Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Chaos Battletome - Disciples of Tzeentch.pdf

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TZEENTCH ALMIGHTY ..............4
From the Crystal Labyrinth.............8
The Children of Change .................10
The Scintillating Hosts ....................12
The Flesh Ascended.........................13
Nine Shall Be Their Number ..........14
Gifts of Tzeentch...............................16
The Arch-conspirators.....................20
Secrets of the Cults...........................22
Arcanite Cult Structure...................23
The Marks of Change.......................24
Revealed in Their True Forms........26
Chronicles of Deceit.........................28
SERVANTS OF CHANGE ............30
Lords of Change ...............................32
Heralds of Tzeentch .........................34
Flamers and Screamers....................36
Horrors of Tzeentch.........................38
Tzaangor Shamans...........................40
Ogroid Thaumaturges .....................41
The Gaunt Summoners....................42
Magisters ...........................................43
Tzaangors ..........................................46
Kairic Acolytes..................................48
ARMIES OF UNREASON.............50
Zyclaw’s Changemasters..................68
TIDES OF CHANGE .....................70
Forces of Tzeentch............................72
Allegiance Abilities..........................74
Artefacts of Power............................76
Daemonic Gifts.................................78
The Lore of Fate ................................80
The Lore of Change ..........................82
Battleplan: Banquet of Magic .........84
Battleplan: The Skeins of Fate.........86
Path to Glory Campaigns................88
Tzeentch Warband Tables...............90
Collecting a Tzeentch Army...........94
Warpflame Host ...............................96
Multitudinous Host .........................97
Aether-eater Host.............................98
Overseer’s Fate-twisters.................100
Omniscient Oracles........................101
The Eternal Conflagration ............102
The Hosts Duplicitous ...................103
Arcanite Cult...................................104
Arcanite Cabal................................105
Alter-kin Coven..............................106
Witchfyre Coven ............................107
Skyshoal Coven...............................108
Tzaangor Coven..............................109
Cult of the Transient Form ...........110
The Pyrofane Cult ..........................111
Lord of Change ...............................114
Kairos Fateweaver ..........................115
Herald of Tzeentch
on Burning Chariot........................116
Herald of Tzeentch on Disc ..........117
The Changeling...............................118
Herald of Tzeentch.........................118
The Blue Scribes..............................119
Screamers of Tzeentch...................119
Burning Chariots of Tzeentch......120
Exalted Flamers of Tzeentch.........121
Flamers of Tzeentch.......................121
Pink Horrors of Tzeentch .............122
Blue Horrors of Tzeentch ..............123
Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch ...123
Tzaangor Shaman...........................124
Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch .....125
Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch ...........126
Magister ...........................................126
Fatemaster .......................................127
Ogroid Thaumaturge.....................127
Tzaangors ........................................128
Kairic Acolytes................................129
Tzaangor Enlightened ...................130
Tzaangor Skyfires...........................130
Chaos Spawn...................................131
THE RULES.................................132
Pitched Battle Profiles....................136
What's Next? ...................................137
Chaos Battletome: Disciples of Tzeentch © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2017. Chaos Battletome: Disciples of Tzeentch, GW, Games Workshop, Warhammer, Stormcast Eternals, and all associated
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Anarchy incarnate, the god Tzeentch is known by many titles, including the Changer of the Ways, the
Master of Fortune, the Great Conspirator and the Architect of Fate. Tzeentch’s domains are magic and
guile, for he is the god of sorcery and deceit. Schemes, plots, and machinations are his delight.
Tzeentch is one of the Greater Chaos
powers, a brother god to Khorne,
Nurgle and Slaanesh, and often an
ally to the pantheon’s newcomer, the
Great Horned Rat. Even amongst gods,
Tzeentch is the undisputed master of
the arcane arts, for magic is the most
potent of all agents of change. This does
not mean Tzeentch is above sullying
his hands with war – rather that he
much prefers to win battles through
guile and sorcery over brute force. He
favours the cunning over the strong,
the manipulative over the violent. In
his true shape, Tzeentch is the most
outlandish of the Dark Gods. His skin
crawls with constantly changing faces
that leer and mock any who dare to
gaze upon him. As Tzeentch speaks,
these faces appear and disappear,
some repeating his words with subtle
differences, or perhaps providing
mocking commentary to cast doubt
upon the original words. Ever shifting,
nothing of Tzeentch feels definitive
– even his purpose is unimaginably
complex, his schemes beyond the ken
of mortals. Yet Tzeentch’s growing
ascendancy after Sigmar’s return to
the Mortal Realms and the battles of
the Realmgate Wars hints at plans long
nursed to fruition. Embedded deep
within Sigmar’s grand cities, mortal
cultists work in secret to advance his
unknowable goals, while Tzaangor
tribes raid the ancient places of the
realms in search of lost treasures and
esoteric knowledge. Should the need
arise, Tzeentch sends his daemonic
hosts forth in all their scintillating
glory, to sear the land with the
coruscating flames of change.
The never-ending struggle of each of the Chaos Gods to
gain dominion over the others is known to Tzeentch as
the Great Game. To the most masterful of schemers, this
game offers not just endless amusement, but also boundless
opportunities. Not only does Tzeentch constantly seek to
further his own ambitions, but he is equally voracious in
his desire to manipulate or counteract the best-laid plans of
his rivals. Through convoluted machinations Tzeentch has
subverted his brother gods time and again.
The Realm of Chaos is Tzeentch’s playground for the Great
Game. There, he instigates infighting – a pursuit of which
the god never tires. One of his most infamous deeds in the
Great Game was to beguile Khorne’s greatest Bloodthirster,
Skarbrand, into attacking his patron. It was Tzeentch’s magic
that crystallised the cycles of Nurgle’s Garden and, although
few know the full tale, it was Tzeentch’s plotting that led
to Slaanesh’s absence. The battles for control of the Mortal
Realms have only added new challenges to the Great Game.
Tzeentch’s plots are manifold, but none are simple. Revelling
in complication, Tzeentch’s plans can appear contradictory
to those few observers able to detect his influence, for he
is patient and willing to wait long centuries for his obtuse
intrigues to bear fruit. And Tzeentch is fickle, prone to
adding elaborate intricacies to his own plots, or perhaps
introducing obstacles to impede them. Indeed, the Architect
of Fate rejoices in the construction of each plan as much as
he revels in watching it unravel.
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