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D&D Modules


Basic D&D Modules

B1: In Search of the Unknown

B2: Keep on the Borderlands

B3: Palace of the Silver Princess

B4: Lost City

B5: Horror on the Hill

B6: Veiled Society

B7: Rahasia

B8: Journey to the Rock

B9: Castle Caldwell & Beyond

B10: Night's Dark Terror

B11: King's Festival

B12: Queen's Harvest

B1-9: In Search of Adventure


Expert D&D Modules

X1: Isle of Dread

X2: Castle Amber (Chateau d'Amberville)

X3: Curse of Xanathon

X4: Master of the Desert Nomads

X5: Temple of Death

X6: Quagmire!

X7: War Rafts of Kron

X8: Drums on Fire Mountain

X9: Savage Coast

X10: Red Arrow, Black Shield

X11: Saga of the Shadow Lord

X12: Skarda's Mirror

X13: Crown of Ancient Glory


Companion D&D Modules

CM1: Test of the Warlords

CM2: Death's Ride

CM3: Sabre River

CM4: Earthshaker

CM5: Mystery of the Snow Pearls

CM6: Where Chaos Reigns

CM7: Tree of Life

CM8: Endless Stair

CM9: Legacy of Blood


Master D&D Modules

M1: Into the Maelstrom

M2: Vengeance of Alphaks

M3: Twilight Calling

M4: Five Coins for a Kingdom

M5: Talons of Night


Immortal D&D Modules

IM1: Immortal Storm

IM2: Wrath of Olympus

IM3: Best of Intentions

Blackmoor Modules

DA1: Adventures in Blackmoor

DA2: Temple of the Frog

DA3: City of the Gods

DA4: Duchy of Ten


Thyatian Empire Modules

DDA1: Arena of Thyatis

DDA2: Legions of Thyatis

DDA3: Eye of Traldar

DDA4: Dymrak Dead


Solo Modules

BSOLO: Ghost of Lion Castle

M1 (aka MSOLO1): Blizzard Pass

M2 (aka MSOLO2): Maze of the Riddling Minotaur

XS1 (aka XSOLO): Lathan's Gold

XS2: Thunderdelve Mountain


RPGA Modules

RPGA1: Rahasia (Rereleased with RPGA2 as B7)

RPGA2: Black Opal Eye (Rereleased with RPGA1 as B7)

RPGA3: Forgotten King (Rereleased as C4)

RPGA4: The Elixir of Life (Rereleased as C5)

RPGA5: Riddle of Dolmen Moor

RPGA6: Incants of Ishcabeble

RPGA7: Llywelyn's Tomb

RPGA8: And Gods Will Have Their Way

RPGA3&4: Forgotten King/The Elixir of Life


Miscellaneous Modules

O1: Gem and the Staff

O2: Blade of Vengeance

XL1: Quest for the Heartstone



Detailed Descriptions


Basic D&D Modules


Overview of the B series modules: All of the Basic D&D modules are set in the D&D Known World of Mystara. Most of them are set specifically in the Grand Duchy of Karameikos on Mystara.


Title: In Search of the Unknown

Code: B1

TSR No.: 90233


Product Line: D&D Basic, Mystara

Type of Product: Adventure for 3-6 characters of levels 1-3

Primary Credits: Mike Carr

Publication Date: 1979

Cover Price:

Components: 32 page booklet


New spells: None

New magical items: None

New creatures: None


Description: Rogahn the fearless and Zelligar the Unknown, noted personalities, built a stronghold years ago, but now they are gone.  Who will dare to explore their hideaway?


Notes: This module is incomplete in that the DM must stock the dungeon with monsters and treasures. Tables are provided for this.


Contributed by: Steven M. Latour (latourst@nhc.edu)


Title: Keep on the Borderlands

Code: B2

TSR No.: 9034


Product Line: D&D Basic, Mystara

Type of Product: Adventure for 6-9 characters of levels 1-3

Primary Credits: Gary Gygax

Publication Date: 1981

Cover Price:

Components: A 28 page module which includes information on the keep and its inhabitants, the surrounding area, and the Caves of Chaos.


New spells: None

New magical items: None

New creatures: None


Description: This adventure takes place in north-western Karameikos.  The party is based at a keep, and is free to explore the surroundingcountryside.




Contributed by: Frank Schober (fschober@uceng.uc.edu)

Title: Palace of the Silver Princess

Code: B3

TSR No.: 9044


Product Line: D&D Basic, Mystara

Type of Product: Adventure for 4-6 characters of levels 1-3

Primary Credits: Tom Moldvay and Jean Wells

Publication Date: 1981

Cover Price:

Components: 32 page booklet and cover


New spells: None

New magical items: None

New creatures: Archer Bush, Decampus, Vampire Roses


Description: The protectors, a magical race from the land of Faerie, summon the PCs to save the palace of Princess Argenta in the land of Haven, for it has fallen under a spell.


Notes: According to the book "Heroic Worlds", this module originally contained some art of questionable taste, such as a picture of a princess tied up with her own hair. TSR immediately recalled it, and reissued it with new artwork. There are a few copies of the "original" B3 floating around, and they are worth quite a bit of money.


Contributed by: Steven M. Latour (latourst@nhc.edu) with comments by

              Joseph Goodman (jgoodma1@cc.swarthmore.edu)


Title: Lost City

Code: B4

TSR No.: 9049


Product Line: D&D Basic, Mystara

Type of Product: Adventure for 6-10 characters of levels 1-3

Primary Credits: Tom Moldvay

Publication Date: 1982

Cover Price:

Components: 28 page booklet and cover with map fold-out.


New spells: None

New magical items: None

New creatures: Banshee, Cynidiceans, Werefox Lycanthrope, Polymar


Description: The PCs, being lost in the desert, know that their only hope of survival lies in a ruined city rising out of the sands in the distance.




Contributed by: Steven M. Latour (latourst@nhc.edu)

Title: Horror on the Hill

Code: B5

TSR No.: 9078


Product Line: D&D Basic, Mystara

Type of Product: Adventure for 5-10 characters of levels 1-3

Primary Credits: Douglas Niles

Publication Date: 1983

Cover Price:



New spells: None

New magical items: None

New creatures: Piranha Bird, Steam Weevil, Lava Lizard


Description: The PCs band together to explore a Hill which contains a ghoulish graveyard, an old monastery, and the hobgoblin king himself




Contributed by: Thom Denholm (thomd@atm.com)


Title: Veiled Society

Code: B6

TSR No.: 9086


Product Line: D&D Basic, Mystara

Type of Product: Adventure for character levels 1-3

Primary Credits: David Cook

Publication Date: 1984

Cover Price:

Components: 16 page booklet and a fold-out cover, 8 pages of building cut-outs.


New spells: None

New magical items: None

New creatures: Sirenflower


Description: The PCs become involved in the power struggles of the city of Specularum, where there are many factions -- the Torenescu, Rade, Vorloi, and the *shudder* Veiled Society...




Contributed by: Steven M. Latour (latourst@nhc.edu)

Title: Rahasia

Code: B7

TSR No.: 9115


Product Line: D&D Basic, Mystara

Type of Product: Adventure for character levels 1-3

Primary Credits:

Publication Date:

Cover Price:




New spells:

New magical items:

New creatures:






Contributed by:


Title: Journey to the Rock

Code: B8

TSR No.: 9106


Product Line: D&D Basic, Mystara

Type of Product: Adventure for 6-8 characters of levels 1-3

Primary Credits: Michael Malone

Publication Date: 1984

Cover Price:

Components: A 32 page module with cover which includes several pre-rolled characters.


New spells: None

New magical items: None

New creatures: Chameleon Man, Winged Warrior, Rock Man, Sand Spider, Water Weird, Ghostly Horde, Crone of Chaos


Description: A wizard hires the party to investigate the Rock, a desolate monolith, for him and to bring back the secrets it contains.


Notes: For the most part, this is a wilderness adventure.


Contributed by: Frank Schober (fschober@uceng.uc.edu)

Title: Castle Caldwell & Beyond

Code: B9

TSR No.: 9143


Product Line: D&D Basic, Mystara

Type of Product: Adventure for 4-8 characters of levels 1-3

Primary Credits: Harry Nuckols

Publication Date: 1985

Cover Price: $6.00

Components: 32 page booklet and cover with monster encounter listings.


New spells: None

New magical items: None

New creatures: None


Description: The module contains five adventures.  The first two cover Castle Caldwell and the dungeons below; the remaining three are unrelated and unconnected, and are suitable for use as side adventures or for insertion into the DM's existing campaign.  In the first two adventures, a local merchant has purchased a castle.  Upon learning that it was infested with monsters and others, he hires the characters to clear his new domain.  The third adventure finds the beautiful Princess Sylvia kidnapped, and the characters are hired by the King to rescue her.  The fourth adventure takes place after the characters are captured and imprisoned behind enemy lines while in the service of their King.  The characters must seek to escape and return home with their information.  In the fifth and final adventure, a sacred holy symbol has been stolen, and the clues point to the priest Elwyn, who has disappeared.  The King asks the characters to journey to a remote f...

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