bloody goddamn professor!
00:00:46: There must be at least a 15 year age gap! But he?
00:00:53: Bloody paedo.
00:00:54: Manik how does it matter? Cabir really loves him. \NAnd that's the most important thing.
00:01:00: In love, rules and boundaries aren't seen.
00:01:05: Love just happens.
00:01:07: You never see all these things.
00:01:16: Cabir..
00:01:18: ...Said the same thing.
00:01:25: You know what...
00:01:27: You actually managed to.... calm me down.
00:01:38: Manik..
00:01:41: Don't worry, everything will be fine.
00:01:44: It'll take some time but everything will be okay.
00:01:59: Yes Aunty, I'm coming.
00:02:03: Manik. Aunty and Uncle have dropped Rishabh..
00:02:06: Yeah so Rishabh...
00:02:09: Oh God! I just completely forgot!
00:02:14: You know what, I don't think it's the right time, at least not now.
00:02:20: You take Rishabh home. In fact, that is better for him.
00:02:26: I think you're right. I'll just take him home.
00:02:29: One second. I'll... come with you.
00:03:00: Rishabh?
00:03:01: What happened to you? Are you okay?\N--Rishabh.
00:03:06: Are you sure?
00:03:28: Dhruv!
00:03:29: Dhruv!
00:03:31: Dhruv what happened to you?
00:03:34: Are you okay?
00:03:36: Why is this happening? Buddy!
00:03:39: I'll take him away.
00:03:41: Let's go.\N---Buddy nothing will happen to you.
00:03:52: Buddy. Nothing will happen to you. Everything will be fine.
00:04:03: Mukti!
00:04:10: Get the car.
00:04:13: Yes Alya?
00:04:15: You really can't avoid talking.
00:04:19: Alya, after sunset I don't talk, I just do...
00:04:25: I'm serious Mukti. I know what you've been up to.\N--What?
00:04:40: Mukti why are you doing this?
00:04:42: The last time you got into these pills it was so difficult. You get addicted to this, so just leave it!
00:04:54: Mukti.
00:04:56: If you really want to take care of yourself, then get over bhai.
00:05:01: Alya, Harshad is out of my life.
00:05:04: I've already forgotten about him,
00:05:07: You want proof?
00:05:13: Here it is.
00:05:15: Let's go.
00:05:19: You're not over bhai.
00:05:22: But I understand it's not easy, not when you truly love someone.
00:05:31: Will I ever be able to forget Manik?
00:05:36: Will I ever be able to move on?
00:05:46: You okay?
00:05:50: What do you think? This attacks suddenly? What must have triggered it?
00:06:01: Actually buddy...
00:06:06: I wanted to tell you this but I just got caught up with something else.
00:06:13: Tell me?
00:06:19: Rishabh.. Nandini's brother. He has the same problem. Same symptoms. Exactly the same. So that's why I thought I should invite him for the party...
00:06:29: And then introduce you both and then sit and talk about the attacks. And then talk you to the doctor.
00:06:37: Maybe we'll get an answer after this.
00:06:40: Why this happens, how it happens and all that. You know what I mean.
00:06:44: I'm blessed, to have a friend like you.
00:06:49: I mean you forgot all the fights, \Nand put away your anger just to talk to your enemy.
00:06:58: You requested, for me.
00:07:04: Who else would do it?
00:07:07: No one.
00:07:08: Only the world's best friend.
00:07:19: Yeah.
00:07:20: About that.
00:07:26: You know...
00:07:29: She's not that bad.
00:07:36: Not that bad.
00:07:39: She's very good.
00:07:57: Buddy you relax, I'll recieve the phone and come.
00:08:09: Hey. You reached home?
00:08:12: Yeah, I just reached home.
00:08:17: Rishabh... is he okay?
00:08:21: Yeah Rishabh is fine. He's sleeping. Sleeping like a baby.
00:08:29: Dhruv, how is Dhruv?\N---Dhruv..
00:08:33: Yeah he's awake.... but...he's fine.
00:09:19: What a day.
00:09:21: Yeah.
00:09:23: We finally got through it.
00:09:25: Yeah.
00:09:27: We... got through it.
00:09:34: Well played partner.
00:09:40: Yeah.
00:09:52: So Musicana is starting from tomorrow.
00:09:55: Yeah. 
00:09:56: From tomorrow, in college, we'll be back to rivals?
00:10:04: Yeah
00:10:09: From tomorrow.
00:10:15: Manik. The party. The party was amazing.
00:10:20: Of course. The party is amazing. If the company is good then only then the party is good.
00:10:28: Oh, so you're complimenting yourself?
00:10:31: You think you're a very good company?
00:10:34: Excuse me?
00:10:36: Are you saying you like being with....?
00:10:50: I'm feeling very sleepy, I'm going to sleep. Good night.
00:10:56: M---Manik? Hello?
00:11:00: Oh god, he cut the call?
00:11:04: When will this boy change??
00:11:10: Check if the candles near the temple are lit or not.
00:11:17: Cabir?
00:11:31: Cabir, your phone is ringing.
00:11:35: Who is it mom?
00:11:36: Ranbir.
00:11:38: So answer it and talk to him.
00:11:42: If he wanted to speak to me, he would have called on my phone Cabir.
00:11:45: You know he won't speak to me. Take your phone.
00:11:56: Listen to me. Ca---
00:12:08: Why did you take so long in answering your phone?
00:12:12: Mom had the phone.
00:12:16: Cabir please don't start your lectures.
00:12:19: That I should have wished Mom on Diwali..
00:12:22: It's not Mom's fault that after the divorce, I went to live with Dad.
00:12:27: And Mom has never...
00:12:36: Cabir?
00:12:38: You're crying?
00:12:45: {\pos(350,466)}And then he left me.\N--Cabir. 
00:12:49: {\pos(350,466)}He let me alone.
00:12:52: Cabir?
00:12:55: Cabir!
00:13:30: Alya please. I don't want to talk about this.
00:13:33: Please.
00:13:35: Mukti, in the end you'll be hurt.
00:13:40: Musicana is coming. Can we focus on that?
00:13:46: What happened?\N--I can't find the keys
00:13:49: What key?\N---For my bike.
00:13:55: Nandini?
00:13:58: I dropped my keys, can you see if its over there?\N--Keys?
00:14:12: Dude!
00:14:13: Watch it.
00:14:15: Poor Nandini.
00:14:17: Who knows how many times she'll fall more.
00:14:18: ----But he was on his phone\N---She was looking for something
00:15:24: Happy?
00:15:33: Where's Cabir?
00:15:34: I was calling him but he isn't picking up.
00:15:36: Is everything okay?\N--Don't worry, he'll be here.
00:15:39: From Cabir's track record, we know he won't become Devdas. So chill.
00:15:51: Hello guys? What's up! Oh hello, why don't you change your name? MC with a silent K (??I think?)
00:16:00: Sounds good. Perfect.\N--Listen Cabir!
00:16:03: I'm warning you.
00:16:04: Why are you getting angry?\NI was just giving a suggestion. Take it or not. It's your wish.
00:16:11: I was just helping.\N--Cabir is back!
00:16:14: I love you too!
00:16:16: You okay?
00:16:17: I'm awesome bro, I'm just rocking it!
00:16:30: So guys, I hope you all have been practicing for the Musicana.
00:16:34: And just like you know Musicana is going to be here in our own SPACE Academy..
00:16:39: Which means we'll be hosting all the other colleges
00:16:42: And that we'll have an advantage to show our talents to the judges even before the competition does.
00:16:50: So that's why I decided that on the opening night of Musicana, Fab 5 and NH3 will sing a mindblowing song together.
00:17:12: But sir?\N--Yes you heard it right. The song will be of your choice..
00:17:17: Sir your habit of helping without being asked...
00:17:21: (something)
00:17:25: Cabir.
00:17:26: Cabir if you use your brain instead of your sense of humour, then it'll be good.
00:17:33: For all of us. Yeah that's the need of the hour. Alright?
00:17:59: Get out of my way Manik.
00:18:05: Manik I said get out of my way.
00:18:07: You..\N--Sir!
00:18:17: Sir, tomorrow is the opening night...
00:18:20: And we have very less time to practice. How will we manage to rehearse Sir?
00:18:37: That's why I'm telling you all to get serious.
00:18:41: It's high time.
00:18:43: You're right.
00:18:44: We should stop being reckless
00:18:47: We should become serious
00:18:53: Right?
00:19:09: Where does these ideas come to Raghav Sir's head?
00:19:16: Take the left door coming ahead...{\b0}
00:19:20: No.
00:19:21: Hello?
00:19:23: You're talking to me right?
00:19:24: Yeah... \N---I'm talking about (something)\N\N\N(okay I don't get what they're talking about)
00:19:33: Hello girls.
00:19:37: What happened to him?
00:19:39: Navyaji!
00:19:41: You know that you have a solo performance before the opening act. A folk solo performance.
00:19:49: Yes! It's been on the notice event. You know sequence of events...
00:19:56: No no no, you're messing about with me. I'm not going to fall into your trap.
00:20:00: I have a lot of other work than to mess with you.
00:20:04: Nandini.
00:20:05: I'll go and check the notice board.
00:20:08: Navya!\N---Notice board!
00:20:14: Why are you always so difficult?
00:20:16: Why are you always this stubborn?
00:20:21: Manik what is it?
00:20:25: Nothing.\N--Then why did you call me?
00:20:29: Just.
00:20:32: Like that.
00:20:34: Manik. Let me go.
00:20:43: Manik please.
00:20:44: Don;t.
00:20:46: Spoil it.
00:20:55: I wasn't going to get trapped in his words!!
00:20:59: Nandini?
00:21:02: Navya
00:21:04: She can't see us. So relax.
00:21:06: Manik you know I hate lying.
00:21:09: And our friends don't know anything about us
00:21:14: Nandini!
00:21:15: Where did she go?
00:21:17: Really?
00:21:20: So then...
00:21:22: What should we say?
00:21:25: About us?
00:21:28: Tell me.
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