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Getting Started with Unity 5
Leverage the power of Unity 5 to create
amazing 3D games
Dr. Edward Lavieri
Getting Started with Unity 5
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First published: May 2015
Production reference: 1260515
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
Livery Place
35 Livery Street
Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.
ISBN 978-1-78439-831-6
Dr. Edward Lavieri
Maxim Jankov
Adam Larson
Michael E. Miles
Commissioning Editor
Ashwin Nair
Acquisition Editor
Nikhil Karkal
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Shweta Pant
Cover Work
Technical Editors
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Copy Editors
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Arvindkumar Gupta
Arvindkumar Gupta
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Monica Ajmera Mehta
Project Coordinator
Shipra Chawhan
Stephen Copestake
Safis Editing
About the Author
Dr. Edward Lavieri
is a veteran game designer and developer with a strong
academic background. He earned a doctorate of computer science from Colorado
Technical University, and three masters of science degrees in management
information systems from Bowie State University. His formal education includes
instructional design (from Capella University) and operations management (from
the University of Arkansas), demonstrating his passion for academic pursuits. He
has developed and taught computer-related courses since 2002 and currently teaches
at Southern New Hampshire University. Edward retired from the US Navy after 25
years as an intelligence specialist and command master chief.
As the founder and creative director of three19, a software design and development
studio, Edward is constantly developing software. He uses Unity as one of his
primary game development tools. He focuses on developing adaptive learning
systems, educational games, and mobile apps.
Edward authored
Adaptive Learning for Educational Game Design, CreateSpace
Independent Publishing Platform, LiveCode Mobile Development HOTSHOT, Packt
Publishing, LiveCode Mobile Development Cookbook, Packt Publishing, Software
Consulting: A Revolutionary Approach, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,
was the technical editor of
Excel Formulas and Functions for Dummies, Ken Bluttman,
Wiley Publishing.
He has also developed numerous college courses, involving
computer science and information systems.
I would like to thank Colt for always bringing a smile to my face and
heart. To Noel and Josh, thank you for being in my life and creating
Colt. I love all three of you. My deepest appreciation and love goes
to Brenda. You are my world and let me tell you, I do love living
in it. I would like to express my gratitude to Fuel So Good Coffee
Roasters for fueling my writing and game development. I would also
like to thank the expert team at Packt Publishing, including Harshit,
Owen, Govindan, Shweta, Nikhil, the reviewers, technical editors,
proofreaders, indexers, and the marketing team. It is a pleasure to
have worked with such an amazing team.
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