
(31 KB) Pobierz
{0}{81}My name is Roman. Ten|years ago, our ship
{81}{128}crash-landed on Earth. We|came here seeking refuge,
{128}{204}but the humans thought|that it was an invasion.
{265}{341}That night, I met a human|girl who tried to protect me...
{341}{395}a girl I never thought I'd see again.
{395}{453}The surviving members|of my race, the Atrians,
{453}{541}were rounded up and isolated|inside a militarized sector.
{541}{583}Now it's 2024.
{583}{632}Seven of us have been|chosen to attend high school
{633}{693}as a part of a government|integration program.
{694}{731}But the humans and Atrians
{732}{776}continue to distrust each other,
{777}{850}while I fight to protect|my people and the human girl
{851}{873}who saved my life
{875}{918}at any cost.
{918}{956}Previously on Star-Crossed...
{956}{996}My fellow Atrians.
{996}{1040}I have learned that Roman
{1040}{1090}has taken up with a human girl.
{1090}{1130}What else could he be lying about?
{1174}{1246}Roman saved me with|cyper. If anyone finds out,
{1246}{1313}I'm back to a life of tubes|and needles, being studied
{1313}{1344}like a lab rat along with the Atrians.
{1344}{1390}Help me understand how cyper works.
{1390}{1430}It stayed in your blood, Julia.
{1430}{1470}That makes you
{1470}{1523}the only source of activated cyper.
{1523}{1566}I have to go.
{1566}{1600}I know you killed Zoe.
{1600}{1641}We should kill her.
{1641}{1683}What do you want?
{1683}{1740}I'll let you know.
{2015}{2110} - nowa jako?? napis?w.|Napisy zosta?y specjalnie dopasowane do Twojej wersji filmu.
{2111}{2149}What do you want?
{2385}{2456}Sweet dreams.
{2942}{2994}It's done.
{3029}{3084}Castor took away the one|weapon I had against him:
{3084}{3126}the trust of our people.
{3126}{3178}Now a murderer is in charge of the Sector.
{3178}{3212}The Hwatab will support you.
{3212}{3262}- A lot of Atrians will.|- Yeah, maybe.
{3262}{3297}But some also think I betrayed them
{3297}{3340}by keeping my relationship|with Emery a secret.
{3340}{3396}Hey, your friends are|still gonna have your back.
{3396}{3448}Not all of them.
{3448}{3493}Why wasn't Teri on the bus?
{3493}{3537}She must've left the Sector early.
{3537}{3582}I'll see if she's inside.
{3930}{3954}I heard what you said.
{3955}{3993}What are you planning?
{3993}{4043}Shouldn't you be following|around your human girl
{4043}{4072}like a lost puppy?
{4072}{4135}Are the Trags targeting Emery?
{4135}{4186}And why would we do that?
{4211}{4246}I know you're up to something.
{4247}{4292}You stay away from her.
{5017}{5085}But if Castor is trying to stop|integration from happening...
{5086}{5122}I'm not gonna let that happen.
{5122}{5178}I mean, after everything|we've been through...
{5178}{5245}black cyper, Trags, Red Hawk thugs...
{5246}{5304}I think we can handle my uncle.
{5538}{5585}Hey, guys.
{5585}{5629}You can come out now.
{5629}{5684}Everybody knows.
{5954}{6005}Apparently, an SEU guard|took a video of the hologram
{6005}{6037}and leaked it online.
{6038}{6093}Hey, Roman, what are you having for lunch?
{6093}{6135}I hear Grayson's sloppy|seconds are on the menu.
{6190}{6219}Humans, Atrians...
{6219}{6250}I guess you get down with just about
{6250}{6296}anyone or anything, won't you?
{6296}{6351}And yet you can't seem to get with a girl
{6351}{6391}of any species, can you?
{6473}{6532}Don't listen to those Neanderthals.
{6532}{6597}I think what you're doing is really brave.
{6645}{6693}I'm usually the tastemaker,
{6693}{6741}but I'm glad you're|paving the way this time.
{6741}{6771}Thanks, Taylor.
{6797}{6853}I'll see you guys later.
{7045}{7111}I said I'd let you know when|I wanted something from you.
{7111}{7134}I'm not your bitch.
{7134}{7170}Well, I know you killed Zoe.
{7170}{7215}I saw your hands around her throat.
{7215}{7271}You don't have any proof.
{7271}{7325}Fine. Let's go talk to the cops, huh?
{7325}{7378}We'll bring Roman. He saw the whole thing
{7378}{7410}and didn't do a damn thing to stop it.
{7410}{7454}Roman's innocent in all this.
{7454}{7507}Maybe, maybe not.
{7507}{7539}But you sure as hell aren't.
{7539}{7591}What do you want?
{7591}{7688}I know there are Atrian|radicals in the Sector.
{7688}{7715}The ones who blew up that guard's booth
{7715}{7744}- a couple months ago.|- Mm-hmm.
{7744}{7815}What do you know about them?
{7815}{7872}Look, you can talk to me|or you can talk to the cops.
{7872}{7903}I don't care. It's your call.
{8047}{8083}Silver lining time.
{8083}{8144}At least we can sit together during lunch.
{8144}{8235}Yeah, with our very own paparazzi.
{8235}{8296}Hey! Shoo, bottom feeders!
{8374}{8404}I mean, they're different species.
{8404}{8457}Their babies will probably have flippers.
{8524}{8556}Oh, come on.
{8556}{8587}It was a joke.
{8587}{8612}Miss Yeung?
{8612}{8686}I need to talk with you,|please, in private.
{8934}{8992}I still can't believe Castor|did this to you, Roman.
{8992}{9028}Yeah, well,
{9028}{9078}there's a reason Dad didn't trust him.
{9124}{9166}May I cut in?
{9200}{9240}Teri, what the hell?
{9240}{9290}Accidents happen.
{9492}{9524}You okay?
{10180}{10228}Julia, you remember Mr. Burke?
{10254}{10305}What's he doing here?
{10305}{10357}It's okay, relax. Nothing's|gonna happen to you.
{10358}{10415}Or your family, as long as you cooperate.
{10415}{10474}I already told you where to get cyper.
{10474}{10506}I know. Thank you for that.
{10506}{10548}We even managed to grow some of our own.
{10548}{10589}But unfortunately,
{10589}{10638}the cyper didn't work as we intended.
{10638}{10683}Mr. Burke?
{10683}{10750}We administered the cyper to|rats suffering from leukemia.
{10750}{10781}Just like you were.
{10781}{10823}But unlike you,
{10823}{10859}they were not cured. In fact...
{10859}{10890}Cyper killed them.
{10934}{10983}Maybe cyper didn't cure me after all.
{10983}{11055}We think that there was|another ingredient as well,
{11055}{11100}like a catalyzing agent.
{11100}{11169}Which means that the|answer is in your blood.
{11216}{11258}I'm not helping you.
{11357}{11437}You really don't want Mr. Burke|paying a visit to your parents.
{11563}{11601}Hold out your arm, please.
{11762}{11840}I called you both here to|tell you that I support you.
{11840}{11888}But you need to be vigilant.
{11888}{11949}If anyone threatens you in|any way, you come to me first.
{11949}{12020}The Red Hawks, obviously...|Screw the Red Hawks.
{12020}{12058}Just 'cause you let them rule your life
{12058}{12106}doesn't mean I'm gonna let them rule mine.
{12154}{12221}Roman, she just wants us to be careful.
{12245}{12307}She wants us to be in hiding.
{12307}{12366}That's how you like it, right?|Secret and under control?
{12366}{12438}One of these days, I hope|you'll learn to trust me, Roman.
{12494}{12536}Yes, Saul?
{12536}{12594}Are you sure?
{12595}{12638}Yes, I understand.
{12638}{12685}Effective immediately.
{12685}{12748}There's a hurricane coming our way.
{12748}{12784}A hurricane?
{12784}{12852}Marshall High is now on lockdown.
{13120}{13189}An unseasonable hurricane|has hit Louisiana,
{13189}{13237}mystifying meteorologists as it slams
{13237}{13287}the southeastern part of the state.
{13288}{13328}I've been put in charge of wrangling
{13328}{13372}all the students in the cafeteria.
{13372}{13443}It's too late for me to leave.
{13443}{13520}Can I test Julia's blood sample here?
{13520}{13579}Yeah. In the lab.
{13579}{13627}Third floor.
{13627}{13675}Keep me up to date.
{13675}{13728}Got to go play teacher.
{13775}{13816}Are you worried about your parents?
{13857}{13910}They grew up here, so they're|pretty used to this stuff.
{13911}{13947}You know, I'm more concerned
{13948}{13991}that this hurricane came out of nowhere.
{13992}{14042}I mean, usually we have days to prepare,
{14042}{14103}and we've never had one|this time of the year.
{14104}{14135}I, uh, thought I might go
{14136}{14179}check out some better satellite images.
{14240}{14293}You want some help?
{14293}{14337}Yeah, sure.
{14398}{14446}Hey, everybody, listening up, please.
{14446}{14480}You need to stay away from the windows
{14480}{14516}and the glass doors.
{14516}{14582}And you're permitted|on the first floor only.
{14629}{14684}We can't let Grayson go to the police.
{14684}{14748}Even if we don't get locked up,|the Trags could get wind of it,
{14748}{14802}find out that we ruined|their black cyper plan.
{14802}{14858}Grayson's not gonna go|to the police right away.
{14858}{14891}He wants the information on
{14891}{14928}what the Trags are planning for himself.
{14928}{14985}Probably wants to get|us all sent to the Crate.
{14985}{15024}You know, you were right.
{15024}{15065}We should've just let Zoe kill him.
{15133}{15179}All right, we'll just, uh...
{15179}{15217}we'll-we'll find a way to deal with him.
{15217}{15256}Just keep buying time.
{15299}{15329}Have you seen Teri?
{15329}{15358}No. Why?
{15358}{15397}She's up to something.
{15397}{15441}I think she's after Emery.
{15562}{15605}I know things are weird|between us right now,
{15605}{15632}and that's gonna make it harder
{15632}{15677}for you to hear what I have to say.
{15705}{15733}It's about Roman.
{15765}{15794}You can't trust him.
{15794}{15829}- Grayson...|- There are things you don't know
{15829}{15877}about him; he has secrets.
{15877}{15911}Not from me he doesn't.
{15911}{15941}Look, you can't...
{15941}{15985}It's not safe to be around him.
{16029}{16103}Let her go.
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