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1) Don’t play on tilt.
No seriously, don’t ever f***ing play on tilt.
You can get as pissed off as you like when you run in to those bad beats, but
be sure to never play another hand when you know you’re on tilt.
There is nothing more detrimental to your bankroll and win rate than tilt.
It’s no fun having to spend a week grinding it out just to compensate for the 2
hours you played whilst on tilt. Either stop yourself from playing when you are
on tilt or don’t expect to win money from the game.
2) Play within your bankroll.
Have at least 20 buy-ins for cash games.
Have at least 40 buy-ins for SNGs.
Bankroll management is so unbelievably straightforward it’s actually an
incredibly boring tip, yet many players always seem to find a way to avoid
sticking to the rules.
Learn how to manage your money first then move on to strategy.
All of the strategy in the world isn’t going to help you to consistently win
money from NL Hold’em if you can’t play within your limits at all times.
3) Play at a better poker room.
Where are you playing right now? Why? Have you got a good reason to play
there, or was it just the first one you found and it seems okay?
Fuck that.
Be smart. Shop around. You’re in charge here, so do what’s best for you and
your poker career. Start by playing in the best possible environment.
Things to look for in a good poker rooms are:
More players = less hassle in finding tables to play at.
Bad players.
You win money by playing against players worse than you, not
by sitting with the regulars.
Good software.
Playing poker should be fun, not a pain in the arse with a
sub-standard poker client.
4) A tasty bonus. Not essential, but always nice to be earning a little extra on
the side after signing up.
Now there isn’t a one-size fits all poker room, but I’m a big fan of the following:
<- Absolutely love this poker room. My favourite.
US Friendly:
Mac Friendly:
US + Mac Friendly:
But that’s just me. I’d always recommend comparing rooms, like
or finding the
best rooms for micro stakes games.
Don’t get stuck at a lame poker room just because it was the first one you
stumbled upon. Get the best for yourself. There is no reason not to.
4) Stop clicking buttons and start thinking.
We’re all guilty of playing on auto-pilot at times, especially when we’re multi-
tabling. However, nothing is going to force you in to more of a plateau than
playing without using your head.
Ask yourself this question at every single opportunity:
Why am I making this play?
If you can’t confidently justify a particular action then you really need to
reconsider whether it’s the best possible play. The more you think the more
money you will win. Poker is a thinking man’s game at the end of the day, get
used to it.
5) Exercise.
This is a bit of an obscure tip, but honestly exercise is great for your poker
mentality. I know a lot of you reading this article will shrug this tip off and think
“whatever”, but trust me on this one.
The more I exercise the better I feel about myself. The better I feel about
myself the more confident I become. The more confident I become the more
my overall poker game improves.
If you’re not at least trying to keep in shape your mind will fatigue and
you game will suffer.
What’s the worst that can happen anyway? You end up healthier and gain a
greater sense of well-being? Imagine that.
6) Take breaks.
There is nothing bad about taking breaks. However, forcing yourself to play
when you feel like shit on the other hand is pretty bad.
Take short breaks when you feel as though you’re playing on tilt or if
you’ve lost enough money to feel a little uncomfortable about
continuing to play.
Take longer breaks when you’re on a bigger than usual downswing and
feel as though there is nothing you can do to win money.
Breaks are vital to keeping your game fresh. You can play as much or as little
poker as you like.
The beauty of poker is that you get to choose when you play, so avoid feeling
compelled to play when you don’t feel up to it.
7) You only need to think 1 level above your opponent.
Or in other words, avoid “fancy play syndrome”.
Basically, if your opponent is a total idiot that only thinks about the strength of
the cards they are holding, you do not need to worry about what they think
you think they are holding and try all sorts of fancy and
advanced plays.
All you need to do to beat them is bet your good hands and fold your weak
hands to their bets. There’s nothing exciting about this strategy, but it’s all you
need to do to win money from them.
It’s all about
multiple level thinking
at the end of the day.
You only need to
think 1 level above a player to beat them.
Not 2 or 3 levels above because
that’s just overkill and it will cost you money.
8) Get involved in forums. Actually create threads too.
Just as learning a language is difficult if you’re doing it on your own, learning
how to develop a winning poker strategy is ambitious and problematic if you
don’t have anyone to discuss the game with.
Unfortunately, your Grandmother is unlikely to share the same passion for the
game as you do, and dare I say it there’s also a slim chance that she
possesses enough skill to be able to give solid advice and helpful criticism to
help your game develop.
The easiest way to communicate with a bunch of other passionate,
winning players is through online forums.
If you’re not getting involved in discussions on forums like 2+2 you are cutting
yourself off from one of the most valuable methods of improving your game.
9) Don’t feel compelled to play a certain way.
The chances are that if you feel really uncomfortable doing something,
it’s going to prove to be unprofitable over the long run.
There’s nothing wrong with stepping out of your comfort zone to try new
things and to accustom yourself to unfamiliar strategy at times, but there’s no
need to consistently force yourself to play in a certain way because you saw it
in a forum thread or in a video.
If you greatly dislike raising a hand like AJo in MP, just fold it instead. If you’re
sitting with AKo and there has been a raise and a reraise before you pre, if
you feel uncomfortable about playing on with the hand just fold.
Wait until you have more experience and knowledge of the game before you
intentionally put yourself in to tricky and marginal +EV spots.
Never force yourself to play a certain way because you feel you have to.
There’s no shame in cautious play if you’re new to the game.
10) Stop reading, start learning.
Out of all the people that read these tips, I’ll go ahead and say that at least
90% will not learn anything from them or use them to improve their game.
It’s a fact of life that people would rather read about and plan something
rather than go ahead and do it.
There is so much information out there that there is no reason why you can’t
develop in to a successful online poker player and potentially make a good
living from the game.
Average players will finish reading this article, close the pdf viewer and do
nothing more.
Winning players
will remember every single point, including
the rakeback tip at the start of this guide and head straight to a good room like
and start grinding it out.
Put the effort in and you will win money. Don’t waste time avoiding
opportunities to question yourself and get your hands dirty.
Take care and all the best at the tables,
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