wormsy w cs.txt

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Cvars:          powiedz /wb_spawn_menu
cv_spawnbox_timerate - the time until a new gift (originally "60.0")
cv_box_lifes - how many times you may receive a box after collection (originally "0" - unlimited)
cv_wb_times_round - how many times a player can collect boxes per round (originally "0" - unlimited)
cv_wb_times_game - how many times a player can collect crates per game (originally "0" - unlimited)
cv_wb_solid - 0 - do not register shots on TV and the player does not slow down in the collection, one - shots recorded and collection box will slow the player (originally "1")

cv_box_health - fold kit (originally "1")
cv_box_health_value - how to add hp player for the assembled kit (originally "50")
cv_box_ammo - fold arms (originally "1")
cv_box_utilities - fold instruments (originally "1")

In the configuration files and utilities_list.ini, weapon_list.ini you can customize the contents of boxes. Desirable to set spawn on the hills close to the skybox (to the sky).
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