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Piotr Maciej Kaczynski
Polish Council
Presidency 2011
Ambitions and Limitations
Piotr Maciej Kaczynski
Polish Council Presidency 2011
Ambitions and Limitations
- SIEPS – 2011:3op
SIEPS 2011:3op
December 2011
Published by Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies
The publication is available at www.sieps.se
The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author.
Cover: Svensk Information AB
Print: EU Grafiska AB
Stockholm, December 2011
ISSN 1651-8071
ISBN 91-85129-85-2
It is no overstatement to say that 2011 will be remembered as an extraordinary
year in the history of the European Union above all due to the economic – and
increasingly political – effects of the Eurozone crisis. This crisis has posed
challenges to the Polish Presidency as Poland, like Sweden, is not a member
of the Euro group. This means that the Presidency has been excluded from
some of the most important decision-making during the second half of 2011.
Moreover in constitutional terms, as Piotr Maciej Kaczyński points out in
this occasional paper, the political clout in the EU now rests more with the
European Council than with the Council Presidencies. The role of the Council
Presidencies in foreign policy has also been limited. The Lisbon Treaty has
accordingly made the rotating presidency increasingly politically irrelevant.
Nevertheless, the Council Presidency is not a pointless exercise as has been
illustrated by Poland this autumn.
The Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies biannually publishes a
report on the incumbent Council Presidency of the EU. Even if their political
importance has rapidly vanished, it is my belief that SIEPS´analytic approach
to the Council Presidencies of the EU fulfils several purposes. First, our
reports seek to provide the reader with insights into the political system
of the Member State holding the Presidency and into its specific relation
to the European integration process. Secondly, the priorities of different
Presidencies do say something about the incumbent Member State, even
though the margin for political leadership and prioritising is limited. Finally,
our presidency reports provide both an inventory of current policy-making in
the EU and of the institutional and structural dynamics at play.
Anna Stellinger
Head of Agency
SIEPS carries out multidisciplinary research in current European affairs. As an
independent governmental agency, we connect academic analysis and policy-
making at Swedish and European levels.
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