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Getting Started with
GlassFish Application Server v3
are different in terms of provided services and footprint. The
beauty of modularity is the option to install the Java EE or
Web Profile distributions and simply use the update center
to download/install/uninstall the desired modules. The Web
Profile distribution does not provide enterprise integration
services such as JCA and JMS.
By Masoud Kalali
GlassFish is a Java EE application server hosted at
and is sponsored mainly by Sun
Microsystems. Based on the Java EE reference implementation,
GlassFish is the first application server to support new
specifications and standards. It is distributed under two open
source licenses - GPL v2 with the Classpath exception and
To download GlassFish visit
and selecting the appropriate
operating system. JDK 6 (version 1.6.0_13) or a newer version
is required for installation. Supported operating systems on
different architectures
include: Solaris,
OpenSolaris, Linux,
AIX, and Windows.
Installing GlassFish is
as easy as following
the automatic
installer’s steps.
Alternatively, GlassFish
v3 can be installed
using a zip installer;
just download, unzip,
and go. For the
remainder of this
Refcard, assume
GlassFish is installed in
Figure 1:
GlassFish installation directory structure
What Makes GlassFish Different
Several unique features differentiate GlassFish v3 from other
application servers: it’s the first to support Java EE 6 and
Web Profile; modularity based on OSGi; session retention
on application redeploy; support for the latest Web services
specification and proven interoperability with Microsoft WCF;
easy-to-use administration console and command line; low-
overhead, fine grained monitoring, in addition to already
available monitoring facilities in its administration channels;
and runs dynamic languages and frameworks like RoR using
native containers. For now, those requiring high availability
clustering and centralized administration with Java EE 5
applications should consider GlassFish v2. These features are
in the GlassFish v3 roadmap.
Support for GlassFish is available in a community driven mode
(free) and commercial support provided by Sun Microsystems.
It’s worth noting that to move from community driven support
to commercial support there is no need to re-install. Install
the Sun Branding and license from the Update Center, enter
a commercial relationship with Sun Microsystems, and have
best of the breed application server along with support from a
leading Java EE vendor.
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GlassFish Domains
GlassFish, like other application servers, uses the concept of
domains: entities which define the scope of administration.
GlassFish Application Server 3.0
GlassFish v3
GlassFish v3 is the first application server based on OSGi with
full support of Java EE 6 umbrella specification. OSGi and a
highly modular architecture turn GlassFish v3 into the most
flexible and extensible application server available on the
market. It offers many GlassFish v2 features, and many new
features and enhancements introduced in different layers -
from application server security and stability to developer
productivity improvements. Some additional new features
Embeddable; dynamically extensible
IPS as main packaging, distribution and updating system
Uses OpenInstaller for installation; optional zip installer
RESTful monitoring interface
Web and Enterprise Profiles
GlassFish v3 fully supports Java EE 6 and also provides both
Web Profile and Java EE distributions. These distributions
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Getting Started with
GlassFish Application Server v3
Each GlassFish v3 installation has its own domain, although
support for multiple domains – an existing GlassFish v2 feature
- is in the GlassFish v3 roadmap.
The asadmin options are shown in Table 2:
Table 2: The asadmin program options
The application server administration listener IP address or host name.
The administration listener port number.
A username in admin realm. admin by default.
The password file containing administrator’s password.
Add new type of container to host; for example another dynamic
language applications.
If specified, CLI utility will ask for required parameter in an interactive way.
If specified, CLI utility will use HTTPs to communicate with administration
application to prevent possible security breach.
GlassFish Directory Structure
The directory structure of GlassFish v3 has changed to cope
with new architecture and features. Figure 1 (page1) shows
the new directory layout and Table 1 provides descriptions of
important directories.
All directories in Figure 1 are numbered to ease locating them
in the table and in Figure 2 (page3).
Table 1: Directory structure description
Contains links to asadmin and update center scripts. Directory no. 13 contains Java EE
related scripts in addition to what is available in this directory.
GlassFish configuration files.
This is where new OSGi modules are placed to allow the application server platform to
pick them up.
OSGi platform used by GlassFish.
OpenInstaller and un-installation related scripts.
The default directory which GlassFish domains are created in. Domain related CLI
commands look for target domain inside this directory
Domain start and stop scripts.
Default document root for serving http://IP:PORT/ Another set of files may be included
here if required.
This is where shared libraries such as JDBC drivers, Apache Commons, etc. are placed.
Stores all logs, including server logs, access logs, and transaction logs.
Includes domain related configuration files like domain.xml, default-web.xml, key
stores, etc.
Deployed applications, ready to be deployed applications and container generated
files for deployed applications are stored in these directories.
Update center scripts and PKG (5) image packaging system are located inside these
Open MQ which is the default MQ implementation of GlassFish is located here.
Not all of these parameters are required for executing a
command and only important items are detailed in this
The second mode of using asadmin script is entering the shell
and running commands inside the shell. This is a bit faster than
the first method which needs to run the asadmin utility each
time a command is invoked.
To enter the shell and invoke commands, execute the asadmin
script without any trailing command or parameter. The
following example shows the asadmin shell and how to execute
a command inside it.
asadmin>help create-domain
The invoking schema is the same for both methods but
there are some usage differences. The CLI can execute most
commands against a remote server by providing the address
and port number of the administration listener. If not, it will
execute the command against the default local server which is
GlassFish provides multiple administration channels for
administration flexibility.
You can get a list of all commands along with a brief
explanation about them by invoking help command.
To save the output for later review use the following
./asadmin help > path_to_file.txt
Web Based Administration Console
To access the Web Console, point a browser to http://IP_
ADDRESS:PORT/. By default the port number is 4848 and the
listener listens on all available network interfaces of the server
machine. The default administration credentials are admin with
no password, although one can be provided during installation.
GlassFish uses a separate Virtual Server for Web Console for
independent configuration.
JMX/AMX Administration Channel
This channel is widely preferred by developers who need to
interact with GlassFish administration and management layer
using the Java language. Administration tasks can also be
executed by writing Java code using JMX. The GlassFish JMX
listener listens on port 8686 by default. The username and
password are the same as those for the CLI and Web Console.
Any JMX console can be used, like the JDK’s JConsole or
MC4J, to examine the GlassFish JMX MBeans and see what
functions are availble.
RESTful Administration Channel
This interface exposes complete GlassFish management
and monitoring functionalities through a RESTful interface,
where output can be formatted using HTML, JSON or XML.
The root URL for RESTful administration is http://ADMIN_
ADDRESS:ADMIN_PORT/management/domain/, which can
accept requests from a browser, tools like curl or wget, or even
Java applications using JAX-RS client libraries. Use the POST
method to update the configuration, and use the GET method
to view the configuration. For example to view the monitoring
levels, send the following GET request from any web browser:
Command Line Administration Console
This is the preferred approach for experienced administrators
who choose to use CLI for administration purposes. Some tasks
like creating/removing/backing up and restoring a domain are
only possible using the CLI. The CLI also enables automation
of routine tasks through shell scripts, as well as integration with
provisioning tools. The administration CLI is accessible through
the asadmin utility located at gf_home/bin directory. It is
either a batch file named asadmin.bat for Windows or a shell
script named asadmin for Linux and UNIX.
The asadmin script has two modes. The first, invoking schema,
is more suitable for creating custom scripts or for executing
only one command:
./asadmin [ program options] command_name *[[--param] values]
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Getting Started with
GlassFish Application Server v3
To create a new HTTP listener we can POST the following
command to the server.
curl -X POST -d “web-container=ON” -H “Accept: application/json”
Administration is performed on a day-to-day basis. Some tasks
may be easier using the CLI, others with the Web Console.
and AMX-enabled tools such
as jconsole, or by developing
simple custom applications
to take care of repetitive daily
tasks or automatic response to
some events. Figure 3 shows
the GlassFish v3 MBeans tree in
The AMX Beans form a dynamic
Figure 3:
JMX console showing
tree which represents the
entire application server and any
GlassFish MBeans tree
manageable object inside it. The
AMX is a dynamic proxy layer on top of JMX MBeans to ease
interaction with the GlassFish management core.
Common Administration Tasks in CLI
Table 3 shows the list of common CLI commands. Some are
exclusive to CLI, and others are easier to perform this way.
Local commands are marked using an asterisk *.
Table 3: Common CLI Commands
List local and remote commands. Remote commands are listed if the
remote server is up and running.
Create a new domain.
Start the given domain.
Stop the given domain.
Deploy an application.
Undeploy an application.
Create a backup of domain configurations. It does not include deployed
Restore the given backup.
List all domains in the default or the given domains directory.
Command to verify the the domain.xml file. Useful when edited manually.
It is wise to spend time securing the application server instead
of gazing at the disaster a security leak caused.
Passwords Security
The administration and master passwords should be changed
frequently. Change them using provided CLI commands.
Table 4 lists the required tasks for overall password security
along with a description and command used to complete that
security task.
Table 4: Security tasks and related commands
Change administrator
Change master
password which
protects the key
store files
Alias of the passwords
used for connection
pools, JMS hosts and
so on
Description and Command
Change the administrator password from time to time using change-
admin-password command.
Change the default master password from “changeit” to something
else using change-master-password command.
More CLI commands are covered in the Security section
of this Refcard. There are tens of other commands for
administrating Java EE managed resources and application
server functionalities. The complete list of commands can be
viewed by invoking the help command. An example of how
to execute the create-domain command to create a domain
named domain2 is as follows:
create-domain --adminuser admin --adminport 4848 --instanceport 8080
--domainproperties domain.jmxPort=8686:http.ssl.port=8181 domain2
Passwords required for connection pools are stored in plain text; to
avoid this, use password aliasing. For example:
create-password-alias Alias_Name
and use the alias name in the following format instead of the
A complete set of commands for creating, updating, listing and
deleting aliases is provided.
The CLI is typically used to administer multiple servers; to prevent
entering clear-text the passwords on the command line, use a
password file containing
and pass it to commands invoked using --passwordfile parameter.
And yes, use password aliases here too.
The login command is helpful in interactive mode. After successfully
logging into a server, asadmin will store the password and re-use it
when a command is invoked on that server. The format is:
asadmin login --host HOST_ADDRESS --port ADMIN_PORT
The command will enter the interactive mode and ask for passwords.
Do not enter
Administration Tasks in Web Console
The Web Console is suitable for tasks
where there are several parameters
and attributes involved, or where
the CLI is unavailable. It is very
easy to create JDBC connection
pools, JMS destinations, configure
listeners and thread pools, some
security related configuration,
containers configuration, cluster-wide
configuration and management, and
so on. The Web Console has a very
organized structure to make it easy
to find and locate tasks. Figure 2
shows a part of the tree based menu
Figure 2:
Administration console
Configuration node.
structure of Web administration
Do not enter
Listeners Security (Network Security)
Listeners are the interaction channels of the application server
with the outside world. Both the administration listener and
the ORB listener should be protected from un-authorized
access. Sometimes securing listeners means binding them
to a specific network interface of the server machine, and
sometimes it means mutual authentication protection using
digital certificates. Table 5 lists the listeners, security measures
and how to access them through Web Console.
Table 5: Listeners and Listeners Security Measures
HTTP Listeners
How to access
Config> Network Listeners
Security Measures
Listeners should listen on specific
interfaces, not on (all
available interfaces).
Administration Tasks and JMX Console
GlassFish v2 can be monitored and managed using JMX-
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Getting Started with
GlassFish Application Server v3
HTTP Listeners
Config> Protocols
Check off the Security check
box if HTTPS is required for this
Make sure to leave required
listeners active.
Be sure to change the network
address to the appropriate one.
Use secure listeners if possible.
Enable security (SSL) if
required. Use only required
network addresses. Change
authentication realm if required.
ORB Listeners
of interest. To enable monitoring for a service navigate to
Tree>Configuration>Monitoring and change the monitoring
level of the services and containers of interest. Three levels of
monitoring are available:
1. OFF: No monitoring information is gathered.
2. LOW: Cumulative statistics are gathered.
3. HIGH: Detailed statistics are gathered.
JMX Listeners
New users with administration permission can be
added to admin-realm. To do this, navigate to Tree>
Configuration>Security>Realms>admin-realm and
then click on the Manage Users button. Add as many
users as needed.
Security Audition
Auditing is useful for checking logged events and conducting
analysis to locate potential problems. Security auditing makes
it possible to review events like failed logins. The default
auditing module provided with GlassFish logs all security
events in the server.log file. To enable auditing hit Tree>Con
figuration>Security>Audit Modules>default and then enable
the module by changing the auditOn property’s value to true.
Implementing new auditing modules is as simple as extending
the com.sun.appserv.security.AuditModule class, putting
the implementation in the domain classpath and adding it
as a new audit module in Tree>Configuration>Security>Au
dit Modules>. After adding the auditing module, it can be
enabled by changing the appropriate attribute defined, if any.
When enabled, monitoring affects the overall performance of
the application server, specifically the observed services. It is
better not to use HIGH in a production environment.
After changing the monitoring level, GlassFish starts gathering
monitoring information which can be viewed in the Web
Console or other channels. To view the monitoring information,
navigate to Tree>Application Server and select the Monitor
tab. This page shows all gathered statistics for any service with
statistics collection enabled.
For example, the JDBC Connection Pools performance metrics,
with counts the maximum number of connections, maximum
available connections, and more, and various timing factors like
maximum wait time, and so on.
CLI and Monitoring
For CLI advocates, the CLI provides thorough monitoring
capabilities. The CLI offers fine-grained control on which
performance factors to monitor. Table 6 lists all CLI commands
related to monitoring.
Table 6: CLI monitoring commands
Getting the value for any configuration attribute in the system. View the
monitoring level of a service or multiple services using this command.
Setting the value for any configuration attribute in the system. Set the
monitoring level of a service or multiple services using this command.
Monitoring one or multiple attributes of GlassFish services like transaction,
JMS, JDBC connection pools and so on. The command is very flexible about
information representation.
HTTP Access Log
Storing HTTP access logs can help with reviewing HTTP access
events. Access logs can be enabled in two ways: HTTP Service
enables it for all HTTP listeners (Tree>Configuration>HTTP
Service) and Virtual Server level enables HTTP Access Log for
a particular Virtual Server (Tree>Configuration>Virtual Server).
Access logs are stored in a directory named access inside the
logs directory of each domain.
A virtual server, sometimes called a virtual host,
is an object that allows the same physical server
to host multiple Internet domain names. Virtual
Servers can use dedicated HTTP listeners and
configurations for authentication realms and default
web applications. You can create Virtual Server by
navigating to Tree>Configuration>Virtual Server.
Configuration attributes can be accessed using a concept
called Dotted Names. Dotted names, as the name may imply, is
a hierarchy of attributes representing all servers, services, and
managed objects of the GlassFish Application Server in a tree
which starts with father nodes and comes down to attribute
leafs. Each level is separated from the adjacent level by a dot.
The following dotted names can further clarify the concept.
Now, let’s use these three commands to do some monitoring.
asadmin get server.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.*
Monitoring is an essential part of enterprise applications,
either in application server services layers or in enterprise
applications themselves. GlassFish provides advanced and
extensible monitoring capabilities for both applications
deployed in GlassFish and for GlassFish services themselves.
The monitoring information is accessible though different
channels, including all three administration channels in
addition to the newly included RESTful interface.
Checks the monitoring levels of all services using the wild-card
asadmin set server.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.jdbc-
This last command set the JDBC connection pools monitoring
level to HIGH.
asadmin monitor --type jdbcpool --filter sample-mysql-pool
/opt/out2.csv --interval 5 server
Web Console and Monitoring
To monitor a GlassFish services like JDBC connection pools,
HTTP services and so on, enable monitoring for the services
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This monitor command will gather sampling data each 5
seconds for a JDBC connection pool named sample-mysql-
pool which is managed by a server instance named server. The
command will store the sampling data to a CSV file located at
Getting Started with
GlassFish Application Server v3
JMX and Monitoring
JMX enables application server to be monitored directly
from Java source code, and can respond to sampling data
in an appropriate way. An example would be a swing-based
monitoring console or integration of GlassFish monitoring
into a bigger monitoring console to monitor the entire
infrastructure from a single console. Another common example
is monitoring and changing application server configuration in
a headless way.
In addition, GlassFish
Enterprise Server subscriptions include Enterprise Manager,
which offers tools to “auto-tune” the configuration based on a
simple set of questions about the deployment environment.
Although the JVM uses sophisticated garbage collection
algorithms, performance and memory can be tuned by
changing memory management and garbage collection
parameters, depending on the deployment environment.
Tools like VisualVM give a good sense of what is going on the
application server. VisualVM is now included in JDK and is
accessible using the java_home/bin/visualvm. Installing visual
GC plug-in for Visual VM can help with memory tuning. More
information about Visual VM is available at
or JDK documentation. To
change the application server’s JVM option navigate to Tree>
Configuration>JVM Settings and select the JVM Options tab.
RESTful Monitoring Interface
One of the unique features of GlassFish v3 is the RESTful
monitoring interface that allows virtually any programming
language to access GlassFish monitoring information using a
RESTful interface.
The RESTful interface represents a hierarchy of GlassFish
services, server environment, JVM, deployed applications and
managed resources like JDBC connection pools.
To access monitoring information using the RESTful interface,
send a GET request to
which will return a list of all child
objects for this node
(monitoring must be
enabled). Going down
the hierarchy to get
monitoring information
along with a list of
children for any node
in the hierarchy. For
example sending a
get request to
(with JVM monitoring
enabled) will result in
Figure 4:
JVM memory monitoring information
an output similar to Figure 4.
The RESTful interface can format the output to JSON or XML
when the appropriate trailing parameters are included. For
JSON format include application/json in the URL and for XML
include application/xml in the URL trail. For example:
curl http://localhost:4848/monitoring/domain/server/jvm/
memory -H “application/xml”
The RESTful monitoring interface enables developing
monitoring solutions using scripting languages like Perl,
Python and so on.
For GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 commercial customers, Sun
Microsystems provides a monitoring scripting client, which
enable ad-hoc querying using fine-grained probes, similar to
DTrace on Solaris.
Web Container Performance Tuning
Tuning the Web container will lead to the application server
processing Web requests in a more efficient way and will result
in higher throughput. Some determining factors for Web
container performance are:
• HTTP listener thread pool attributes.
• File cache support in HTTP Protocol of each HTTP listener.
• Disabling the access log.
• Disabling monitoring.
Thread pool attributes customization highly depends on the
deployed applications’ characteristics in relation to whether
they are memory consumers, process consumers, IO bound
and so on.
Tuning the Web container is easier by analyzing the
statistics driven from monitoring the Web container and
deployed applications. Web Container configuration is
available at Tree>Configuration>Web Container node.
Listener and protocols configuration are available at
Tree>Configuration>Network Config>Protocols.
EJB Container Performance Tuning
The EJB container can affect performance more than the
Web container if deployed applications use EJBs extensively
for business logic processing. Fine-tuning the EJB container
involves tuning the EJB container thread pool and its cache
size. Although the timer service effects are usually not
intensive, for applications with a large number of timers it is
recommended to reduce the timer service load by reducing the
service precision.
Fine-tuning Message Driven Beans pool affects the overall
performance of the system if it is highly dependent on JMS and
message processing.
Decreasing the pool size results in fewer MDBs processing the
JMS messages and less overhead on the system. However it
will also result in longer wait time for asynchronous tasks and
Monitoring the EJB container using GlassFish built-
in capabilities helps to tune the EJB container. Enable
monitoring, let the system work for some time, and then
decide on new values for container attributes. EJB container
configuration is accessible through Tree>Configuration>EJB
Enterprise application performance is a big concern, and
performance tuning is a hurdle which all enterprise application
developers are involved with. While Java EE performance
tuning is out of the scope of this refcard, some GlassFish
performance tuning information is provided. Additional tuning
information is a available through performance whitepapers
available through Sun (http://www.sun.com/software/products/
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