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Front Cover
Ships/Deck Plans
(dromon design, Umbar or Harad)
COASTAL RAIDER (clinker design, Belfalas)
RAIDER (Harad)
LARGE SLAVER (quinquireme design, Umbar)
HEAVY PROG (Black Númenórean bireme design, Umbar)
Havens of Gondor/Contents
Land of Belfalas
................................................................................. 2
1.0 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS ...................................................... 2
1.11 Abbreviations....................................................................... 2
1.12 Definitions........................................................................... 2
1..2 ADAPTING THIS MODULE TO YOUR CAMPAIGN .....................3
1..3 CONVERTING STATISTICS........................................................ 4
1.31 Converting Hits and Bonuses .................................................. 4
1.32 Converting Statistics for Any Major FRP System ..................... 4
1.33 Converting Stats..................................................................... 4
1.34 Converting Combat Abilities ...................................................4
1.35 Converting Spells and Spell Lists ............................................5
1.36 A Note on Levels ................................................................... 5
1.37 Skill Bonuses......................................................................... 5
1.38 Locks and Traps................................................................... 5
2.1 OVERVIEW ...............................................................................6
2 . 2 A HISTORY OF DOR-EN-ERNIL ................................................7
2 . 3 A BRIEF TIMELINE OF GONDORIAN HISTORY .......................9
2.31 The Peoples of Gondor ............................................................9
2.32 The Tale of Years....................................................................9
................................................................................... 11
3.1 GEOGRAPHY .......................................................................... 11
3 . 2 THE CLIMATE AND WEATHER PATTERNS ........................12
3.3 WINDS, CURRENTS AND TIDES.............................................12
3.31 Calculating Wind Speeds .................................................... 12
3 . 3 2 Waves, Currents, and Tides ..................................................13
4.0 PLANTS AND ANIMALS.............................................................
4.1 COASTAL LIFE ...................................................................... 14
4 . 2 LIFE IN THE HIGHLANDS....................................................... 14
4 . 3 LIFE IN THE MARSHES AND RIVER DELTAS .....................14
4 . 4 LIFE ON TOLFALAS AND THE COASTAL ISLES................... 15
4 . 5 SEA LIFE IN THE BAY OF BELFALAS ................................... 15
4.51 Sharks .................................................................................... 15
4.52 Sea-turtles and Fell-turtles ...................................................... 15
4.53 Whales ................................................................................... 15
4.54 Kraken ................................................................................... 15
4.5 5 Other Beasts of the Bay ......................................................... 16
......................................................... 16
5.1 THE DÚNEDAIN OF DOR-EN-ERNIL .....................................16
5 . 2 MOUNTAIN FOLK................................................................... 18
5 . 3 COMMON FOLK OF THE LOWLANDS ................................... 19
5 . 4 THE ELVES OF EDHELLOND................................................ 19
.............................................................. 20
6.1 GOVERNMENT ........................................................................ 20
6 . 2 WARCRAFT IN DOR-EN-ERNIL .................................................21
6.21 The Prince's Army and Navy ................................................. 21
6 . 2 2 Elven Military Groups .......................................................... 22
6 . 2 3 Eredan Military Groups ......................................................... 22
6 . 3 LIFE AT THE COURT OF THE PRINCES................................... 23
6 . 4 ALLIANCES AND CONFLICTS................................................. 23
6.41 Relations Between the Prince and the Eredrim ....................... 23
6.42 Relations With Umbar and Harad ........................................... 23
7.0 THE ECONOMY...........................................................................
............................................ 25
8.1 NOBILITY ................................................................................. 25
8.2 MERCHANTS............................................................................. 25
8.3 GUILDS ..................................................................................... 26
8.4 MASTERS OF POWER............................................................... 26
8.5 PRIVATEERS ............................................................................. 26
8.6 SMUGGLERS............................................................................... 27
8.7 THIEVES .................................................................................... 27
8.71 The Thieves of Dol Amroth................................................... 27
8.72 The Thieves of Linhir ............................................................ 28
8.8 MOUNTAIN BANDITS ............................................................ 28
8.9 SPIES.......................................................................................... 28
....................................................................... 28
9.1 CHARACTERS FROM DOL AMROTH ..................................... 28
9.2 CHARACTERS FROM LINHIR....................................................31
9.3 ELVES OF EDHELLOND ............................................................31
............................................. 32
.......................................................................... 32
11.1 AN OVERVIEW OF THE CITY ................................................ 32
11.2 T H E C I T Y P L A N ..................................................................33
11.3 LAYOUT OF THE CITY ..........................................................33
11.31 The White Town ...................................................................33
11.32 The Middle Port ....................................................................34
11.33 The New Port ....................................................................... 34
11.34 The Gate Town ..................................................................... 34
11.35 The Old Town .......................................................................34
11.36 The Cliffs.................................................................................35
11.37 The Castle Quarter......................................................................35
11.4 T H E C A S T L E O F T H E P R I N C E ........................................35
11.41 The Castle's Design ................................................................35
11.42 Layout of the Castle ..............................................................36
11.5 THE SEA-WARD TOWER.........................................................36
12.1 A DESCRIPTION OF THE ELF-HAVEN...................................39
12.2 THE LAYOUT OF THE ELF-HAVEN.......................................39
12.21 The Exterior Layout (The Town) .........................................40
12.22 The Interior Layout (Port Caverns) ......................................40
13.0 OTHER SITES OF NOTE...........................................................
13.1 T H E T O W N O F L I N H I R ..................................................... 41
13.11 The Town Plan..........................................................................41
13.12 The Key to the Map of Linhir........................................................43
13.2 CASTLE AMRÛNAUR...............................................................43
13.3 A COASTAL TOWER ...............................................................45
13.4 A MOUNTAIN VILLAGE ..........................................................45
13.5 T H E H I L L O F T H E P Y R E ..................................................46
14.0 SHIPS
14.1 SHIPS OF UMBAR ....................................................................48
14.2 S H I P S O F D O L A M R O T H ...................................................48
14.3 SHIPS OF EDHELLOND......................................................49
Produced and distributed by IRON CROWN ENTERPRISES, Inc., P.O. Box 1605, Charlottesville, VA 22902. Stock #ME 3300
Copyright © 1987 TOLKIEN ENTERPRISES, a division of ELAN MERCHANDISING, Inc., Berkeley, C USA.
Havens of Gondor... Land of
Belfalas, The Hobbit,
The Lord of the Rings,
and all characters and places therein, are trademark properties of TOLKIEN ENTERPRISES. All
rights reserved. First U.S. Edition 1987. ISBN 0-915795-25-6.
Guidelines/Definitions and Terms
15.0 ADVENTURES.............................................................................
15.1 THE BELL IN THE LOST TOWER........................................ 49
15.2 A T H E F T I N L I N H I R ........................................................ 49
15.3 T H E L I G H T O N T H E H I L L O F T H E P Y R E ................ 50
15.4 OTHER SUGGESTED ADVENTURES .................................... 50
16.0 TABLES ......................................................................................
Remember that the ultimate source of information are the works
of Professor J.R.R. Tolkien. Posthumous publications edited by his
son Christopher shed additional light on the world of Middle-earth.
These modules are derived from
The Hobbit
The Lord of the
although they have been developed so that no conflic t exists
with any of the other sources.
16.1 MASTER MILITARY TABLE..................................................51
16.2 MASTER NPC TABLE ............................................................ 53
16.3 MASTER BEAST TABLE........................................................ 55
16.4 MASTER ENCOUNTER TABLE ............................................ 56
.................................................................back cover
17.1 NAUTICAL TERMS....................................................back cover
17.2 FORTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY.………………… ...back cover
The following abbreviations and terms are used throughout the
Game Systems
MERP___ Middle-earth Role Playing
Character Slats
Me ______Memory
Pr _______Presence
Sd _______Self Discipline
St _______Strength
Lvl ______Level (experience or spell level)
MA______Martial Arts
Mod _____Modifier or Modification
mp ______mithril piece(s)
NPC_____Non-player Character
OB ______Offensive Bonus
PC ______Player Character
PP ______Power Points
R or Rad _Radius
Rnd or Rd Round (10 second period)
RR ______Resistance Roll
Stat______Statistic or Characteristic
tp_______tin piece(s)
Kh_______Khuzdul (Dwarvish)
LotR_____The Lord of the Rings
Or _______ Orkish
Cirdur leaped over the rolling barrel and rushed across the slippery
deck, unconcerned about the raging wind and blinding rain. But
before he could reach his master, the ship lurched, sending him sprawl-
ing upon a torn section of sail which had caught upon a stay. The
Elven Scout cried out: "Sire, you cannot fight Ulmo's Sea! Please,
follow me below!"
King Amroth turned, his tearful eyes glistening in the diffused
moonlight. No one else dared brave the storm, yet he stood there,
arms outstretched, at the stern. He looked like he could fly.
Cirdur hung on to the ripping sail as the Swan-ship pitched again.
Suddenly, as he desperately screamed to the King once again, the
great bell in the Sea-ward Tower tolled. Even across the miles of roar-
ing water, the notes drowned out his last pleas.
Then a wave blasted the Scout against the rail. The salt water filled
his nose and bit at his cheeks, stunning him with punishing force.
Cirdur did not know how long he lay there — it didn't seem long
but as he rose to his knees, he saw that Amroth had gone. He cried.
Ag ______ Agility
Co ______ Constitution
Em______ Empathy
Ig_______ Intelligence
It(In) ____ Intuition (RM and
Game Terms
AT_______Armor Type
bp_______ bronze piece(s)
cp_______ copper piece(s)
Crit _____ Critical strike
D_______ Die or Dice
DB______ Defensive Bonus
FRP ____ Fantasy Role Playing
GM______ Gamemaster
gp_______ gold piece(s)
ip _______ iron piece(s)
jp _______ jade piece(s)
Middle-earth Terms
Fantasy role playing is akin to a living novel where the players are
the main characters. Everyone combines to write a story which is
never short of adventure. Players help to create a new land and weave
strange new tales.
This series is designed as a tool for Gamemasters who wish to run
scenarios or campaigns set in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth. The
adventure modules are complete and ready-to-run studies of very
specific areas, and are intended to be used with a minimum of addi-
tional work. Each has statistical information based on the
earth Role Playing (MERP)
Rolemaster (RM)
systems. The modules are, however, adaptable for use with most
major role playing games. Creative guidelines, not absolutes, are
Professor Tolkien's Legacy
Each module is based on extensive research and attempts to meet
the high standards associated with the Tolkien legacy. Rational
linguistic, cultural, and geological data are employed. Interpretive
material has been included with great care, and fits into defined pat-
terns and schemes. ICE does not intend it to be the sole or proper
view; instead, we hope to provide the reader the thrust of the creative
legacy and the character of the given area.
A _______ Adûnaic
BS ______ Black Speech
Cir______ Cirth or Certar
Du ______ Dunlending
E _______ Edain
El _______ Eldarin
Es_______ Easterling
1.A._____ First Age
F.A. ____ Fourth Age
Hi_______ Hillman
H_______ Hobbitish (Westron variant)
Har _____ Haradrim
Hob_____ The Hobbit
Kd ______ Kuduk (ancient Hobbitish)
Q _______Quenya
R _______Rohirric
S.A. _____Second Age
Si _______Silvan Elvish
T.A______Third Age
V _______Variag
W _______Westron (Common Speech)
Wo______Wose (Drúedain)
A few crucial concepts are detailed below. The majority of uni-
que terms and translations from
The Hobbit
The Lord of the
can be found in the text proper.
(S. "Long Coast"; W. "Langstrand") Region of Gondor to the west of the
provinces of Dor-en-Ernil and Lamedon.
(S. "Coast of the Powers.") Great, hilly penninsula in southern Gondor. Belfalas
juts out into the bay that bears its name. Belfalas is also used as an alternative name
for the land called Dor-en-Ernil, but this usage is not particularly accurate. Actually,
Belfalas is the southern half of Dor-en-Ernil.
Originally the descendants of Castimir ("the Usurper") of Gondor and his
followers, who fled Gondor in the latter days of the Kin-strife (T.A. 1432-48). This group
seized control of Umbar in 1448. Later, the term Corsairs became associated with any
pirates based in Umbar or along the coasts of Harad.
Guidelines/Adapting This Module to Your Campaign
Daen Coentis:
(Dn. "People of Skill") Ancestors of the Dunlendings and (indirectly)
the Drúedain (Woses) of the White Mountains. The Eredrim of Dor-en-Ernil are descen-
dants of the Daen Coentis. This forgotten race is the indigenous mannish population
in most of what is now central and western Gondor. Animistic, superstitious and in-
dustrious, they leave a wealth of stone carvings and megalithic structures in the hills
and high vales they find so sacred. They trace their lineages through the female line
and revere the Earth Mistress (a manifestation of
as high goddess. Their tongue,
is often called Old Dunael, since it spawned the Dunael speech of the
Dol Amroth:
(S. "Hill of Amroth") City and associated castle located on the coast of
northwestern Belfalas (western Dor-en-Ernil). The capital of the Land of the Prince,
it was originally (before T.A. 1981) called Lond Ernil (S. "Haven of the Prince"). Dol
Amroth also refers to the hill upon which the town and citadel stand, a great granite
massif that juts out into the Bay of Belfalas.
(S. "Land of the Prince") Princely fief in south-central Gondor. Ruled
by the Princes of Dol Amroth, it includes the area between the Gilrain/Serni and Mor-
thond/Ringlo rivers.
(W. "Woses"; Wo. "Drughu"; "Drugs";
S. "Wildmen";
sing. "Drúedan.")
Often called the "Wild Men of the Wood" the Drúedain are found in rugged primeval
woodlands like the
of northeast Gondor, the
Taur Andrast
the southwest flanks of the White Mountains, and the
Eryn Vorn
(S. "Black Woods")
of southern Eriador. They are unexcelled woodcrafters and woodsmen who do not
assimilate or cohabitate with other races. Instead, they prefer a rude life in the remote
wilds; thus their name. Short, stocky, and having little body hair, they resemble no other
Men, although they are ancestrally tied to the Daen Coentis and are indirectly and distant-
ly related to Dunlendings and Eredrim. Woses possess certain powers of enchantment
and unique forms of magic, and guard their sacred places with bizarre carved images
of themselves (Pûkel-men). These sculptures are said to have "powers associated with
life," such as sight and mobility.
(S. "Edain of the West"; sing.
These High Men are descendants
of the Edain who settled the western island continent of Númenor around S.A. 32. The
Dúnedain returned to explore, trade with, colonize, and later conquer many areas along
the western, southern, and eastern coasts of Endor during the Second Age. Unfortunate-
ly, their hubris and desire for power led them to attempt an invasion of the Valar's Un-
dying Lands. As a result, Eru (the One) destroyed their home island in S.A. 3319. Those
called the "Faithful" opposed the policies and jealous Elf-hatred that prompted this
"Downfall." The Faithful were saved when Númenor sank, sailing east to northwestern
Middle-earth. There they founded the "Realms in Exile," the kingdoms of Arnor and
Gondor. Although sparsely populated, Arthedain (in Arnor) contains the highest pro-
portion of the Faithful and the most purely Dúnedain culture in all of Endor. Many
"unfaithful" (or "Black Númenórean") groups survive as well, living in colonies and
independent states such as Umbar.
The term Dúnedain refers to the Númenóreans and their descendants in Middle-earth,
groups which possess considerable physical and mental strength, longevity, and a rich
Elven-influenced culture.
is their native language.
(Dn. "Daen Lintis.")
A rugged race of Common Men who, for the most
part, migrated out of the White Mountains in the Second Age. The Eredrim of Dor-en-
Ernil are a related folk. Descendants of the Daen Coenis, Dunlendings have a medium
or stocky build, sparse brown hair, and tanned or ruddy complexions. Men average 5'10";
women stand around 5'6". Mostly mountain-dwellers or hill-loving herders, they are
known by various names:
Dunmen, Dunnish Folk, Dunlanders, Eredrim,
of the White Mountains, etc.
(S. "Elf-haven.") Elven haven and port located in the Morthond river delta.
(S. "Mountain-host.") Dunlending-related peoples of the highlands of Dor-
en-Ernil. The Eredrim are descendants of the Daen Coentis.
Ered Tarthonion:
(S. "Mountains of Lofty Pines.") The highlands of Dor-en-Ernil, their
highest peaks rise in central Belfalas. They are actually a great transverse section of
the White Mountain range. Eredrim occupy many of the highland valleys in the Ered
(S. "Stone-land.") The great Dúnedain kingdom that lies west of Mordor and
north of the Bay of Belfalas. It includes a number of regions: (clockwise from the north)
(Rohan after T.A. 2510);
Anorien; Ithilien; Lebennin; Belfalas; Lamedon;
Andrast. Osgiliath
on the Anduin serves as the Gondorian capital until
T.A. 1640, when the throne is moved to
Minas Anor (Minas Tirith).
(S. "South.") The vast region located below the River Harnen, south of Gondor
and Mordor. Although (periodically) autonomous, Umbar is in Harad.
(S. "Land of the Tongue.") The region of Gondor between the rivers Ringló
and Morthond, it lies northwest of the Land of the Prince and south of the White Moun-
tains. Its chief town is
(Upon the Hill), on the River Ciril. The town of Erech
lies in northwestern Lamedon.
(S. "Place of Five Waters.") A well-settled region of Gondor lying west of
the Anduin and southeast of the White Mountains. The great port of
and part
of the territory of the Lord of Linhir are in Lebennin.
M o r t h o n d :
(S. "Black-root.") River in central Gondor which forms the border between
the regions of Lamedon, Anfalas and Dor-en-Ernil. The Morthond rises in the White
Mountains, by the Paths of the Dead; thus its name. Flowing southward past Erech,
it winds west of Tarlang and down to the Bay of Belfalas. Its mouth is just north of
Dol Amroth. The Elf-havens and port of
lie in the Morthond delta.
(S. "Fate"; also "Evil Dwelling.") Port city and surrounding coastal region located
in eastern Harad, across the Bay of Belfalas from Gondor. Umbar's great firth and
numerous smaller bays provide havens for the Corsairs that raid Gondor's southern flank.
Founded in the Second Age by the Men of Númenor, Umbar has been held by various
groups at odds with the South Kingdom: Black Númenóreans, Corsairs, and Haradrim.
While Mountains:
(S. "Ered Nimrais.")
Snow-capped mountains which arch eastward
from the Cape of Andrast and end above Minas Anor (Minas Tirith), just west of the
Anduin. The Paths of Dead cross under the White Mountains between Harrowdale (on
the north) and Erech (to the south). Alpine in character, the White Mountains rise to
heights of well over 11,000 feet.
This module is designed for use with most major fantasy role play-
ing systems. Since the various FRP rules have their own particular
approaches to combat, spells, and character generation and
development, certain common descriptive terms have been selected
for the individual outlines of places, people, creatures, and things.
Unfortunately, statistical data such as bonuses and character "stats"
differ widely between systems; after all, they are keyed to specific
game mechanics. ICE has chosen to use percentile (D100) terms as a
base, since conversion to D20, D18, and D10 can be achieved with
relative ease (note Sec. 1.32 for a handy conversion chart). Player
character and NPC characteristics/stats are also detailed in one par-
ticular manner; again, simplicity and consistency have been em-
phasized, and conversion to your game system should be relatively
Keep in mind that fantasy role playing is by nature a creative ex-
perience, and the individual GM or player should feel free to incor-
porate his/her own ideas into their game.
The following steps may be helpful when beginning to explore the
region here described:
(1) Read the entire module to get a flavorful idea of the region;
(2) Reread the sections devoted to notes for the gamemaster, and
converting statistics for your game system;
(3) Choose the time setting for your campaign. Should you choose
to run a game at the beginning or end of the Third Age, or early
in the Fourth Age, pay particular attention to the section
devoted to this region "at other times." In fact, this section will
give the GM an idea of the considerations involved with setting a
campaign at any date other than that chosen here. ICE chose the
mid-Third Age as a particularly exciting era, but you may enjoy
another time even more;
(4) Assemble any source materials (note suggested reading) you find
(5) Research the period you have chosen and compose any outlines
you need in addition to the material provided here;
(6) Convert the NPC, trap, weapon, spell, and item statistics to
terms suitable to your game. Note changes in the system you are
using which must be made in order to keep your campaign in line
with the flow of life in Middle-earth;
(7) Create a total setting, using lots of maps to detail patterns and
provide a creative framework. In this way you will have a rich
and consistent world, and the foundation data will give you the
flexibility to detail random areas and events.
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