Shadows Over Sol RPG - Rulebook.pdf

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Science Fiction Horror Roleplaying
Thorin Tabor
Megan Turner
Edited by
Written by
Saga Machine
system by
Thorin Tabor
Thorin Tabor
Layout by
Tab Creations LLC
George Patsouras
Stillwater Map by
Published by
Art by
Jason Moser, Aleksandra Klepacka, Evelina Valieva, Jarel Threat, Joselito Mahilum,
Wilson Saravia, Giraldes Cristian, BroMiguel, C. T. Hart, Jeshields, Sade, Jeff Brown,
NASA, Sherman’s Stockart, Jacob E. Blackmon, Gary Dupuis, Joe J. Calkins and
Exceptional playtesting by
Kat Davis, Carroll Emerson, Ben Goreham, Micah Hollis-Symynkywicz, Matthew Kamm,
Phllip Matthews, Jesse Pingenot, Brian Richburg, Atom Smith, Darin Strouts, Eric Wirtanen
Special Thanks to
NASA’s public domain image repository, Sine Nomine Publishing for the
Starvation Cheap
pack and Tammy Ryan voice over for her excellent Kickstarter video narration.
Tab Creations is
Atom Smith, Ben Goreham, Jesse Pingenot, Phillip Matthews, Thorin Tabor
Producer Backers
Adam Matherly, Corey Rautenberg, Daniel T. Kulhanek, Joe Schillizzi,
Myles R. Milner, Robert Kim, Ultimate Nieves
Character Backers
André Roy, Darin Rebertus
Executive Backers
Andres G. Aguirre, Charles Cameron (aka) Total-D4, Claus Bo Christensen,
Rene Christopher Suarez, Ryan Fitzpatrick, Steve Medeiros™
This book is dedicated to all those working to make the
future a better and more accepting place.
Designation of Product Identity
The following items are hereby designated as Product Identity in accordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Game License, version 1.0a:
Any and all Tab Creations logos and identifying marks and trade dress, such as all Tab Creations product and product line names including
but not limited to Tab Creations,
Saga Machine,
Against the Dark Yogi and
Shadows Over Sol;
any specific characters and places; capi-
talized names and original names of places, artifacts, characters, countries, geographic locations, gods, events and organizations; any and
all stories, storylines, histories, plots, thematic elements and dialog; and all artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, illustrations, maps and
cartography, likenesses, logos, poses or graphic designs. The above product identity is not Open Game Content.
Designation of Open Game Content
Subject to the Product Identity designation above, the following portions of
Shadows Over Sol
are designated as Open Game Content:
The entirety of the
Saga Machine
chapter, Gear chapter, Consequences chapter and Dice appendix; all traits listed in the Characters
chapter; and all stat blocks listed in the Non-Player Characters chapter.
Tab Creations, Saga Machine
Shadows Over Sol
are trademarks owned by Thorin Tabor and Tab Creations LLC. All rights reserved. All
other content is ©2009-2015 Thorin Tabor. The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the
trademark or copyright concerned. This document is a work of fiction.
able of Contents
Table of Contents ......3
Introduction .............7
Themes ............................7
Recommended Media......8
Preparation for Play .........8
Glossary ..........................9
What is Saga Machine?.......8
Dark Future ............11
Welcome to the Future ..11
The Networked World ....11
Splintering of the Culture11
Language Shift ................12
Decline of Nation-States .12
Corporate Rise ................13
Crime & Punishment .....13
All About the Money ......14
Shiny New Toys ..............15
A Final Word ..................15
2030s to 2040s ..............16
2050s to 2060s ...............16
Derek Stillwater ............16
2070s to 2080s ...............17
The Beanstalk ...............17
2090s to 2100s ...............18
2110s to 2120s ...............18
World War III ...............18
2130s to 2140s ...............19
Decline of Nation-States 19
World War IV ..................20
2150s to 2160s ...............21
2170s to 2180s ...............21
The Ganymede Conference21
The Jupiter Group Incident22
2190s to 2200s ...............22
2210s ..............................23
Looking to the Future .......23
Space Travel ....................24
Space Habitats ................26
Space Elevators..............26
Space Stations ..................28
Tin Can ......................28
Asteroid Habitats ..........28
Stanford Torus ..............28
Bernal Sphere................28
Life in the 23rd .............34
Relationships ..................34
Education .......................34
Religion ..........................34
Subcultures .....................35
Corps ..............................35
Wealth ............................35
Law & Punishment .........35
Subcultures in Society .....36
Major Subcultures...........36
Satellites & Minor Sub....... 37
Entros .............................38
Entro Slang...................39
Exprets ............................40
Expret Slang .................41
Former Slang ................43
Ghostmen .......................44
Ghostman Slang ............45
Heeds .............................46
Heed Slang ...................47
Neorets ...........................48
Neoret Slang .................49
Servs ...............................50
Serv Slang ....................51
Technos ..........................52
Techno Slang.................53
Corp Sovereignty ............54
Corps in Society..............54
Second Tier Megacorps ...54
Jenseitech ........................55
Microdyne ......................57
Sinoex .............................58
Unitech ...........................60
Utakar System Dynamics 61
O’Neill Cylinder ...........28
Power Generation ...........29
Biotechnology .................29
The Failure of Fusion.....29
Computing .....................31
Violence & Warfare ........32
Shadows Over Sol..........74
Religion ..........................63
The ARC Project .............63
Inception ........................63
Dui Wu Ya Conflict ........65
Harbingers of
the Divine Form .............66
The Insurrection Virus ....67
Measures of Intelligence .69
Computing Requirements69
The Jupiter Group...........70
Mars Terraforming Project71
Sovereign Liberation Front72
Stillwater Catholic Church73
Sol ..................................74
Datawiki: Sol ...............74
Travel Times ....................75
Mercury ..........................76
Datawiki: Mercury .......76
Venus ..............................77
Datawiki: Venus ...........77
Datawiki: Earth ...........79
Lagrange Points.............80
Luna ...............................81
Datawiki: Luna ............81
Mars ...............................82
Datawiki: Mars ............83
Stillwater Colony Map ....84
The Belt ..........................87
Datawiki: The Main Belt87
Ganymede Conference Rules89
Datawiki: Jupiter ..........90
Jovian Trojans .................92
Saturn .............................92
Datawiki: Saturn..........93
Uranus ............................94
Datawiki: Uranus .........94
Kuiper Belt & Beyond ....95
Datawiki: Neptune .......95
Datawiki: Kuiper Belt ...95
Subcultures ....................36
A Future History ...........16
Megacorps .....................54
Technology ....................24
Conspiracies & Projects .63
Saga Machine ..........97
Overview .......................97
Characters .....................98
The Eight Stats................98
Skills ...............................99
Scores ...........................106
Simple Actions ..............107
Card Types & Scoring ...107
Setting up the Deck .....107
Action Convention .........110
Extended Actions ..........111
The Right Tool for the Job 111
Opposed Actions ..........112
Edge .............................112
Fractions & Rounding ...97
Anthropocentrism ..........98
Consequences .................98
Engineering .................142
Overview ......................142
Defining Parameters......142
Concept ........................144
Prototype ......................144
Quality Control (QC)...145
Voyages in Stasis ...........146
Putting People Under....146
Waking People Up ........147
Wealth Rating ...............148
Starting Wealth .............148
Cost Ratings .................148
Expenses .......................149
Income .........................150
Design Intent ..............150
Lifestyle Rating .............151
Lifestyle Uses ................152
Lifestyle Upkeep ...........153
Raise or Lower Lifestyle 153
Networks ......................136
Hacking & Security ......137
Fast & Loose Computing139
System Design: Encryption140
Actions ........................107
Stasis ...........................146
Character Advancement 175
Experiences ...................175
Non-Starting Characters .175
Assign Stats ...................165
Assign Skills ..................165
Seem Low? ..................165
Pick Geneline................166
Applying Genelines to Stats166
Pick Subculture .............169
Applying Subculture to Skills170
Scores & Traits ..............171
Wealth & Gear .............173
Purchase Options ........173
Axes of Advancement ......174
Character Names ........174
Consequences ..............114
What is a Consequence? 114
Levels of Severity...........114
Adjudicating Conseq........115
Effects of Consequences 115
Scene Consequences ........115
Duration of Consequences116
Wound Consequence ....117
Damage Ratings ............117
Damage Reduction (DR) 117
Shock Threshold ...........118
Wound Threshold .........118
Dying Gasps .................118
Healing Wounds ...........118
Gear ......................177
Gear Properties ............177
General Properties.........177
Don’t Forget Lifestyle ...177
Weapon Properties ........178
Armor Properties ..........178
Containers ....................179
Negligible Encumbrance179
Carrying Characters ....179
Ballistic Projectiles ........180
Buying Guns ...............180
Laser Projectiles ............181
Heavy Weapons..............182
Melee Weapons .............182
Ammunition .................183
Military-Grade Arms ..183
Light & Utility Armors .184
Heavy & Power Armors 185
Rules for Implants.........186
Implant List ..................186
List of Drugs & Toxins .188
Medical Treatments .......189
Medical Equipment ......189
Hardware ......................191
Software ........................192
Personal Assistant ..........192
Peripherals ....................193
Encumbrance ..............179
Wounds and Health ....117
Lifestyle .......................151
Arms ...........................180
Maladies ......................154
Hazards .......................157
Catching Fire ................157
Falls & Collisions..........157
Fogs & Hazes ................157
Space Sickness .............158
Healing in Microgravity158
Encumbrance & Gravity159
Spin Gravity ...............159
Sleep Deprivation .........160
Starvation & Dehydrat. 160
Temperature Extremes ..160
Underwater Activity ......161
Vacuum & Pressure.......161
Combat .......................120
Action Points (AP) ........120
Starting a Combat.........120
Rounds .........................120
Why Declare First? .........121
Opposite Simultan. Effects122
Offhanded Actions.......122
Defense .........................123
Interact Actions.............124
Move Actions ................125
Concentrate Actions .....126
Attack Actions ..............127
Critical Hits ..................130
Combat Example ...........135
Computer Rating ..........136
Software Rating ............136
Armor .........................184
Implants ......................186
Drugs & Toxins ...........188
Medical .......................189
Characters .............163
Character Creation ......163
Overview ......................163
Character Concept ........163
Modes of Horror .............164
Computing & Software191
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