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International Relations Between The Wars
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Oscar Halecki, History of East Central Europe
It was in the obvious interest of the liberated nations of East Central Europe
that President Wilson’ program of self-determination was combined with a
project of international organization which materialized in the League of
Nations. Such a league, which guaranteed the independence and territorial
integrity of all member states great or small, was welcomed by those countries
which in the past had seen these rights so frequently violated and even
completely refused to them. Furthermore, in the opinion of the peacemakers, the
League was to provide a solution for all those problems which had not been
adequately settled in the various treaties, and such problems were particularly
numerous in East Central Europe, that basically reorganized part of the
On the other hand, however, the new, restored, or enlarged states of that
region were so concerned with their urgent national issues, at least at the
beginning, that even those of them who were represented at the Peace Conference
and in the drafting of the Covenant could not give sufficient attention to the
general questions which were involved. They also resented the privileged
position of the big powers, first in the Commission which worked out the
organization of the League, and then in the League’ Council. Only one of the
nonpermanent seats could be attributed to the countries of East Central Europe,
Greece being chosen as their first representative, thanks to the prestige of
Venizelos. And Poland’ disappointment at the solution of the Danzig problem did
not make her favorable to the idea of having to share with the League the
limited power given to her in an area which she had hoped to obtain without
Poland, too, was the first country which was obliged to sign, simultaneously
with the Versailles Treaty of June 28, 1919, a special treaty with the great
powers whose main provisions dealt with the rights of her minorities, racial,
linguistic, or religious, which were placed under the guaranty of the League.
The resentment caused by that treaty was directed not against the provisions
themselves, since Poland was ready to include even more extensive rights for all
minorities in her national constitution, but against the international
interference with that delicate matter. In the case of Poland, the interference
of her neighbors with the religious minorities problem on the eve of the
partitions was indeed a painful recollection. Though now a similar interference
was entrusted to an international body, the Council of the League, the fact that
this international protection of minorities was not made universal was resented
as a discrimination not only by Poland but also by the other “
Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Yugoslavia, and Greece, which had to sign similar
treaties. Among the defeated nations, only the small countries, but not Germany,
also had to accept these obligations regarding minorities in their respective
peace treaties.
The apprehension raised by the system of minorities protection also proved
justified for another reason. Originally that new system was introduced mainly
for assuring protection to the large Jewish minorities in East Central Europe.
When extended to all other groups, however, it was soon used and misused in
favor of the German minorities that were scattered all over that same region.
And it served the German Reich as a weapon for creating trouble in the countries
concerned and for supporting the German groups in their opposition against the
states to which they now belonged. However, that danger became apparent only
after Germany’ admission into the League, which did not take place until after
the admission of all the states of East Central Europe.
In addition to the five of them which as Allied powers were among the
original members of the League, the new Republic of Finland, restored Albania,
and two of the former enemies, Austria and Bulgaria, were admitted by the first
Assembly in December, 1920. On that same occasion all nations which had formerly
been under Russian rule asked for such admission, but their applications were
rejected by a large majority which, except in the case of Finland, did not
consider their situation sufficiently stabilized and which doubted whether or
not the League would be able to safeguard the newly proclaimed independence of
these countries. These apprehensions proved correct with regard to the Ukraine
as well as the distant Transcaucasian republics, but Estonia, Latvia, and
Lithuania were admitted by the second Assembly of the League in September, 1921,
having in the meantime received de jure recognition by all powers. The admission
of Hungary was delayed until the next year because of the unsettled Burgenland
question. All these new members, as far as they had not signed treaties that
included the protection of minorities, had to sign declarations in that matter
(Finland only with respect to the Aland Islands) on the occasion of their
admission, making these international guaranties a general rule in East Central
Europe. Reciprocal guaranties in favor of the minorities on both sides of the
border were included only in the Riga Treaty and in the Geneva Convention
regarding Upper Silesia.
Besides that minorities problem, the countries of East Central Europe had
many other occasions, much more numerous than in the case of any other nations,
to use the machinery of the League. Some of these issues resulted from
territorial controversies connected with the establishment of the new boundaries
but were neither definitely settled nor touched on at all by the Paris Peace
Conference. They were brought before the League’ Council under Article 11 of
the Covenant as threats to international peace. The League was successful in the
question of the Aland Islands and of Upper Silesia, and though the Wilno problem
could not be settled in Geneva, the Council’ action contributed greatly to
avoiding an armed conflict in that matter.
The League also contributed to the settlement of a few minor controversies
regarding the frontiers of Albania and the Polish-Czechoslovak border, and
successfully settled two rather dangerous incidents in the Balkans. Particularly
difficult to deal with was the Greek-Italian dispute in 1923 because one of the
great powers was involved and had already taken military action by bombarding
and occupying the island of Corfu. Though Italy wanted to keep the whole affair
in the hands of the Conference of Ambassadors, the suggestions of the Council of
the League were followed in substance and Corfu was restored to Greece. In 1925
a clash also occurred, this time between Greek and Bulgarian forces, but in that
dispute between two small countries the League was able to act with noteworthy
efficiency and to avoid any serious trouble.
The activity of the so-called technical organizations of the League, which
as a whole was much more successful than its purely political action, proved
particularly helpful to the war-torn countries of East Central Europe.
Immediately after the war, the Health Organization stopped the typhus epidemic
which was spreading westward from Russia, and in the economic and financial
field, in addition to the reconstruction of Austria and Hungary, assistance
through international loans was given to Greece, Bulgaria, Estonia, and to the
Free City of Danzig.
The East Central European countries were, however, most interested in the
League’ efforts to create a system of collective security through mutual
guaranties against aggression which would be more efficient than those provided
for in the Covenant. High hopes were raised at the Assembly of 1924 when the
Geneva Protocol was drafted, giving a clear definition of aggression and
promising joint action against a country that would refuse a peaceful settlement
by arbitration. Edward Benes from Czechoslovakia was very active in preparing
that agreement, and among the other East Central European powers, Poland,
through her foreign minister, Count Alexander Skrzynski, gave special support to
the project.
The protocol was abandoned, however, chiefly because of Britain’
opposition, and the Locarno agreement, which was negotiated the next year
outside the League, proved to be a substitute that was very unsatisfactory to
Germany’ eastern neighbors. Poland was particularly alarmed by the prospect
that Germany, invited to join the League with great power privileges, would have
a permanent seat in the Council. Therefore she claimed a similar privilege for
herself. In 1926, however, she accepted a compromise. This was a so-called
semipermanent seat through the right of re-election. At the same time the number
of nonpermanent seats was increased to eleven so that two more countries from
East Central Europe were always practically certain to be chosen for a period of
three years. And although there were frequent clashes in the Council between the
German and Polish representatives, the new Polish foreign minister, August
Zaleski, was also a strong supporter of the League.
It was the Polish delegation which at the Assembly of 1927 made a proposal
to outlaw war and thus prepared public opinion for the Briand-Kellogg Pact which
was signed in Paris on August 28, 1928, and condemned recourse to war for the
solution of international controversies. And it was that same delegation which
actively participated in the Disarmament Conference of 1932 and submitted a
project of “
moral disarmament”that would make the material limitation and
reduction of armaments easier to accept.
The failure of that Conference and, in general, of the League’ efforts to
combine arbitration, security, and disarmament according to the French formula,
was a special disappointment to the countries of East Central Europe. It was
only then that most of them turned to bilateral agreements with the most
threatening neighbors in order to find other ways to secure their independence
and security. Poland, particularly endangered in her position between Germany
and Russia, completed that change in her policy under Foreign Minister Joseph
Beck who also declared in 1934 that his country would not consider herself bound
by the minorities treaty so long as the whole system was not extended to all
It was indeed difficult for the smaller nations of East Central Europe to
have any confidence in collective security when that security was to be assured
by pacts among the big powers, negotiated outside the League, or when the Soviet
Union, admitted to the League in September, 1934 almost simultaneously with
Germany’ withdrawal, suddenly appeared as a champion of the Geneva institution,
once so violently opposed, and of a collective security system. The League’
failure to stop aggression in Manchuria and Ethiopia made it easy to foresee
that she would be powerless also against totalitarian forces turning against
East Central Europe. And when at the last Assembly in December, 1939, the League
condemned at least one of the acts of aggression by excluding Soviet Russia, it
was too late. Too many aggressions had already been tolerated to save a peace
settlement which had lasted twenty years but which already in the thirties could
not be saved by mere confidence in the League of Nations.
Article 21 of the League’ Covenant encouraged the conclusion of regional
agreements. Nowhere was there a greater need for such agreements than in East
Central Europe where about a dozen independent states, most of them rather small
and none of them a great power, had so many common interests to develop and so
many common dangers to face. Contrary to widespread opinion, it was not the
creation or restoration of these states, misleadingly called a “
of Europe, which was a source of trouble and difficulties. The liberation
movement which in the nineteenth century had started in the Balkans and which
after World War I included the whole area between Germany and Russia, was an act
of justice and a natural process based upon historical traditions as well as
modern aspirations which at last received satisfaction. On the contrary, it was
because that liberation had been so long delayed and continued to be challenged
by imperialistic neighbors who considered the independence of so many “
states merely a provisional solution that the adjustment and stabilization of
the peace settlement proved such a delicate task and required the organized
cooperation of all the interested nations.
In an area where it was impossible to draft frontiers which would strictly
correspond to ethnic divisions and satisfy all economic requirements, none of
these nations could remain in isolation. The trend toward federalism which had
been so significant in earlier periods of their history reappeared as soon as
they regained their freedom. There had never been any federal union or even any
looser system of cooperation comprising all of them. Therefore, it was natural
that in the period between the two world wars more than one regional agreement
was planned in the East Central European area. Each of them developed only
gradually in the direction of a real federation or at least confederation,
without having the necessary time for reaching that goal. As usual in the
history of the whole area, the Baltic, Danubian, and Balkan regions had to be
distinguished, without there being, however, precise dividing lines between
them. In all three cases regional conferences or bilateral treaties were leading
to ententes, with the creation of permanent organs as the next step.
The Baltic conferences began as early as 1919 and at the outset included all
five states of East Central Europe which had access to and a vital interest in
the Baltic. Not only the three small specifically Baltic republics were
represented, but also Finland in the north and Poland in the south, which latter
seemed to lead the movement. But for that very reason the Polish-Lithuanian
conflict proved a serious obstacle to such general Baltic cooperation. From 1921
onward Lithuania no longer participated in these conferences, to the regret of
her closest neighbor, Latvia, which did not want to take sides in the conflict
and yet was particularly interested in the whole scheme. It was her able foreign
minister, S. Meierovics, who at the Baltic Conference of four states herd in
Warsaw in March, 1922, suggested joint action by these states in Geneva, and at
the conference of February, 1924, advocated the formal constitution of a Baltic
Particularly successful seemed the next Baltic Conference which in January,
1925, met in Helsinki, where all four states signed treaties of conciliation and
arbitration and decided to set up interstate commissions of conciliation. But it
soon became apparent that Finland, host to that conference, was hesitating to
continue her cooperation because she did not want to become involved in any
possible conflicts between the other Baltic states and the Soviet Union. Hoping
that her security would be better guaranteed by a rapprochement with the
Scandinavian countries, Finland definitely turned in that direction in the
following years. In 1933 she joined the so-called Oslo Agreement which had been
concluded three years before between the Scandinavian kingdoms and the western
neutrals, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxemburg.
Particularly close remained Finland’ cooperation with the Scandinavian
group, including Iceland, as was evidenced by the economic agreement of 1934 and
the regular conferences of foreign ministers.
Estonia and Latvia, allied with each other from 1924, continued to have very
friendly relations with Poland but eventually proved more interested in
establishing closer ties with the third small Baltic country, Lithuania, with
which they formed a Baltic Entente in 1934. This was much more limited than the
regional agreement which had originally been planned, but apparently it was
safer from entanglements in big-power politics. When the big neighbors decided
to interfere with the Baltic situation, the security of the three allies of
course proved to be an illusion. But their cooperation, inadequate in a European
crisis, gave valuable results in the last years of peace and in the framework of
the League of Nations.
In the Danubian area some kind of regional cooperation seemed particularly
desirable in view of the breakup of the Habsburg monarchy which had united the
Danubian lands for such a long time. But all projects for a Danubian federation
were regarded with suspicion by those who feared a restoration of the defunct
monarchy even in a disguised form. The antagonism between the two groups of
successor states, the victors and the vanquished, made impossible an agreement
including all of them. It was, therefore, only among the three countries which
had benefitted from the peace settlement and which feared its revision, which
Hungary so strongly requested, that the so-called Little Entente created a close
cooperation which was an important element of general European politics between
the two wars.
The entente was based upon three treaties: between Czechoslovakia and
Yugoslavia, of August 14, 1920; Czechoslovakia and Rumania, of April 23, 1921;
and finally Rumania and Yugoslavia, of June 7, 1921. Czechoslovak initiative,
particularly that of Dr. Benes, was evident, but prominent statesmen of the
other two countries were also deeply interested in an agreement which was to
guarantee all three against a possible Habsburg restoration, and especially
against “ unprovoked attack on the part of Hungary,”to which the
Yugoslav-Rumanian treaty also added the danger of a similar attack by Bulgaria.
Much more important than these original provisions against dangers which
were illusory so long as no great power supported the revisionist movement, was
the positive cooperation of at least three Danubian countries which jointly
defended the peace settlement and helped to consolidate it at numerous
international conferences within and outside the League of Nations. The
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