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I’m not gonna (going to) be able to
example sentences
Listen to the accompanying MP3 and read these sentences. This will train your brain to
master the pattern
I’m not gonna (going to) be able to.
There’s just too much work to finish before the deadline.
I’m not going to be able to
I broke my leg last week while I was skiing.
I’m not gonna be able to
play sports for at least 5
Fred: Are you still coming to the Christmas party next week?
I’m not going to be able to
attend. I have a family party to go to.
I can’t finish this stage on the video game.
I’m not gonna be able to
stop playing until I
complete it.
This ladder is too short.
I’m not going to be able to
reach the windows at the top.
Mother: Hello, this is Jane’s Mum.
Jane’s not going to be able to
go to school today because
she is sick.
Teacher: OK, thanks for letting me know.
I lend you money every day.
I’m not gonna be able to
keep doing this.
Boyfriend: It’s so cloudy tonight.
Girlfriend: Oh no.
We’re not gonna be able to
see the stars.
Book publisher: I need you to finish the book by Wednesday. Is this possible?
Book writer: No,
I’m not going to be able to
finish by then. I need another week or so.
The new movie is for over 18s only.
I’m not gonna be able to
watch it for another two years.
The new smartphone we bought for dad is too complicated.
He’s not gonna be able to
use it.
I think this homework is too difficult for the students.
They’re not going to be able to
do it.
Patient: My mouth is really hurting after the treatment.
Dentist: Yes, that’s normal.
You’re not going to be able to
eat hard foods for a few days. Just
drink juice and eat soft foods.
Customer: Hello.
I’m not going to be able to
arrive on time for my appointment. Can I
rearrange it?
Hair salon: Yes, that’s fine. What time suits you?
Poor James is really sick, and we’re going on holiday tomorrow.
He’s not going to be able to
enjoy it.
I’m not going to be able to
pay the rent this month. I lost my job and I don’t have much
Visitors: Can we see the polar bears?
Zookeeper: I’m sorry, but
we’re not going to be able to
see them today. They are sleeping.
Lisa was so scared of the horror movie we watched.
She’s not gonna be able to
forget about it
for a long time!
The queue for this rollercoaster is so long.
We’re not gonna be able to
go on it today.
We’re moving house tomorrow, but we’ve got so much stuff.
We’re not gonna be able to
move all of it.
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