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So Good
Good Intentions Book 2
By: Kayla Carson
Editor: Kimberly Reese
Cover Image: Canstock photo/ artofphoto
Cover Design: Kayla Carson
Copyright © 2017 by Kayla Carson
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other
electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Chapter 1 Now
I was trained to handle ISIS. Throw a grenade at me, and I’d dodge it. Aim a rifle at me,
and I’d shoot first. From the time I was twenty years old, I had given my life to the army. I
could handle anything that the enemy threw at me, but what I wasn’t prepared for, was
today. Today, my baby sister was marrying my best friend. I had known Wes for nearly ten
years, and I would go into battle with him any day. In fact, we did just that a little over a
year ago when I found out he was in love with Zoe. He’d proven himself though, and as
awkward as it was to watch his hands on my baby sister, I had to give him that. He made
her happy, and in the end, that was all that really mattered.
Our parents passed away when Zoe was only sixteen, so I’d be giving her away today. She
had been teasing me endlessly, calling me “father” of the bride. The wedding was being
held on the beach, and the entire wedding party was going barefoot. I hadn’t seen her dress
yet, but I knew whatever she chose would be beautiful. My sister was one of the kindest
people I knew, and she and Wes had done great things together by opening up a youth
center for troubled kids. It was thriving, and I couldn’t have been more proud.
I adjusted my bow tie in the mirror once more, before heading down stairs to find Wes. He
stayed with me last night. Zoe, being worried about bad luck and seeing the bride before
the wedding. When I found him, he was leaning against the kitchen counter. He wore a tee
shirt, and a pair of boxer briefs, drinking from his coffee cup. “Morning.” He said, raising
his cup in my direction.
“Where the hell’s your suit?” I asked.
“Relax Dad, we’ve got time.” He joked, draining the rest of his cup and placing it in the
“You do realize, if you’re late to your own wedding Zoe will castrate you right?” I said,
putting an emphases on the word castrate.
“I can handle her.” He said, brushing past me and up the stairs.
I let out a deep sigh. I hope he knew what he was getting into marrying my sister. She was
a spit fire, who didn’t take shit from anyone. It was something I’d always admired about
her, not that I’d ever admit to that. My phone pinged with a text message, and I pulled it
from my pocket checking the screen. Think of the devil, I smirked reading what my sister
had sent.
“Why aren’t you here yet? Are you with Wes?”
“We’re on our way.” I lied, knowing any other answer would probably turn her into
She responded with a smiley face, and I tucked my phone back into my pocket before
turning towards the stairs. “She’s ready to run!” I called up from the bottom. “You better
get your ass in gear!”
He was down the stairs in mere seconds, with a shocked look on his face. “She what?” He
asked, doing up his belt buckle.
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