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The Chamber
John Grisham
3, S(T
The Chamber
Level 6
R eto ld by Sue Harm es
Series Editors: Andy H opkins and Jocelyn Potter
P earson E d u ca tion L im ited
E dinburgh Gate, Harlow,
Essex C M 20 2JE, England
and Associated Com panies throughout the world.
ISBN: 978-1-4058-8261-3
First published in Great Britain by Century, one o f the Publishers in
R an do m H ouse U K Ltd 1994
First published by Penguin Books Ltd 1999
This edition first published 2008
1 3 5 7 9
10 8 6 4 2
O riginal copyright © J o h n G risham 1994
Text copyright © Pearson Education Ltd 2008
All rights reserved
T he m oral rights o f the authors have been asserted
Typeset by Graphicraft Ltd, H ong K ong
Set in l l / 1 4 p t Bem bo
P rinted in C hina
S W T C /01
A ll rights reserved; no part o f this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
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prior written permission o f the Publishers.
Published by Pearson Education Ltd in association w ith
Penguin Books Ltd, both com panies being subsidiaries o f Pearson Pic
For a com plete list o f the titles available in the Penguin R eaders series please w rite to your local
Pearson Longm an office or to: Penguin R eaders M arketing D epartm ent, Pearson Education,
E dinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex C M 20 2JE, England.
C hapter 1
Chapter 2
C hapter 3
C hapter 4
Chapter 5
C hapter 6
C hapter 7
C hapter 8
C hapter 9
A Delicate Exercise
Kravitz and Bane
O n D eath R o w
Questions o f Guilt
M y D ear Sweet Father
A C ruel Way to Die
A Parchman Sunrise
C hapter 10 T he R abbit
Chapter 11 Confessions
Chapter 12 In C ourt
C hapter 13 The Cham ber
Chapter 14 A N ew Dawn
The horror of death row is that you die a little each day. The waiting kills
you. You live in a cage — and when you wake up, you mark off another
day and you tell yourself that you are now one day closer to death.
Seventy-year-old Sam Cayhall is on Mississippi’s death row for a
terrible crime he com m itted many years ago. Sam hates lawyers
and wants to handle the final stages o f the legal process him self
His date w ith the gas cham ber is suddenly frighteningly close,
and time seems to be running out for him. T hen a young lawyer,
Adam Hall, arrives and tries to persuade Sam that he needs his
help. Adam brings w ith him a secret w hich may make the old
man change his m ind.
John Grisham, the author o f this book, was b o rn on February
8, 1955 in Jonesboro, Arkansas. His father was a building w orker
and the family was poor. T hey m oved frequently until 1967
when they settled in Southaven, Mississippi. G risham ’s m other
encouraged him to read w hen he was young, w hich began his
love o f books. H e graduated in 1977 from Mississippi State
University. From there he w ent to the University o f Mississippi
to study law, graduating in 1981. At first, he studied tax law but
then switched to crim inal law. After graduating, Grisham started
his own law firm in Southaven. In 1983, he was elected to the
Mississippi H ouse o f Representatives, w here he served until 1990.
While w orking in politics, he continued his law practice.
In 1984, he started w riting while w orking full-time. H e got
up at 5 a.m. each day so he could spend a few hours w riting
before going to the office. His first book,
A Time to Kill
did not sell well, but success soon followed.
The Firm
(1991) was
a number one best-seller, and the movie rights were sold for
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