The Retribution of Mara Dyer Mara Dyer.pdf

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For the bad girls, and the boys who love them
“What is done out of love always takes place beyond good
and evil.”
—Friedrich Nietzsche,
Beyond Good and Evil
was taken on [redacted] at the Horizons Residential Treatment
Center for Behavioral Health. 31821 No Name Island, Florida. Video transcript time: 2:13 p.m.
Examination by: Dr. Deborah Kells
Also present: Mr. [redacted]
KELLS: Hello, Mara. My name is Deborah Kells, and this is Mr. ____. We’re here because your
family says that you have agreed to residential treatment at the Horizons Residential Treatment
Center for Behavioral Health on No Name Island, Florida, just off No Name Key. Is that correct?
KELLS: How much Amytal did you give her?
MR. ____: Forty ccs.
KELLS: Anemosyne?
MR. ____: One hundred micrograms.
KELLS: And the midazolam?
MR. ____: Fifty milligrams. Same as the others. She won’t remember any of this.
KELLS: God, she’s like a zombie. Mara, Mara—are you awake? Do you understand me?
MARA: . . . Yes.
KELLS: Great. Thank you. Is it correct that you agreed to being treated here?
MARA: Yes.
KELLS: Thank you. Now, if at anytime you don’t understand what I’m asking you, just let me
know and I’ll try to make it clearer, okay?
MARA: Okay.
KELLS: Now, you’ll notice that there’s a video camera in the room here with us. We want to record
this just so we have a record. Is that okay with you?
MARA: Yes.
KELLS: Excellent. Okay, Mara. Let’s start with the basics. What is your full name?
MARA: Mara Amitra Dyer.
KELLS: And how old are you?
MARA: Seventeen.
KELLS: Where were you born?
MARA: Laurelton.
KELLS: Where is that?
MARA: Outside Providence.
KELLS: Rhode Island?
MARA: Yes.
KELLS: Thank you. Can you tell me a little about why you’re here?
KELLS: She’s struggling with the open-ended questions. Can we counteract the Anemosyne?
MR. ____: She might not be as cooperative.
KELLS: Well, she’s not exactly cooperative now, is she?
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