Waser Biotechnik - Nikola Teslas unbekannte Wellen-Entdeckungen.pdf

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Nikola Tesla
Nikola Teslas unbekannte Wellen-Entdeckungen
1 Tesla's wichtigste Messungen in Colorado Springs
2 Ursprung und Fortsetzung der Arbeiten in Colorado Springs
3 Charakteristik der Tesla-Wellen (Zitate & Hypothesen)
4 Die Reproduktion der drahtlosen Energieübertragung
5 Ausblick und Möglichkeiten
Nikola Tesla: Entdeckungen in Colorado Springs
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Nikola Tesla
Teslas wichtigste Messungen in Colorado Springs
1. Abhängigkeit der Kapazität von Kugelkondensatoren von deren
absoluten Höhe über Meer sowie von astronomischen
2. Verschiedene Entladungsformen von Hochspannungsspulen.
3. Elektromagnetische Erdresonanz bei Gewitterblitzen.
Wichtigste Messungen in Colorado Springs
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Nikola Tesla
Abhängigkeiten der Kapazität
C = f(h)
Zitat Nikola Tesla am 30. Januar 1901 / New York Sun
Capacity of electrical Conductors is Variable
observed that the capacity varied with the elevation of the
conducting surface above the ground, and I soon ascertained the
law of this variation.«
more interesting, however, for men of science is the fact I
observed later, that the capacity undergoes an annual variation with
a maximum in summer, an a minimum in winter.«
furthermore observed that there was a diurnal variation with a
maximum during the night. Further, I found that sunlight causes a
slight increase in capacity. The moon also produces an effect, but I
do not attribute it to its light.«
Abhängigkeit der Kapazität von aufgehängten Leitern
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Nikola Tesla
Von Tesla beobachtete Funken-Entladungsformen
1. Form: Feste, laute Blitze, ähnlich Gewitterblitzen oder üblichen
Funkenentladungen, in sehr grellen Farben.
2. Form: Diffuse, knisternde, glimmende Koronaentladungen in
verschiedensten Farbtönen.
3. Form: Diffuse, unhörbare Kugelentladungen (Solitonen) in
verschiedenen weichen Farben, teilweise eingebettet in den
Koronaentladungen nach Form 2.
Häufigste Funkenentladungen an Hochspannungsspulen
Waser Biotechnik
Nikola Tesla
Erdresonanz bei Gewittern (Teil 1)
Zitat Nikola Tesla am 16. May 1900 / US-Patent 787'412
Art of transmitting electrical energy through the natural mediums
1. The
earth's diameter
passing through the pole should be an odd multiple of the
quarter wave-length - that is, of the ratio between the velocity of light - and four
times the frequency of the currents. (N⋅d
e =
= c/(4⋅f))
2. It is necessary to employ oscillations in which the rate of radiation of energy into
space in the form of hertzian or electromagnetic waves is very small. To give an
idea I would say that the frequency should be smaller than twenty thousand per
second (f<20kHz), though shorter waves might be practicable. The lowest
frequency would appear to be
six per second
(6Hz), in which case there will be
but one node, at or near the ground-plate, and, paradoxical as it may seem, the
effect will increase with the distance and will be greatest in a region
diametrically opposite the transmitter. (...)
3. The most essential requirement is, however, that irrespective of frequency the
wave or wave-train should continue for a certain interval of time, which I have
estimated to be not less than one-twelfth or probably 0.08484 of a second and
which is taken in passing to and returning from the region diametrically opposite
the pole over the earth's surface with a mean velocity of about 471'240 km/s.
fr = 6 Hz (lambda/2)
c = 471'240 km/s
Erdresonanz bei Gewittern (Teil I: US-Patent 787'412 vom 16. Mai 1900)
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