Hitler's Engineers Fritz Todt and Albert Speer - Master Builders of the Third Reich.pdf

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Page 2: Less spectacular than some of Speer’s endeavors, but enduring in their
own way, were Dr. Todt’s sprawling autobahns. A hundred years hence, Speer’s
reputation may well rest on his wartime ministry and postwar books, while Dr.
Fritz Todt will be ranked as one of the world’s most renowned road builders.
Page 3: Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler with his two future Armaments Ministers,
Drs. Fritz Todt (center, in civilian suit) and Albert Speer (far right, in profile) on
a 1936 visit to Düsseldorf to inspect the model of an autobahn bridge. At the
time, the much more renowned Dr. Todt was the chief building engineer for the
Third Reich, while the younger Dr. Speer was General Building Inspector for
Berlin (in 1937). (HHA)
Right: Part of Speer’s ethereal show of light and dark over top of a Nuremberg
Nazi Party Congress, 1938, which British Ambassador to Berlin Sir Neville
Henderson termed “a cathedral of ice” in his wartime memoirs. (HHA)
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