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{758}{870}{y:i}She's unconscious.|{y:i}It doesn't look good.
{1785}{1850}Mom, the wipers...
{2386}{2436}{y:i}Now it all came back.
{2446}{2553}{y:i}Two years ago, about now, when|{y:i}I couldn't go to school any more...
{2556}{2652}{y:i}... I spent a month with Grandma,|{y:i}just the two of us.
{2739}{2936}{y:i}THE WITCH OF THE WEST IS DEAD
{3030}{3114}I'm not going back to school.
{3218}{3309}It just makes me feel terrible.
{3445}{3488}All right.
{3510}{3588}Take some time off, then.
{3605}{3695}It hasn't even been a month|since you started Grade 7.
{3699}{3753}You don't have to|decide anything now.
{3860}{3975}I've got to go.|I'll be back at 6, all right?
{4499}{4589}Arguing will only make her|more stubborn.
{4616}{4674}The reason?
{4700}{4764}I don't know...
{4785}{4863}She's always been|overly sensitive.
{4882}{4969}She must have had|her feelings hurt.
{5020}{5093}She's always walked|to a different drum.
{5133}{5203}She just doesn't fit in.
{5243}{5350}Anyway, I'm thinking of sending her|to my mother's for a while.
{5393}{5465}I've heard of other kids|dropping out of school.
{5478}{5554}I never thought my own daughter|would be one of them.
{5581}{5651}So how are things with you?
{5670}{5737}'Doesn't fit in'...
{6202}{6356}{y:i}Maybe because she was half-Japanese,|{y:i}my mother never fit in at school.
{6378}{6455}{y:i}Still, she made it through university.
{6492}{6589}{y:i}And here I was dropping out of|{y:i}middle school.
{6622}{6745}{y:i}What was my grandmother|{y:i}going to make of that?
{9304}{9345}You're looking well.
{9638}{9689}Hello, Grandma.
{9768}{9802}You're here...
{9897}{9954}Nothing's changed.
{10322}{10365}In here?
{10974}{11037}It's so nice and green|here now.
{11040}{11089}Yes, it is.
{11138}{11229}They've widened the road up here.|I was surprised.
{11231}{11263}They have?
{11266}{11289}You didn't know?
{11367}{11405}Thank you.
{11910}{11955}That's a nice breeze.
{11984}{12041}Masao says hello.
{12044}{12157}The new factory's starting up,|so he couldn't get back.
{12195}{12284}You've got more herbs.|How many kinds do you have now?
{12286}{12317}I don't know...
{12319}{12377}That's lavender, isn't it.
{12651}{12757}About Mai...
{12821}{12895}I don't think|it's all that big a deal.
{12946}{13041}She's always been very sensitive.
{13044}{13095}I think that's the reason.
{13150}{13308}Out here she can get over it.|It might be hard for you, though...
{13310}{13377}'Doesn't fit in'...
{13465}{13547}I'll be glad to have Mai here.
{13572}{13715}I'm happy we have a girl|just like her.
{13762}{13858}{y:i}I've always loved my grandma.
{13867}{13979}{y:i}'Grandma, I love you'|{y:i}I'd say sometimes...
{13982}{14097}{y:i}... and she'd give a little smile|{y:i}and answer...
{14455}{14565}Go pick some lettuce and|nasturtium for making sandwiches.
{15698}{15724}Is this OK?
{15910}{15978}Please wash them and|put them in here.
{15981}{16011}How many leaves?
{16014}{16085}Oh, three or four.
{16374}{16414}Thank you.
{17284}{17333}Mai, bring a plate|from the cabinet, please.
{17425}{17443}This one?
{17446}{17534}Yes, we'll use those plates|at most meal-times.
{17537}{17587}Go get your cup from the car.
{17590}{17634}I have cups.
{17637}{17677}She brought her own.
{17731}{17782}And bring the luggage.
{17785}{17810}By myself?
{17813}{17859}Use the cart.
{19311}{19345}Who are you?
{19393}{19457}This is my grandma's house.
{19473}{19518}Here for a visit?
{19549}{19616}I'm staying a while.
{19626}{19665}I'm sick.
{19700}{19752}Well, ain't you something!
{19970}{20009}What's your problem?
{20494}{20552}A weird man was looking in the car.
{20554}{20609}That's probably Genji-san.
{20698}{20763}Did he come back?
{20766}{20829}Who is he? Where does he live?
{20832}{20909}Mai, why don't you sit down?
{20977}{21026}That's a nice cup.
{21146}{21252}Genji lives in the house|at the foot of the lane.
{21270}{21339}He does odd jobs for me.
{21342}{21396}The place with the dogs barking?
{21398}{21433}That's right.
{21443}{21501}So he's divorced?
{21524}{21626}I don't know. He seems to be|living there alone, though.
{21916}{21968}Does he come here a lot?
{21982}{22035}Not that often.
{22074}{22165}Anyway, which bedroom|would you like?
{22167}{22237}Grandpa's room, or your mother's?
{22402}{22477}I'll take Mom's.
{22538}{22579}Is it still how I left it?
{22626}{22694}I'd better go tidy it up.
{22697}{22734}Right now?
{22737}{22800}I can't keep Mai waiting...
{23062}{23086}She's gone...
{23093}{23173}...to put away things|she doesn't want you to see.
{23207}{23289}You've got things that you don't|want people to see, don't you?
{23367}{23543}As one grows up, there are|more and more of those things.
{23605}{23700}That's the room|your mother grew up in...
{23729}{23794}...so she has a lot of them in there.
{24394}{24477}Is Grandpa's room|still full of rocks?
{24487}{24542}Yes. It's just the same.
{24558}{24627}He loved rocks, didn't he.
{24859}{24957}{y:i}I loved this picture of Grandpa.
{24973}{25067}{y:i}He was a science teacher|{y:i}at a middle-school.
{25070}{25138}{y:i}Grandma had come from England...
{25141}{25238}{y:i}... all alone, to be|{y:i}an English teacher there.
{25259}{25327}{y:i}They got married....
{25342}{25448}{y:i}... then had my mother,|{y:i}which is why I'm here.
{25475}{25561}{y:i}Somehow that's amazing.
{26544}{26584}Good morning.
{26633}{26757}Your mother left early.|She said she had to get to work.
{27820}{27856}This is too much.
{27858}{27923}Today we will be working|up on the hill.
{27926}{27955}Doing what?
{27958}{28058}First eat your breakfast,|then take a walk up there.
{28065}{28115}A walk?
{31840}{31892}For now, 'escape'.
{32275}{32346}Let's get picking!
{33041}{33133}Mai, open your mouth.
{33266}{33308}It tastes of the hill.
{33391}{33541}Your grandpa loved|wild-strawberry jam.
{33545}{33621}He'd put it on anything.
{33626}{33753}The only time he ever gave up|was when he tried it...
{33757}{33827}...with cucumber.
{34046}{34152}And he never put it|on green vegetables again.
{34286}{34331}Did Mom help you here?
{34374}{34476}There weren't any strawberries|here then.
{34505}{34647}They only started really growing here|the year after Grandpa died.
{35068}{35164}Like a present from him.
{35187}{35251}It really was.
{35267}{35362}Because that day...
{35379}{35486}...when I first found|a carpet of strawberries here...
{35514}{35573}...was my birthday.
{35617}{35681}Your grandpa never once...
{35683}{35805}...forgot my birthday.
{35981}{36069}You must have been really happy.
{36111}{36169}I was so happy...
{36173}{36253}...I squatted down here|and I cried.
{37935}{38013}You're stronger than you look.
{38531}{38611}Isn't all that sugar bad for you?
{38614}{38641}It's fine.
{38643}{38725}You never eat that much jam|all at once...
{38727}{38805}...and the sweeter it is,|the longer it keeps.
{38809}{38897}Mix that slowly, will you?
{39696}{39771}You're good at that.
{39915}{39986}Mai, trade with me.
{40915}{41025}Having you help me this year...
{41035}{41092}...made things a lot easier.
{41120}{41236}I'll come and help next year,|and every year after that.
{41726}{41817}{y:i}The jam we made|{y:i}had all the bittersweetness...
{41819}{41897}{y:i}... of the plants in the woods|{y:i}behind the house.
{42304}{42373}You have a good sense of color.
{42411}{42515}This mint green is beautiful.
{43370}{43417}What are you sewing?
{43434}{43489}An apron for someone.
{43557}{43671}This is one of|your mother's old nightgowns.
{43711}{43837}I'll make the top|into a smock for you.
{43842}{43924}And the hem can be|an apron for the kitchen.
{43971}{44036}Grandma, I love you!
{44167}{44241}Do you know what a witch is?
{44251}{44283}A witch?
{44291}{44359}Someone who rides on a broom?
{44382}{44461}Not quite, but that's the idea.
{44463}{44516}I've seen them on TV...
{44566}{44613}They really do exist.
{44671}{44733}My grandmother was one.
{44767}{44913}She could see into the future,|and she was clairvoyant.
{45047}{45181}My grandfather came to Japan once,|more than a hundred years ago.
{45206}{45353}My grandmother was only 19 then.|They were engaged.
{45434}{45513}One afternoon|she was crocheting...
{45517}{45625}...some doilies for when|they were to be married.
{45637}{45713}Then suddenly,|right in front of her...
{45719}{45850}...she saw the sea at night,|and my grandfather swimming...
{45852}{45913}...all alone.
{45959}{46059}Something made her call out,|'Go right! '
{46062}{46157}At that very same time,|my grandfather had been on a ship...
{46160}{46259}...and he'd slipped somehow|and fallen overboard.
{46281}{46357}But the ship just kept on going.
{46409}{46531}There was nothing else to do|but start swimming after it.
{46551}{46637}After a while he began to think|he was lost...
{46654}{46717}...and he called out Grandma's name.
{46733}{46781}And right then...
{46787}{46943}...he suddenly heard her dear voice|calling out to him.
{46946}{46988}'Go right! '
{47009}{47111}He turned to his right|and started swimming.
{47114}{47229}Soon he reached the shore,|and he was safe.
{47391}{47523}He told my grandmother|about this experience in a letter.
{47564}{47715}She wrote back saying she was happy|he was safe, but nothing else.
{47727}{47760}Why not?
{47763}{47860}She should have said|'it was me who saved you.'
{47883}{47945}That's what tho...
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