Four Lovers - Happy Few - Quarttet D'Amour - Liebe wen du Willst.txt

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{1431}{1530} - nowa jakosc napisów.|Napisy zostaly specjalnie dopasowane do Twojej wersji filmu.
{1531}{1638}Everyone hopes, even the very|happy ones, that something will happen.
{1654}{1730}That something would change their life.
{1917}{1980}Rachel, l'm ready.|- Well, see you tomorrow.
{1982}{2064}Bye. Are you coming, Bascar?.|- lf you drive me.
{2069}{2098}Goodbye!|- See you tomorrow.
{2102}{2142}Well then!|- See you tomorrow, thanks.
{2186}{2219}OK, l'll also finish now.
{2221}{2292}Hearts with skulls? l don't know.|- Don't you like it?
{2305}{2359}l find the design too banal.
{2361}{2458}l thought of mini hearts|glass. You see, like this.
{2458}{2557}With a crown of thorns, what do you think?|- Yes, it could be pretty.
{2571}{2627}Now l have to leave.|- Have a nice evening.
{2628}{2648}See you tomorrow.
{2665}{2706}Ah, good evening.|- Good evening.
{2710}{2733}Rachel?|- Yes?
{2735}{2786}Can you reach to go through|the changes with him?
{2811}{2863}l want to see how|far they are with the stand.
{2865}{2933}Yes, no problem.|- You can discuss it with her.
{2935}{3007}Should l rather come Thursday?.|- No, no! - Good evening.
{3008}{3058}Hello.|- Don't worry, this doesn't much time.
{3060}{3086}l'm going up quick.
{3239}{3325}So, the text of the homepage is|good, clear and understandable.
{3326}{3380}But what about the font?|lt's quite large.
{3381}{3454}lt appears as a site for short-sighted.|- l don't think so.
{3465}{3530}l don't care. lt's attractive|and yet simple.
{3577}{3643}Was it your idea with the corals?|- Yes. - Looks great.
{3666}{3753}Oh yes, that has to be different.|Diane wants pass word access,
{3755}{3798}so that only our customers|can enter.
{3801}{3862}She wants to avoid that|someone steals our ideas.
{3883}{3947}l see. But then you won't|get new customers,
{3949}{3983}People coming from the main page.
{3986}{4062}We're aware of that.|- Good. And the translations?
{4075}{4131}Oh yes, of course! For the|fair, we'll nee the side
{4133}{4228}definitely in English too.|We can clarify the rest later.
{4236}{4312}l could ask my wife.|She translates my websites.
{4338}{4383}We can search the technical terms|of course.
{4385}{4489}Okay, perfect! And have sent a file|with the photos to you.
{4490}{4570}Did you see them?|- Yes. Who modelled for you?
{4579}{4647}A cousin of Diane, why?.|- Just like that.
{4665}{4717}You find her ugly. So do l.
{4780}{4856}There are nicer women.|l would take you.
{4868}{4944}Me?|- Yes. You're looking good.
{4946}{5009}You have that certain something.
{5012}{5060}l'm not 18, no chance.
{5062}{5104}And how do you like our jewellery?.
{5146}{5267}lsn't my taste. All original,|but somehow too Gothic for me.
{5267}{5344}Well, to Gothic for you? With|Gothic you're completely wrong.
{5347}{5370}But the skulls...
{5374}{5442}ln the baroque period, they were a|symbol of transience.
{5444}{5484}A bit too dark, l think.
{5540}{5573}Have l offended you now?|- No.
{5576}{5625}No? l better say nothing more.
{5687}{5750}Help me please. How's|the style of your wife?
{5760}{5811}Rather modern?|What she wears, for example?
{5813}{5885}l'll show you a picture of her.|Here!
{5903}{5930}This is Teri.
{5989}{6057}Englishwoman?|- No, her mother's American.
{6092}{6229}And these are our children. Tim,|Jackie, the cat and Thelma, the great.
{6230}{6276}How old is she?|- Ten.
{6278}{6317}You were early to become father.
{6339}{6415}Yes. lt wasn't planned. An accident.
{7466}{7496}Give me the phone, Tim!
{7567}{7589}Yes, Rachel?
{7601}{7655}l want to ask something|on behalf of my husband.
{7658}{7699}He wants to know whether|you like to eat spicy.
{8121}{8165}Too fast.|- Too good.
{8469}{8497}l'll answer her.
{8764}{8848}Vincent. The one with the website?|- Yes. Open it.
{8858}{8901}That's it. Comb them|always well behind,
{8902}{8954}because the lice prefer|laying their eggs there.
{8957}{9018}l have a stomach|of steel, Teri. Who is it?
{9020}{9073}His wife. Stomach of steel?
{9083}{9156}Oh. Presumably means that|she eats just about anything.
{9709}{9735}Do you feel it?
{9798}{9895}What? What should l feel?|- A burning.
{9921}{9984}That hurts, because you press so hard.|- Excuse me!
{10008}{10105}One of my teachers in Beijing was 96 and|had more power than l in the fingers.
{10106}{10142}You've been in Beijing?.|- Yes.
{10145}{10204}And when?|- 15 or 16 years ago.
{10217}{10257}The Olympics would have thrilled me.
{10258}{10305}Have you been a professional gymnast?|- Sure.
{10320}{10385}Have you participated?|- Yes, in Seoul, '88.
{10387}{10413}Do you have a medal?
{10415}{10463}No, l was very young|and it was totally botched.
{10475}{10510}After that l had no ambition anymore.
{10539}{10606}You were there again?|- ln Beijing?. No.
{10622}{10679}Unfortunately, Rachel|doesn't like Asia.
{10697}{10764}That's not true, l|find the kamikaze guys great.
{10766}{10869}And puzzles, l do a lot of puzzles.|- You are a puzzle yourself.
{10885}{10964}He means l'm a mystery to him.|- No, l wouldn't say so.
{10965}{10995}Not? What then?
{11013}{11088}l don't know what l meant.
{11249}{11328}Telephone!|Rachel, it's yours. Rachel!
{11348}{11376}Phone, telephone!
{11425}{11475}Yes? Ah, hello Diane.
{11495}{11571}What a shame. Yeah, at the|moment it's around.
{11627}{11733}Oh crap, that's fine.|Tell her get well. See you.
{11749}{11822}That was Diane. She doesn't come.|Her friend is sick.
{11823}{11881}What does she have?|- She's constantly ill.
{11883}{11939}Perhaps Pfeiffer's|Glandular fever, or whatever.
{11945}{11969}Or scurvy!
{11997}{12040}Or...|- Shingles!
{12043}{12106}Shingles.|- Trisomy perhaps.
{12108}{12130}What nonsense.
{12861}{12977}Come on, sweetheart, off to bed.|Come on, sweetie, come on up!
{13001}{13045}Come on.|- Wait.
{13047}{13071}Thank you.
{13288}{13346}You're sitting on the floor?.|- Back pain.
{13357}{13412}From our chairs?|- No, l have often
{13414}{13526}especially at night. ln the museum or|in a concert it's unpleasant, but otherwise its okay.
{13527}{13570}ls this from the kids?
{13572}{13622}No, it's from ten years|of competitive sports.
{13624}{13648}Let's see!
{13677}{13697}Stay where you are!
{13743}{13853}l'll unroll your spine, okay?.
{13854}{13910}And you visualize it with me. Okay?.
{13926}{14011}Take the hair to the side|and bend slightly forward. Like this!
{14025}{14240}We start with the neck vertebra|One, two, three, four.
{14272}{14329}This should loosen you up, not tickle.|- Sorry.
{14332}{14421}That had to get out, go ahead.|- Well, relax.
{14435}{14533}Put away your glass.|Okay, head down.
{14549}{14595}The cervical vertebra, one...
{15005}{15193}... five, six, seven and eight.|Can you feel how sharp it is?
{15232}{15404}Now the lumbar vertebra.|One, two, three...
{15461}{15505}What?|- Excuse me.
{16180}{16288}Damn! How awkward.|- Teri, you're bleeding!
{16659}{16710}lt's still bleeding|but doesn't hurt.
{16752}{16778}Need help?
{16835}{16860}No, it's okay.
{16924}{16956}Which one do you want?
{16964}{16994}l don't know.
{16997}{17062}l'll choose one l usually won't|wear. lt's the chance!
{17064}{17134}What do you prefer?.|- As you see black and gray.
{17136}{17210}l also like blue.|- The blue one.
{17367}{17397}Let me see, turn around!
{17451}{17526}We make it shorter.|- l don't know.
{17616}{17657}Like this the chain is prettier.
{17736}{17792}Come to the studio|next week.
{18033}{18074}That's it.|- The?
{18126}{18184}The hands, the key|to tenderness.
{18187}{18262}The sayings are not from me,|only the photos and a few texts.
{18299}{18342}And the trick with the vertebrae?|- ls there too.
{18344}{18392}lf you want you can have it.
{18464}{18538}What is it? Shiatsu for couples?
{18575}{18643}We're picking clothes|and books here. What next?
{18645}{18701}Will you write a dedication?|- Yes, please.
{18757}{18844}lt doesn't go away anymore.|- We place the sofa over it.
{19006}{19054}Are you suffering from writers' block?
{19271}{19325}l've kissed Teri.
{19624}{19647}Thank you.
{19759}{19839}ls it something personal?|- You could say that.
{19895}{19933}l'll read it anyway.
{20043}{20185}For Teri, for Vincent, old stories,|new friendship. Frank Berry.
{20390}{20442}Without her maiden name|you won't find her.
{20446}{20528}Oh yes! Teri isn't so common|among gymnasts.
{20529}{20592}Since when do they know each other?.|- You've to ask them themselves.
{20594}{20642}They met for the first time|while Surfing.
{20645}{20778}Surfing?. Crazy. Why|not even at bungee-jumping?.
{20825}{20884}But somehow hot.|- Who? Them?
{20886}{20998}No, him. He. He plucks his eyebrows?|- l found them.
{21118}{21142}This is her?.
{21313}{21416}Not bad. -|European vice-champion of the juniors.
{21419}{21483}l don't know anyone else who|participated at the Olympics.
{21485}{21580}Neither do l. She's quite delicate,|have you seen her joints?
{21581}{21632}Yes, l did.|- Her neck, her shoulders...
{21636}{21687}l know!|- l need to shorten her necklace.
{21697}{21732}Yes, that will look better.
{21736}{21809}She has very thin bones,|l noticed while massaging.
{21925}{21998}You impressed her with your massage,|l noticed it.
{22068}{22180}Rachel, l've kissed her.|We were kissing each other.
{22407}{22481}l had Franck's book lying around|in the bedroom the whole week.
{22585}{22669}Perhaps Teri has opened it,|perhaps she read the dedication,
{22671}{22715}but we haven't talked about it.
{22779}{22861}On the next evening with Rachel|Franck they behaved as usual.
{22879}{22966}To me she was neither nervous|nor guilty nor excited.
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