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Fated Marriage Chapter 1-10
Fated Marriage Chapter 1-10
Chapter 1
Marriage was like a coffin, at least it was better than being left sun burnt
on the streets!
Han Ting Ting was out shopping with her future mother-in-law,
coincidently she witnessed her fiance conversing happily and carefree
with a beauty. How would an average person react?
Han Ting Ting was in the middle of comforting her future mother-in-
law who was upset about knocking over merchandise of a shop lady she
knew. Then she surveyed their surroundings and saw Qin Song who
wore a white shirt and was sitting by a cafe window with an alluring
beauty. The beautiful pair would have made passerbys flustered.
Han Ting Ting became anxious, silently turned back to her future
mother-in-law and placated her by offering to take her to a nearby ice-
cream shop. While she queued in line to order ice-cream she took out
her phone and rang Qin Song.
‘Your mother and I were outside a cafe. I saw… you and your lady
friend,’ Han Ting Ting said.
Qin Song answered her with a grunt. The cafe background music heard
from his end was more responsive than him, it was apparent they
couldn’t have been more distant. Her sweaty palms almost made her
phone slip.
‘You… hurry up and take off with your lady friend!’ she said.
Qin Song took a while for her request to sink in before replying.
‘Why?’ Qin Song asked.
Fated Marriage Chapter 1-10
She lost it after she heard him asked why. He was the one having a
rendezvous with his lover out in public… she was being courteous by
letting him know he was easily spotted and he had the nerve to ask her
From his end she heard a lady’s velvety voice said something to him
then he lost his patience too.
‘Whatever you want, I’m hanging up!’ he said.
She didn’t get to tell him to not hang up before she heard the signal of a
dead phone connection.
The shop server waited a while for her to finish her phone conversation.
‘Hi, what ice-cream flavors have you decided on?’ the shop server
‘What ice-cream flavours are available in the biggest size that you have?’
she asked.
The consequence of ordering the biggest serving of their available ice-
cream flavours was that her future mother-in-law ended up vomiting
and endured diarrhea. Her future mother-in-law was promptly driven
Qin Song rushed over after he received the bad news. She spent a lot of
energy to calm down the people involved in the unwanted incident so
she didn’t appreciate being dragged by her fiance outside the shop. His
scowl was unappealing as the base of a pot.
‘Do you think your actions matches up to the standard of an educated
and ethical citizen?’ he asked.
Her head was lowered enough to be face to face with the ground that
her voice came out no louder than a mosquito. ‘I’m a pre-school teach…’
‘Do you often serve each kid in your class an ice-cream serving meant
for two people?’ he asked.
Fated Marriage Chapter 1-10
‘I… I didn’t know today the ice-cream shop was having a special
promotion, buy one get one free…’ she said and felt tears of shame swell
in her eyes.
But she felt she wasn’t the only one at fault and pushed aside her shame.
‘Weren’t you supposed to have left already? You didn’t listen… what
happened is your fault too!’
Her accusation made him angry enough to smile sarcastically. ‘How is it
my fault?’
His smile caused a ‘little country bun’ like her who had little interaction
with urban society suddenly felt intimidated… his smile was too
It was rumoured that out of the Liang’s famous six sworn brothers, he
was the most handsome.
In the beginning the reason she agreed to marriage with him was
because he was eye candy. If she was to find someone to marry… wasn’t
it better to marry a handsome man for her to perve on?
She was deep in thought that her head started floating up to the
He saw that she stopped arguing and was staring at him, made the hair
on his skin rose. He took it as a symptom of regret, he chose her because
she was honest and would be less maintenance but now he found out
that wasn’t the case.
‘Let’s go!’ he said and sighed at the sight of her blank state. ‘I’ll take you
She was still dazed when he yanked her arm and it caused her left leg
tangled with her right leg. Her quick thinking to grab hold of the nearest
person to her saved her a painful fall.
Fated Marriage Chapter 1-10
He wasn’t impressed with her strong grip on his waist, her nails dug
through his thin shirt and the pain made it hard to breathe. He could
only give her a cold glare.
She got a feeling she looked like a fool holding onto him. Once she stood
and regained her balance she released her hands from his waist. ‘I’m…
I’m sorry.’
He clamped his teeth all the way to the car. ‘Get in!’
At home her mum asked her about the shopping outing… she left out
the part about nearly killing her future mother-in-law with ice-cream.
She showed her mum the items her future mother-in-law bought.
‘Why are the shopping bags light today?’ mum asked.
The bags were light by standards of shopaholics like her mother-in-law.
She muttered incohesive sounds to buy time to strum up an excuse.
‘After the wedding dress and shoes were ordered there wasn’t much left
that needed to be bought.’
‘Was the wedding money I gave you enough? If it isn’t I’ll give you
more. You only get married once in life, don’t be a scrooge about how
much you spend on your wedding. Make sure you go to all the stores
you want and buy without a care!’ mum said.
She returned her mum’s wedding money and credit card. ‘Mum…
Aunty said that Qin Song and I are both the only child in our families.
After marriage anything that belongs to Qin Song will belong to me too
so aunty asked me to give back your money and consider it as a
wedding dowry.’
‘You keep it! It was the money I saved for your wedding day,’ mum
said. ‘It’s not right that aunty got to buy your wedding dress and
everything else for you! I feel guilty I don’t know what to get you. Last
week the Qin family delivered your new clothes they bought you. I
Fated Marriage Chapter 1-10
turned over the price tags and each outfit was five times your father’s
salary! Our family aren’t in their league.’
‘Mum!’ she said. ‘Don’t say that! Dad and you worked hard to raise me,
it should be me who’s buying things for dad and you.’
‘Your dad and I don’t need expensive things,’ mum said. ‘Ting Ting,
after you enter the Qin family household remember not to use their
money to buy anything for dad and I!’
‘I get it mum,’ she said and lowered her head to hide her expression
behind the curtain of her hair. ‘Dad and you don’t need to worry, I’ll get
along well with the Qin family!’
At night the wind made it less humid than it was during the day. Han
Ting Ting showered and her hair was still damp when she sat on her
bed and called her best friend.
Her best friend listened to her talk about the disasterous shopping day.
Tu Tu burst out laughing. ‘Confess… you faked falling to cop a feel of
Qin Song’s body.’
She wished she owned the superpower of phasing to reach through the
phone and pinch her best friend’s cheeks most likely sore from a
laughing fit.
‘Your bridesmaid dress is bought, you can borrow my shoes, no need to
over pack your luggage!’ she said. She and Tu Tu had similar body
builds and often swapped outfits since little. ‘When can you take leave?
I’ll book your flight ticket.’
She reasoned since Qin Song’s secretary was always shadowing her and
asking if she needed help with anything, asking his secretary to book a
flight for the bridesmaid wouldn’t be an overbearing request. But she
was adamant to be the one paying for the flight ticket.
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