Gibbons Stamp Monthly 2010.09.pdf

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Volume 41 Number 4
September 2010
Garden Birds: a new issue from
Royal Mail
New Collector
with John Holman
John Holman looks at British
Private Posts
Gibraltar’s post office:
Richard Garcia
Shore to Shore: recent stamps of the
Channel Islands and Isle of Man
7 Newsdesk
The latest news from the stamp world
20 Society News
Reports from philatelic societies
24 Diary Dates
Forthcoming Fairs and Auctions
28 Around the Houses
News of recent auction results
58 The Cut-out Man
Michael Peach and Peter van Gelder tell the story of
Herbert Weston, better know as Victor Marsh, well-known
for his use of postal stationery cut-outs
62 GB Specialised Catalogue
A supplement to the Great Britain Specialised Catalogue
67 The Foundation of the Gibraltar Post Office
Richard Garcia looks at the early years of the post office
in Gibraltar
73 Owls on Stamps
P J Lanspeary reviews this popular thematic collecting
84 Penang Postmarks with the King George VI Period
More scarce and rare cancellations identified by David
94 Postcard Fun in Hard Times
John Scott explores some unusual branches of postcard
108 Queensland’s Stamps in the Commonwealth Era,
1901 to 1912
The background to the stamps of the first years of
Federation is outlined by Richard Breckon
112 Stamp of Approval for Cardinal Newman and the
Papal Visit in September
Peter Jennings, FRPSL, FRGS, reports on a new issue from
the Isle of Man
G.S.M. September 2010
35 GB News
New Royal Mail issues: Medical Breakthroughs, Garden
Birds Post & Go stamps
36 The Stamps of the London 2010 International
Derek Connell’s souvenirs of London 2010.
41 Machin Watch
John M Deering examines recent booklets, iridescent
overprints and the Machin and George V double head
47 British Private Posts
Downstrean Access Mail, Tourist stamps, Railway letter
stamps and Island stamps feature in John Holman’s survey
of recent happenings
51 Post Offices
A review of a new publication outlining the development
of post offices in Britain
53 A Stamp Tour of Edinburgh
Robert W Catto visits Scotland’s capital, reviewing stamps
that depict the city’s heritage
Dear Reader
As stamp collectors, we complain long and loudly – and with con-
siderable justification – at the number of new issues being created
by some of the world’s postal administrations, many of them hav-
ing, at best, tenuous relevance to the issuing authority and often
having a high face value.
However, while a short-sighted minority may throw in the towel
and turn their back on the hobby, the vast majority simply start
collecting with a slightly changed perspective, and find that there
is so much more to life than acquiring every stamp from the post
office – and this approach is reflected in the gradually changing
content of this magazine.
Whether you are more selective in your new issue purchasing,
as suggested by John Deering, extolling the virtues of overseas
booklet stamps, collect them by theme as recommended by
Master Creeps, or even collecting ‘Downstream Access Mail’ (John
Holman), or exhibition souvenirs (Derek Connell), there is plenty
to get excited about in current philately – the secret seems to be to
go out and find it yourself.
There are many other opportunities; postmark collecting
(David Horry) and Postal Stationery (Peter van Gelder) have been
around for years – as have other ‘Cinderellas’, such as telegraph
and revenue stamps, but all seem to be enjoying a considerable
resurgence in interest at the moment.
I was surprised, when I got into work on 21 July to find my office
decorated with balloons and streamers to celebrate my 35 years
with Stanley Gibbons. As anyone who knows me will probably real-
ise, I had no idea of the significance of the date and had not seen
the news item ‘35 years and counting’ in last month’s magazine
which was ‘sneaked in’ by my devious colleagues.
Thank you to everyone inside and outside Stanley Gibbons for
your kind wishes; they are much appreciated – although I think
the true target for your accolades should have been News and Art
Editor, Michael Briggs, who had been with the company for more
than ten years, even by the time I joined.
I must admit that in my 35 years, one aspect of magazine pub-
lishing that I have always considered to be of relatively little impor-
tance is design. Content, obviously; illustration quality, clearly, and
layout of the articles all seem to me to matter much more; but
every so often a ‘revamp’ is undoubtedly necessary.
We have been spending quite a bit of time recently working on
our new cover and article designs introduced this month – I hope
you like the results.
Your £1 Stanley Gibbons
Voucher can be found on
page 194
31 New Collector
John Holman looks at Czech stamps designed by Alfons
Mucha and the Indian Feudatory States of Nawanagar and
Orchha; plus updates and reports from readers
64 Dear GSM
Readers’ correspondence
66 GSM Bookshelf
Two reviews of recent books
72 The Diarie of Samuel Creeps
Michael Bannister selects more extracts from the journal
of an ordinarie collector
92 Stamp Hunting
Nimrod suggests some stamps worth looking for from
Your chance to win a £50 SG voucher in our easy-to-enter
105 Postal Stationery Matters
Peter van Gelder reports on London 2010 and stationery
items from South Africa and Western Australia
158 The Unissued Stamps of Queen Elizabeth II
David Horry reveals the story behind another unissued
Catalogue Column
Hugh Jefferies reports
152 Panorama
Dean Shepherd investigates the background to some
recent new issues
154 Shore to Shore
Island Hopper previews the Isle of Man’s Pope Benedict
XVI miniature sheet, Freshwater Fish from Jersey and
Guernsey’s National Trust Treasures
159 Catalogue Supplement
A 15-page update to the Stanley Gibbons Catalogue
01425 481 027
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Published by: Stanley Gibbons Limited, 7 Parkside, Christchurch Road, Ringwood,
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G.S.M. September 2010
Philatelic Congress
News from World Postal Administrations
Barak Obama Book
Postcard Record
Stanley Gibbons Events
New Secretary for ABPS
Diamonds on Thai Stamps
Message in a Bottle
Great Britain
Society News
Philatelic Congress 2010
Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth II
signs Canadian
Fellows book
Left to right: Chris King, Keeper of the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists, new RDP Wade Saadi
and his sponsor, Robert Odenweller; Cornelis Adema signing the role; New additions to the Roll
During the Philatelic Congress of Great Britain 2010, no less than six new additions were made to the Roll
of Distinguished Philatelists, regarded as the world’s pre-eminent philatelic honour.
The new signatories for 2010 were: Wade E Saadi (USA); Dr Hugo Goeggel (Switzerland and Colombia);
Cornelis (Kees) Adema (Netherlands and USA) Dr Giancarlo Morolli (Italy); Brian Trotter (Great Britain)
and Dr Wolf Hess (Germany).
The Roll of Distinguished Philatelists was established in 1921 by the Philatelic Congress of Great Britain
with the approval of His Majesty King George V who was the first Signatory. Since then 352 philatelists from
40 countries have been asked to sign the role.
The signing ceremony took place on Friday 23 July at Leamington Spa Town Hall, during the 2010
Philatelic Congress of Great Britain. More than 100 philatelists and guests gathered in the Victorian hall,
including Cllr Robert Cunliffe, the Town’s Mayor.
At the ceremony, the ABPS Congress Medal for 2010 was awarded to Ian D Crane MA, FRPSL. The award,
which is presented to one person each year at the Philatelic Congress of Great Britain, is given in recognition
of dedication to the hobby over many years through voluntary endeavours. Ian Crane has been a collector
for over 65 years and has served on the Congress committee for many years in an administrative capacity.
Ten delegates were also presented with the ABPS Award of Merit, given for outstanding voluntary service
to British Philately. Recipients for 2010, who each received a framed certificate, were: Colin Baker, Brian H
Bretherick, John Dudeney MBE, Derek Dunk, Peter Forrestier Smith, Phillip Harriman, Edward Hitchings,
Norman Hudson and Leslie James
The signing and award ceremonies were just a few of the many highlights of this year’s Congress, which
this year took place in picturesque Kenilworth. Amongst the treats on offer during the four-day event were
several static displays on a number of interesting subjects including ‘The Nairn Overland Mail Service’,
‘The Travelling Post Offices of Great Britain’, and a very light-hearted display on the colourful character of
‘George Allen Higlett’
Throughout Congress, ten speakers presented papers in a bid to win the impressive Stanley Gibbons
Cup. Topics included ‘King George V issues of the Union of South Africa’, by Brian Trotter RDP, FRPSL
and ‘Bertram Mackennal: stamps, coins and medals of King George V’, courtesy of Douglas Muir FRPSL.
However, it was Dr Andrew Dove FRPSL who impressed the judges most with his excellent paper on ‘New
Zealand definitive stamps’ to claim the Stanley Gibbons Cup for 2010.
Front row (left to right):
The new RDP Signatories;
Wade E Saadi (USA), Dr Hugo
Goeggel (Switzerland and
Colombia), Cornelis (Kees)
Adema (Netherlands and
USA), Dr Giancarlo Morolli
(Italy), Brian Trotter (Great
Britain) and Dr Wolf Hess
Back row (left to right): The
Sponsoring RDPs; Robert
Odenweller (USA), Alan
Huggins (Great Britain), Kurt
Kimmel (Switzerland), Gunnar
Dahlvig (Sweden); Francis
Kiddle (Great Britain) and
Jussi Tuori (Finland)
G.S.M. September 2010
At the 82nd annual meeting
of members of The Royal
Philatelic Society of Canada
(RPSC) held in Windsor,
Ontario, on 28 May, Charles
J G Verge, Secretary to The
RPSC Fellows, announced
three new candidates had
been invited to sign the Roll
of Fellows of the Society. The
three new Fellows are Dr
Sammy Chiu—a prominent
researcher and author as
well as a gold medal-winning
exhibitor, Dr David Piercey—
director of the RPSC and
a national level philatelic
judge, and Garfield Portch,
who has served philately in
various executive positions
and as an organiser for many
stamp exhibitions, including
co-chair at four Stampex
shows in Toronto.
Charles Verge said, ‘the
new Fellows of the Society
have made an important
contribution to stamp
collecting and philatelic
knowledge throughout
Canada and the Americas.
The new group are a credit
to the hobby and will serve as
wise counsel.’ George Pepall,
President of the RPSC,
said he, ‘... appreciates the
wide experience of the new
Fellows because they have
given much to the hobby.
Their overall contribution is
The RPSC were also
pleased to announce
that Her Majesty Queen
Elizabeth II accepted an
invitation to sign the Roll
of Fellows during her 2010
Royal Visit to Canada. The
ceremony was organised
to commemorate the 50th
anniversary of her granting
the RPSC the use of the title
‘Royal’ and to thank Her
Majesty for her support for
the RPSC and philately in
Royal Mail Extends Delivery Office
Opening Hours
New Secretary for
Royal Mail has announced that it will extend the opening times of its busiest delivery offices to make it
easier for people to receive items they have ordered online or from a catalogue.
Around 650 delivery offices—almost half of Royal Mail’s UK-wide network of 1,400 sites—will now stay
open until 8.00 p.m. on Wednesday evenings and 2.00 p.m. on Saturdays to make the collection of items
more convenient for people who are not at home during the day.
Mike Brown, Royal Mail’s Fulfilment Director, said, ‘The majority of items ordered online are delivered
first time but this investment by Royal Mail will help people who are not at home during the day to receive
their item in cases where it is too big to go through the letterbox or needs a signature.’
Royal Mail’s press release included a quote from Clare Gilmartin, MD of eBay UK, in which she
comments on the extension of Royal Mail opening hours, ‘Flexible delivery options are hugely important to
the digital economy as more and more people choose to shop online or via a mobile shopping app for the
convenience it provides.
‘Online businesses equally rely on dependable and flexible delivery services to maintain a good
reputation and retain the loyalty of customers. The majority of the 140,000 businesses that sell via eBay use
Royal Mail as their delivery provider and the extended opening hours announced today will be welcomed
by the small and medium sized online business community.’
However, in a letter to the
Daily Telegraph
a few days later, Ms Gilmartin warned the Royal Mail must
improve its service for e-retailers and customers.
‘The letters business is in decline, but with online retail set to grow from £46 billion to £62 billion
over the next decade, new opportunities are opening up. The challenge is to ensure Royal Mail is able to
deliver.’ She commented. ‘Fewer than half of the online firms that sell through our site are confident in
Royal Mail’s ability to meet their needs. Worryingly, a third say Royal Mail’s limitations hamper their growth.
‘For a secure future, Royal Mail must address these concerns. More flexible delivery options, greater
convenience for parcel collections and improved reliability are all essential to allay current fears. Extended
opening hours for delivery centres, announced this week, are a positive step.’
Royal mail’s announcement came just a few days before Poste Italiane announced that it is going to
introduce later and more flexible deliveries. The new delivery service, which has the backing of unions, will
see delivery times extended to 8.00 p.m. to meet the needs of customers.
CEO of Poste Italiane, Massimo Sarmi said, ‘The way we communicate has changed dramatically
in recent years and is evolving in terms of new technology and timing—just think of electronic
communication. Postal delivery needs to adapt to the changing needs of people.’
Deutsche Post is also said to be ready to introduce a similar extension to delivery times.
Message in a Bottle
Iceland Post has introduced a
novel way to send a message
to family and friends. Its new
Message in a Bottle product
can be bought at post offices
and used for correspondence
domestic or abroad. On one side
of the plastic bottle there is a
photograph from Iceland and on
the other the address label.
Keyworth smashes world postcard record!
One of Scotland’s leading
philatelists has taken over
the role of Secretary of the
Association of British Philatelic
Societies (ABPS). Willie King
replaces Colin Searle as Secretary,
who stood down from the
position in order to concentrate
on the organisation of this year’s
Congress and the completion of
the new ABPS Handbook.
Willie started collecting stamps
in 1947 and has been an active
member of a very diverse range
of specialist, local and national
societies. This has given him
a strong background in the
organisation of philatelic events,
so he is well placed to undertake
his new role.
Commenting on his new role,
Willie said, ‘One of my main
aims is to strengthen the links
between ABPS and its member
societies. ABPS plays a leading
role in the organisation of many
activities and events for collectors
across the UK. We need to make
sure that our members fully
appreciate just how much work
the ABPS actually does.’
2010 Stuart Rossiter
Memorial Lecture
Villagers in
Keyworth queue to
post their cards
The bottle contains a sheet of
paper for the sender to write on.
The sheet is then inserted into
the bottle, the bottle is sealed
and then mailed. Iceland Post
will then deliver the message in a
bottle to the intended recipient
anywhere in the world.
The bottles are available with
two different photographs, the
eruption on Eyjafjallajökull or
the Northern Lights (Aurora
The Nottinghamshire village of Keyworth was the venue for a record-
breaking postal event in July. As the crowds and the media gathered
on 14 July, the village established a new record for the most picture
postcards sent from one place on one day. The previous total of
5216, established by Tamil Nadu in India, was smashed with the day’s
total reaching a massive 8033. Most of the cards sent were specially
sponsored by local clubs and businesses to help fund a new children’s
park in the area.
The Stuart Rossiter Memorial
Lecture 2010 will be given by
Gavin Fryer FRPSL, at 5.00 p.m.
on Friday 5 November at The
Royal Philatelic Society London
with the title ‘How the Blind have
been served by the Post’.
The lecture is based on Gavin’s
collection of postal items and
brings to view aspects of social
and postal reforms.
Gavin is the author and
publisher of the forthcoming
Blindman’s Mail – How the
Blind have been served by the Post,
which is expected at the end of
the summer of 2010.
Free admission is by non-
transferable ticket only on
application to: The Stuart
Rossiter Trust, c/o David Beech,
The British Library, Philatelic
Collections, 96 Euston Road,
London, NW1 2DB, UK or Early
application is advised.
The Lecture is one of the
events in the London 2010
Festival of Stamps.
G.S.M. September 2010
Hampex 2010
Hampex, the Hampshire Philatelic Federation Convention, will take place on Saturday 16 October at the
Wickham Community Centre, Mill Lane, Wickham, near Fareham in Hampshire. The event, which is part
of this year’s London 2010 Festival of Stamps, promises to be another memorable occasion.
Nearly 30 dealers in stamps, thematics, postal history and Cinderella material will be in attendance to sell
and buy. A special exhibition showing the development of the posts in Hampshire to the present day will
also be on display during the event.
The event will also include the usual competition, claimed to be possibly the largest competitive
exhibition in the South. A junior Hampex will be run from 10.00 a.m. to around 1.30 p.m. with a stamp
workshop to encourage youngsters to take up the hobby. Prizes for the junior workshop have been donated
by Stanley Gibbons and Portsmouth & District Philatelic Society.
Stanley Gibbons will also be bringing an appraisal table to this year’s event so visitors can bring along
special items and collections for auction expert Colin Avery to peruse.
The British Society of Australian Philately will be having a meeting with several 32-page displays of some
quite remarkable Australian material and guests are made most welcome.
Hampex offers free on-site parking, free admission, a free souvenir programme and a free brochure
describing the Development of the Posts in Hampshire, kindly sponsored by Stanley Gibbons.
If you require further details you can call the two Hampex Hotlines on 10329 845492 or 01794 514902.
In Brief
Haiti gets a new mail
processing centre
US National Postal Museum Honours Philatelic Achievement
The Smithsonian’s National Postal Museum in Washington DC, has announced Michael Madesker and
Robert P Odenweller as the two recipients of the coveted 2010 Smithsonian Philatelic Achievement Award.
The award is given for outstanding lifetime accomplishments in the field of philately. The honour
recognises individuals that have carried out original research that significantly advances the understanding
of philately and postal history, shown exceptional service to the philatelic community and have worked to
promote philately for the benefit of current and future collectors.
The recipients were selected by the National Postal Museum Council of Philatelists, a 29-member body of
US and international philatelists, from open nominations submitted during the past year. The awards will
be presented at the 2010 National Postal Museum Gala Awards held at the museum on 16 October.
Six months after the earthquake
which destroyed Port-au-Prince’s
main post office, Haiti Post has
opened a new mail processing
centre in the capital. The new,
US $300,000 postal installation
was built as part of an emergency
aid project by the UPU and its
member countries.
The new postal facility, which
looks like an enormous tent, is
designed to resist winds of up
to 225 kilometres an hour and
‘zone 4’ seismic activity. About 60
employees work at the 600 square
metre mail centre where they
handle letter-post items, parcels
and the Express Mail Service.
All mail coming into Haiti and
leaving the country will now go
through the centre.
The Royal recognises
Green Post Project
The Royal Philatelic Society
London has awarded its Crawford
Medal for 2010 to Michèle
Chauvet, RDP, FRPSL, for her
outstanding work
Les Colonies
Françaises, Tarifs et Service Postal
1848–1878, Les Colonies D’Afrique,
published in 2008.
The Crawford Medal, which
recognises the most valuable
and original contribution to
the study and knowledge of
philately published in a book,
is one of a number of annual
awards handed out by The Royal
Philatelic Society London. Other
medals awarded by the Society
for 2010 are as follows: The
Tilleard Medal, for the best large
display given to the members,
went to Freddy Khalastchy,
FRPSL, for ‘Stamps of Iraq’.
The Lee Medal, for the best
Paper read before the Society
supported by a display, went
to Richard Stock, FRPSL, for
‘Sudan Camel Postman Issues
1897–1991’. The Tapling Medal,
for the best article published
in the Society’s journal,
London Philatelist,
went to Patrick
Maselis, FRPSL, for ‘The Hertwig
& Manduau Labels of the
Congo 1883–1884’. The Royal
Philatelic Society London Medal,
for outstanding service to the
Society, went to Brian Trotter,
RDP, FRPSL, for his direction
and control of the refurbishment
of the Society’s premises at 41
Devonshire Place in London.
According to a new report, postal operators could achieve substantial
cost savings by upgrading their fleets to more energy-efficient and
environmentally-sound vehicles.
The so-called Green Post project, carried out by PostEurop, the
European association of public postal operators and funded as part
of the European Commission’s Sustainable Intelligent Energy Europe
programme, demonstrated potential savings in carbon emissions and
running costs by greening the postal fleet in Europe. As part of the
investigation, Postal services in Belgium, Hungary, Italy and Bulgaria
took part in a trial of electric and hybrid vehicles—such as the
Freeduck vehicle shown here—in a wide range of conditions.
PostEurop Secretary General Botond Szebeny said, ‘Postal
services touch the daily lives of European citizens, so it is right that
our industry takes a leadership role in terms of sustainability. The
Green Post project showed how the three pillars of sustainable
development—environmental, economic and social—can be met by
greening the postal fleet.’
The Green Post project report can be downloaded at: www.
TNT Post Expands
UK operations
TNT Post’s recently announced
investment plans has revealed
that the Dutch-owned company
is planning to expand its UK
workforce by 20 per cent by the
end of the year, taking the total
number of employees in the UK
to over 1000.
As well as investment in
recruitment, TNT Post is looking
to establish a new central
distribution hub that will handle
billions of items a year; the
company is already poised to
open a new hub in Northern
Ireland this autumn. As well
as new facilities, more than £3
million will also be invested
in cutting-edge sorting and
processing machinery.
Since TNT began operations
in the UK six years ago the
volume of items handled by the
company has risen from 300
million items in its first full year,
to over 2.66 billion in 2009.
Charity appeal
The editor of the Italian
philatelic magazine
Tera Santa,
Gianfranco Potenza, is organising
a philatelic exhibition called
‘Africa’, to help the Saint Jean de
Dieu hospital, Tanguieta, Benin.
Anyone interested in providing
any material for this exhibition
should contact Mr Potenza at the
following address: Via Giorgio
Baglivi, 6, Roma 00161, Italy.
Alternatively you can email
G.S.M. September 2010
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