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·         Verbs connected with the mouth and breathing:

Breathe /oddychać/              A nurse gave the old man the kiss of life (sztuczne oddychanie) and he

                                          started breathing again.

Yawn /ziewać/              If one person yawns, everyone else seems to start too.

Cough /kaszleć/              It was so smoky in the room that he couldn’t stop coughing.

Sigh /westchnąć/              She sighed with relief when she heard…….

·         Verbs connected with the eyes and face:

Wink /mrugnąć/              He winked at me across the room.

Frown /marszczyć brwi/ Why are you frowning? What’s the problem?

Grin /szeroko się uśmiechnąć/ She was so delighted with the present that she grinned from ear

                                          to ear.

Blush/zarumienić się/ He blushed with embarrassment when she smiled at him.

·         Verbs connected with the whole body:

Sweat /pocić się/

Tremble /drżeć/                            My hands tremble when I’ve been drinking too much coffee.

                                                        Trembling with fear …..

Shiver /trząśc/                            He’s so cold that he’s shivering.

Shake/wstrząsnąć/                             She laughed so much that her whole body shook.

He hopped off the bus                            wyskoczył z autobusu

He strolled down to …                            szedł spacerkiem do

He paused to do sth                                          przystanął by …

He hurried along the street                            popędził

He suddenly realized                                          nagle zdał sobie sprawę

He was dismayed to see that..              z przerażeniem zobaczył

He ran up to the …                                          podbiegł do..

He whispered

He screamed, he yelled

Staring at the ..                                          gapiąc się na

He groaned in pain                                          jęknął z bólu

He noticed                                                        zauważył                           

·         Przysłówki - mogą wystąpić na początku zdania jako łącznik, wtedy zawsze po nich przecinek:


Frantically,              bezładnie, nerwowo

Anxiously,              z zaniepokojeniem


Reluctuntly,               ociągając się


Cautiously,              ostrożenie

·         Time phrases:

A short time later

After a little while

Suddenly/all of a sudden

At that moment

Just then

·         Feelings:

Amused              entertained,

Happy                            over the moon/nie posiadający się z radości/, overjoyed /rozradowany/, pleased

Scared                            scared stiff, terrified, frightened

Sad                            miserable, desperate /zrozpaczony/, downhearted

Excited              thrilled, over the moon/nie posiadający się z radości/, overjoyed /rozradowany


·          Similies:


He woke up that morning feeling as fresh as a daisy.

He went as white as a sheet when he opened the door.

There was no one there except a huge man, sitting in the corner crying like a baby.

I’m usually not very good at history as I have a memory like a sieve. /sito/

Mike ran like the wind along the golden sands


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