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Thayer King
Copyright © June 2013, Thayer King
Cover art by Mina Carter © June 2013
ISBN: 978-1-939151-33-9
This is a work of fiction. All characters and events por-
trayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All
rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this
book, or portions thereof, in any form.
Sugar and Spice Press
North Carolina, USA
How had it come to this? Keva’s body
shuddered as he settled over her, his slim hips
slipping between her thighs, the long curtain of
his raven curls sliding like silk over her sensit-
ized skin. His full, sensual lips glistened with her
dew, and he smelled of her. He buried his face in
her neck as he fitted his cock to her opening. The
possession was a pleasurable burn as he rocked
back and forth until she’d taken him to the hilt.
His deep groan filled her with need even as he
began to work her. Lacing his thicker fingers
with hers, he began to saw his considerable
length in and out of her body. Her delicate tissues
parted, no barrier as he stroked through her walls.
Keva felt herself losing control, and she couldn’t
believe it. Her hips lifted into his possession of
their own accord.
This was never supposed to happen. She
didn’t handle clients this way. The day had
started out as usual, if perhaps a little dull. And
then she’d responded to an emergency call for the
need of a Channel for a psychic in desperate need
of help.
Chapter One
Keva Lane scanned the article in the
Psychic Journal
concerning the emergence of
new procedures to diagnose special abilities in
individuals as young as ten. The current protocol
was to wait until seventeen, though, if parental
permission was denied, as it often was, testing
did not occur until eighteen. No parent wanted to
find out that their offspring was a mutant. She
hated that word and the stigma associated with it.
Psychics were not mutants.
She put aside the research journal. She liked
to keep on top of the latest research despite the
fact that she would never be one of the doctors
here at the Nevada branch of the Institute of
Parapsychology, IOP for short. Her value was not
in the information her brain could store but in the
way it could process the powers for the psychics
that filed through the facility for treatment. She
was a Channel and a damned fine one.
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