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Passive Mind- The Devil's Workshop
Restoring Your Mind
The Mind: Freeing - Restoring - Protecting
Deliverance For The Subconscious Mind
Deliverance From Grief And Bitterness
The Neurotic Personalities (Psychoneurosis)
The Delinquent Personalities (Psychopsychosis)
The Pathologic Personalities (Psychopathic)
An Attitude Of Gratitude - A Cure For Depression
How To Be Miserable
The Art Of Selfishness
Deut.: Amp. Ycr.
2 Kings 4:8-35
Pro. 2:2-7
Pro. 3:5-10
Pro. 3:13-14,24
Pro. 6:4-11
Pro. 6:17-18
Pro. 10:19-20
Isa. 26:3
Isa. 30:15-17
Isa. 55:8-9
Jcr. 12:5
Dan. 6:14-23
Matt. 3:2
Luke 1:27-38
Luke 9:25-26
Rom. 1:28
Rom. 6:16-19
Rom. 8:6-7
Rom. 10:12
Rom. 12:1-3
2 Cor. 4:4
2 Cor. 4:16
2 Cor. 10:3-5
2 Cor. 5:23
Gal. 5:24
Gal. 6:3-7
Eph. 4:7
Eph. 4:17-20
Eph. 4:21-24,32
Phil. 2:3-9
Phil. 3:13
Phil. 4:6-8
Col. 1:21-23
Col. 3:2
2 Tim. 1:7
2 Tim. 2:21-26
James 1:7
Pet. 1:13
1 Pet. 4:7
1 Pet. 5:7-8
(You will find out how to use your mind in this book.)
(Shunammite Woman.)
(Find the knowledge of God.)
(Trust in the Lord with all your heart.)
(Unrelaxed Mind.)
(Abomination to God.)
(Talk too much.)
(God will guard.)
(Rest and trust in God.)
(God's thoughts not ours.)
in a safe land, you fall down.)
(King's mind compared to Daniel.)
(This book shows the difference between God' s mind and man's mind on issues which are
very important to God.)
(Repent- How sincere has our repentance been?)
(Mary accepts God's will.)
(Being ashamed of God before man is weakness of mind.)
(Passive mind is reprobate, considers God worthless.)
(Active mind and body as servants of God.)
(Holy Spirit mind and fleshly mind.)
(Take heed lest he fall.)
(Make correct judgment of self.)
(Passive mind blind.)
(Inactive mind.)
(Bring thoughts into obedience to Christ.)
(Fruit of the Spirit is self-control.)
(Crucify the flesh- actively.)
(Make correct judgment of self- God is not mocked.)
(Grace is given to each of us.)
(Cults and spiritism.)
(You arc an active participant.)
(God worketh in you.)
(Looking backwards.)
(Think on these things.)
you continue.)
(A commandment - set your mind on things above.)
(No fear.)
(Refuse - shut your mind to youthful lusts, .controversies.)
(Double minded man will not receive from God.)
(Gird up your mind.)
(Keep sound-minded.)
(Worry drains the mind and body.)
(Sincere mind.)
establish and settle us (1 Peter 5:6-11). If we refuse
to stand against the Devil, God cannot strengthen us.
Active Mind - The active mind studies and tests God's
Word, sees it work, believes it, accepts it, trusts it, and
relies on it.
is continually learning more of God's
will and obeying His precepts. How do you know a
Christian? By watching him do what God has said in
the Bible for him to do.
Mental Passivity - includes in its descriptive words:
unreasoning, inactive, unenthusiastic, unresponsive,
unqualified obedience to the commands of another,
lawful or unlawful. (Mark 4:24 - futile mind;
4:17-19- seducing pastors or teachers who patronize
Earline's definition is a mind not directed by its owner
but open to allow any thought to pass through.
accepts lies as truth, and fears as facts.
Webster's definition is receiving impression from ex-
ternal agents - not acting - being the objective of the
action rather than the subject.
Passive Mind- The passive mind does not accept com-
pletely the Word of God as Truth, therefore it is al-
ways questioning and wondering. This questioning
and wonderig weakens the will, causing the person to
be slow
obey God. This is the cause of most of the
instability we see in Christians today.
causes us to
be unsettled in our minds. God's purpose within is to
you to get you on their side, many times opposing
God's Word. Rom. 6:16 - You will become the slave
of whomever you yield your mind to obey.) A person
who does not successfully complete earthly duties
shows mental passivity.
Consider and read these scriptures: J er. 12:5 (This
scripture is to the prophet, Jeremiah.
is also to pas-
tors and Christians today.
you are afraid to live for
and obey God in time of peace, what will you do in
time of trial and persecution?); Rom. 12:1-2 (whole
body including mind is sacrifice); Eph. 4:17-32 (strip
self of all old mental and spiritual attitudes and put on
new.); Phil. 2:13 (God's power works in us and we will
do His Word.)
Manipulation by Jezebelic mother or father, and
Ahab mother or father.
Ignorance of spiritual commandments given in Old
and New Testaments.
Looking back and using the same method of drawing
Draining mental energy by constant recriminations
and unproductive activity of worrying, plotting and
we give thanks to God and truly trust Him we have
inner peace. Our minds· and bodie!! both work and
produce better.
A quiet mind is at peace and resting in the Lord with
full confidence in God even in times of trial.
sive mind is always active "spinning wheels" with
thoughts ru·nning rampant through it jumping from
one thing to another, almost never at rest or at peace.
Consider and read these scriptures. 2 Kings 4:8-36
(Shunammite woman not intimidatedby death);_ Isa.
30:15-16 (God called His people to quietness and
trusting Him in order to have confidenc.e and
strength); Dan. 6:14-23 (King let his mind be played
upon by people; in pride and ignorance he would have
shed innocent blood had not God come to Daniel's
help); Luke 1:27-38 (Mary not passive in accepting
God's plans for her - it was not unusual in that day for
unmarried pregnant women to be stoned on their way
to the well, etc.); 1 Pet. 3:3-4 (God's woman has peace
of mind.)
You must be an active participant in your change
from old·to new life (passive to active). Jer. 12:5- You
cannot run with the men on horseback unless your
mind is settled by a life of practive in obeying God's
Word; Heb. 2:3- How shall we escape (appropriate
retribution) if we neglect so great salvation; 2 Tim.
3:2-5 - A chilling account of the mind in last days
(seems like what we see today); Eph. 4:17-32- We can-
not live as the unsaved!
To a passive person, Phil. 2:3 means that God will
work everything out for me. God does the willing and
To an active person, Phil. 2:3 means that God will
work in me as I obey· His commandments and line
myself up with His will. Then His good pleasure is
done in and through me.
Consider and re!ld these scriptures which teach about
the active/passive mind: Pro. 3:5-10. Vs. 5. ·Lean on,
trust in and be confident in the Lord with all vour
heart and mind, and do not rely on your own insight or
understanding. Vs. 6. In all your ways know, and
recognize and acknowledge Him, and He will direct
and make straight and plain your paths. Vs. 7. Be not
wise in your own 'eyes; reverently fear and worship the
Lord, and turn (entirely) away from evil. Vs. 8.
be health to your nerves and sinews, and marrow and
moistening to your bones. This seems like a prescrip-
tion for good mental, spiritual and physical health.
The rest of these scriptures give more insight about
how to work out Pro. 3:5-10. Pro. 3:13-14; 6:17-18; Isa.
26:3; 55:8-9; Rom. 6:16; 8:6:7; 10:12; 12:1-3; 2 Cor.
10:3-5; Eph. 4:21-32; Gal. 6:3; Phil. 2:4-9; 4:8; Col.
1:21; 2 Tim. 1:7; James 1:7; 1 Pet. 1:13; 2 Pet. 3:1.
We must repent, change our mind and change our
c·onduct. The battle for our minds began in the Gar-
den of Eden with Adam and Eve. In Matt. 3 we see
the contrast between the minds of those obeying God
and those in disobedience; 2 Cor. 4:4, following the
god of this world brings a blinded mind. Gen. 3:1-6,
doubt, unbelief, questioning God, adding to what' God
has said brings instability. Rom. ·6: 16, results of yield-
ing to wrong person or attitudes, etc.
The passive mind is blind to the Word of God. In a
Christian; the passive mind will hear and accept the
Devil's opinions about life and its situations.
at them in the Devil's light rather than the Light of
uses great swelling words to argue with God,
The passive mind is a reprobate mind. Aftyr much
agreeing with the Devil, soon God is not in all of our
thouglits, and we become vain or empty of the truth
(Rom. 1:28). All sin is played with in the mind before
it is committed.
Cults, spiritism and mind control nl;!ed minds empty
of God to fully operate in (Eph. 4:17-20).
An active mind should get stronger as it matures. An
inactive mind desires to do these things but does very
little (2 Cor. 4:16).
Inactive minds .babble away by talking too much, often
about things they know little about, using incorrect
facts and assumptions. The unrelaxed mind causes
sleepless nights (Pro ..3:24; 10:19).
Deuteronomy contains the formula for the correct use
of mind and heart. Deut. 4:9, set your mind to remem-
ber what God has done. 4:29, seek God with your
whole heart. 4:39, recognize that the Lord is God in
heaven and'on earth; there is no other .. 5:29, fear God
and keep His commandments. 6:5, love God with your
entire being. 6:6, God's words shall be first in your
mind and heart. 6:7, impress them diligently on the
minds and hearts of your children. 7:17, don't fear
larger nations. 8:2, know if you will keep His com-
mandments. 8:5, know also in your mind and heart
that, as a man disciplines and instructs his son, so the
Lord your God disciplines and instructs you. We
should be diligent in our discipline and instruction of
our children so that God will quickly and correctly dis-
cipline and instruct us. 8:14, when God has blessed
you don't forget Him. 8:17, don't forget God blessed
you and get proud and say you did it yourself. 9:4,
don't say in your heart that God's blessings fall on you
because you are righteous. 9:5, God is keeping His
promise to Abraham.
10:12, see 6:5. 11:13-14,
diligently serve God and He will send early and latter
rain for crops and grass for cattle. 11:16, don't be
deceived and worship other gods. 11:18, lay God's
Words as forehead bands before your eyes. 15:7, shall
not harden heart against nor refuse to help poor
brethren. 15:9, have no greed for brother's goods.
17:20, don't be lifted up in your heart over your
brothers. 18:22, do not be afraid of false prophets.
20:3, trust God, fear no enemy. 20:8, let fainthearted
return home. Read chapters 27-28 to see how you will
be blessed or cursed. 28:47, destruction for not serv-
ing the Lord with gratitude of heart and mind. 28:67,
disobedience will bring extreme anxiety. 29:18-19,
don't expect safety if you get into demon or Satan wor-
ship. 30:2, return to God with whole being. 30:10, if
you sincerely repent you will be forgiven. 30:14, Word
of God is in our mouth. 30:17-20, punishment for turn-
ing to demons and Satan. 31:46, set mind and heart on
the Words of God delivered to you this day. 2 Cor.
10:3-5, we are totally helpless against Satan if we use
natural weapons or our thoughts but, if in all confron-
tations we use God's Word as the leveler, we win.
Eph. 4:22-32, you are the one who will have to strip
yourself of your old nature (you will do this through
Bible study, and putting the Biblical information into
practice daily and by using God's provision of
deliverance from demon bondage). Col. 1:21, you
must remain well grounded in the Gospel. 2 Cor. 10:5,
you will learn to control the use of your thoughts.
The best book we have found to help you understand
how the mind works is the unabridged editior. ofWAR
ON THE SAINTS by Jessie Penn-Lewis with Evan
Roberts, The Ninth Edition, Thomas E. Lowe Ltd.,
New York, NY. (Order from: LHBC, PO Box516, Hot
Springs, AR 71902 - $11.50 plus $1.50 postage.) This
book is like a textbook and is not easy to read.
However, we strongly recommend you purchase and
read this book! At the end of this lesson are found
copies of the tables in the book. They will help you to
understand how you have allowed your mind to be-
come invaded by demons. Study these tables careful-
Passive Will - indecisive, torture of mind, embarrass-
Passive Mind - inactive mind, hesitation, rashness,
lack of concentration, lack of judgment, bad memory
(can't remember names, numbers, dates, important
Passive Imagination- gazing, evil gazes. dulled vision,
bound mind, can't think (mind held by iron band, men-
tal pressure, mental weights, fetters on mind, mental
chains, mental yokes and fetters.)
Passive Judgment- can't make a clear judgment on
sues, misuses the verse on judge not. Many do not
realize they are to judge every prophecy, fruit in our
lives and in the lives of others, etc.
once heard a pas-
tor tell his people they should not criticize him even
when he is wrong, neither should they talk about him.
have seen a strange thing in that church- an unusual-
ly large number of divorces, illegitimate children,
crimes of theft and forced entry, idolatry, etc. People
should be taught to properly make scriptural judg-
Passive Reason -closed mind, evil positiveness, infal-
Passive Conscience - moral degradation, moral stag-
nation, retrogression in life and service, false voice of
God, false reasoning.
Passive Spirit- wrong thoughts, wrong spirit, inactive
spirit, faint spirit, bound spirit, filthy spirit, mixed
condition, impure spirit, absolutely powerless spirit,
bound use of tongues, no liberty, wrong mental con-
clusions, mixed feelings about God, soulish spirit,
quenching spirit, ignoring spiritual truths, ( exhaus-
tion of spirit, body and mind), (strained spirit, mind,
Passive Body - cessation of consciousness, passive
sight, passive hearing, passive smell, passive taste,
passive feeling, dulled consciousness, dead conscious-
ness, unconscious habits, repulsive habits, peculiar
habits (hyper-personality conscious), lethargy, heavi-
ness, (stooping of back, shoulders, spine), dullness of
eyes, passive eyes.
Passive Whole Man - dormant affections (dormant
faculties of mind and body) dormant bodily needs,
severity to body, indulgence of flesh, stoical feelings,
sensuous domination, physical domination (physical
spiritual experiences); senses feed on thrills, glow,
fire, sense realm, walk after flesh, aroused sense of
life, (acute sensation of body consciousness), dulled
sense of God, loss of God's presence, crutches, veiled_
in ignorance of God, natural idiosyncrasies, infir-
mities, over-stressed, nervous mind, timid mind, no
gift of speech, no power to think, (incapable for God's
service), apathy, (passive state of rest, peace, love,
joy, fruit of spirit), passive holiness, misconception of
self-effacement, counterfeit suffering, weak-willed,
spasmodic spirit, mind and body.
Different Reactions of Passive and Active Mind
On its sins: Active mind will call sin sin.
will not
blame its sin on others.
will recognize and apply
Jesus' work on the cross.
will begin a corrective
program. Passive mind will blame someone else, say
it was forced into sin, or ignore it.
will seldom make
the necessary corrections and obey God.
On self-examination in the ligbt of God's Word: Ac-
tive mind will examine itself by the Bible, will not
despair or become crushed, but will rapidly exercise
true repentance and faith in God's promise of forgive-
ness which brings joy. Passive mind will let evil spirits
lead it into self-accusations, recriminations and
despair, becoming crushed, despondent and
depressed. God does not crush us but reveals the
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