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Douluo Dalu Volume 20
Douluo Dalu Volume 20 - Slaughter City
134 – True Face of Tang San’s Spirit, Blue Silver Emperor
Part 1 (TL by Bagelson)
This was a mood he had never sensed before. Gradually, he didn’t need
to release too much spiritual force, each blue silver grass within the
forest released faint spiritual fluctuations, and even though they weren’t
strong individually, with all that omnipresent blue silver grass together,
it formed a tremendous spiritual field, fusing together with the spiritual
force Tang San released.
Through them, the range Tang San could sense suddenly multiplied
Each blue silver grass became like Tang San’s eyes and ears. Tang San
could use spiritual force to examine the world before, but now using the
blue silver grass’ spiritual field, the area he could observe could only be
described as terrifying.
Just at this moment, suddenly, a voice echoed by Tang San’s ears
without any warning,
“King, great king, is it truly you? You have finally come to me, thank
‘King? Is this meant for me?’ Tang San was inwardly shocked. He didn’t
understand why a voice would appear within his spiritual world. And
at this moment, Tang Hao standing next to Tang San, revealed a faint
smile. His spiritual force had also been open all along.
A voice suddenly appearing as Tang San sensed the spiritual field of the
surrounding blue silver grass, astonished him enormously. And this
voice unexpectedly addressed him as king.
Douluo Dalu Volume 20
A powerful spiritual force suddenly reached out through the originally
gentle blue silver grass spiritual field. This spiritual force swiftly tangled
with Tang San’s spiritual force, as if the two were ropes tied together.
“King, please come here to me, can you?”
That voice seemed to become even more eager, and with a strong
Opening his eyes in shock, Tang San looked at his father.
Tang Hao calmly said:
“You should have already sensed it. Go, I’ll wait for you here. There are
times when obtaining a spirit ring doesn’t require killing.”
Even though Tang San didn’t understand what his father meant, he still
stood. Greatly astonishing to him was that even without him
deliberately controlling his spiritual force right now, that intense
spiritual aura was still connected to him, constantly calling out.
Stepping into the forest, Tang San suddenly felt the threatening aura of
the spirit beasts within the forest clearly weaken, as if the spirit beasts
hidden among the trees had stepped aside to open up a path. With his
father’s certainty, he didn’t hesitate, leaping up and swiftly advancing in
the direction of that spiritual pull.
Where he passed, the blue silver grass on the ground seemed to call out
excitedly, softly swaying rhythmically. As if dancing cheerfully at Tang
San’s arrival.
This forest wasn’t large, at least it couldn’t even be compared to the Star
Dou Great Forest. But as he entered, Tang San discovered that the plants
here all seemed very ancient, as if they had experienced endless years.
Trees towering towards the sky could be seen everywhere, even the light
of the sun found it very difficult to pierce the dense foliage.
Tang San could be certain that this was an ancient forest. But, just what
was that voice calling out to him?
Douluo Dalu Volume 20
He longed to know the truth, and therefore his speed was especially
rapid. On the way, he wasn’t obstructed by any spirit beasts, and easily
followed the pull of that spiritual force forward.
After rushing for around two hours, that spiritual force connected to
him suddenly became especially clear.
“King, I am here.”
The spiritual voice appeared once again, so excited it was even a bit
Passing two trees that would have required at least several people
working together to reach around, Tang San’s spiritual force shifted,
locking onto a plant in front. He could clearly feel that the spiritual call
came from this plant.
Slender vines climbed up, intertwining until they reached ten meters
into the air. It seemed to be countless vines twined together to form an
extraordinary plant. It was entirely crystal clear blue, the surface
flickering with a special kind of translucency. In its surroundings, the
blue silver grass grew especially lush.
Each of those vines were the thickness of a human waist, their diameter
surpassing one chi.
Right now it swayed slightly, and in the middle of the vines, there were
unexpectedly marks condensed together like a human face. Right now
its expression seemed to be smiling. Smiling at him.
These vines gave him a formidable impression, an extremely formidable
aura being released with hardly any restraint. Intense spiritual
fluctuations gushed out with that face as center, revolving around Tang
San with a cheerful rhythm.
The spiritual pull stopped here. Even though Tang San had seen plant
type spirit beasts before, it was still the first time he met one with such a
formidable aura.
Douluo Dalu Volume 20
“Did you call for me?”
Tang San’s stared at the enormous vine in front of him with a burning
gaze. Even though he already sensed that the counterpart didn’t hold
the slightest bit of malice, inwardly he still couldn’t help being a bit
“Yes, great king. It was I who called for you.”
That human face in the twisting vines moved, revealing an
extraordinary human expression, its large mouth opening, unexpectedly
issuing human speech.
This time it was no longer a spiritual exchange, but rather true speech.
Tang San was shocked. In fact, plant type spirit beasts’ cultivation was a
lot harder than animal type spirit beasts. He had never heard
Grandmaster say that plant type spirit beasts could speak, but the facts
arrayed before him tolerated no disbelief.
“Who are you? Why do you call me king?”
Tang San curiously asked.
The vines smiled:
“Because flowing through your body, is blood more noble than mine. If I
can be called a king among blue silver grass, then, you are the emperor.”
Hearing this, Tang San inwardly understood somewhat. His brain
operating at high speed, all kinds of possibilities constantly appeared in
his mind.
This enormous vine in front of him was unexpectedly also a blue silver
grass. The universally regarded as a trash spirit, Blue Silver Grass, could
actually be cultivated to such a formidable degree?
Before Tang San opened his mouth, the Blue Silver King spoke once
“The distance to blood of your realm is still at least fifteen thousand
years of cultivation for me. To meet you, to sense the aura of the blood
you carry, I seem to have found a path leading to even nobler blood.
Thank you, my king.”
Douluo Dalu Volume 20
Tang San frowned,
“I’m sorry, perhaps you’ve made a mistake. I’m really not your king. I’m
a human, not blue silver grass. I just happen to possess the Blue Silver
Grass spirit.”
The Blue Silver King said somewhat eagerly:
“Great king, it’s impossible for me to mistake it. The aura you carry is
the aura of the Blue Silver Empress, this is no mistake. If you were only
an ordinary human with the blue silver grass spirit like that, do you
believe you could cultivate to your present level? What you possess, is
the blood of the blue silver imperial family! Great king.”
Tang San was dumbfounded,
“You’re saying, that my Blue Silver Grass isn’t ordinary Blue Silver
“Yes. What you possess is the purest blood of the blue silver royalty. If I
were to describe your spirit then, I think it would be more suitable to
use Blue Silver Emperor, not Blue Silver Grass. All blue silver are one
line, all are your people. Haven’t you felt them calling out to you?”
Blue Silver Emperor? Tang San’s heart twitched. He suddenly
understood some of his father’s intentions in letting him come here.
Could it be that his mother’s spirit in those days was Blue Silver
Emperor? That what he had inherited wasn’t some trash spirit, but the
profound Blue Silver Emperor Spirit?
That enormous Blue Silver King continued:
“Blue Silver Emperor has always been of the same line in this world.
Only when the last Blue Silver Emperor passes will the next Blue Silver
Emperor appear. Even if you are human, you are currently the only
person through whose veins flows the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor.”
Tang San felt his pulse accelerate,
“But, I’ve never felt that my Blue Silver Grass was anything special,
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