5 Gramatyka Quiz A.docx

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1              Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w nawiasach. Użyj czasu Present Simple.


1              Charlie _______________ (take) his dog for a walk three times a day.
2              My parents _______________ (watch) the news every night.
3              I _______________ (not / do) my homework on Saturday.
4              Wendy _______________ (surf) the Internet on her mobile on the way to school.
5              My brother _______________ (not / go) to school. He's only three.

____ / 5


2              Ułóż pytania z podanymi wyrazami.


1              when / this shop / open

              ____________________________________________________________ ?

2              they / go shopping / at the weekend

              ____________________________________________________________ ?

3              what books / your mum / read

              ____________________________________________________________ ?

4              your dog / like / playing in the park

              ____________________________________________________________ ?

5              how often / you / wake up / early?

              ____________________________________________________________ ?

____ / 5


3              Przepisz zdania, wstawiając w odpowiednim miejscu przysłówki podane w nawiasach.


1              He is at school on time. (always)


2              They go swimming at the weekend. (sometimes)


3              I am busy on Saturdays. (often)


4              I listen to classical music. (never)


5              We play basketball in our PE lessons. (usually)


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4              Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.


1              Don't watch / Let's watch that musical! It's really bad.
2              Lay / Don't lay the table, please. Dinner is ready.
3              Clean / Let's clean your room, please. I'm not going to do it for you.
4              Play / Don't play music so loudly. I'm watching TV in here!
5              Go / Let's go to the cinema tomorrow. We'll have fun!

____ / 5



RAZEM: _____ / 20

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