A.C. Mail Order - Hypnosis. How To Tap The Incredible Secret Powers Of Your Mind!!.pdf

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How To Tap The Incredible
Powers Of Your Own Mind!!
Part One
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“The biggest block to any man’s success is found in his head”
I am very pleased to welcome you to
“How To Tap The Incredible Secret
Power Of Your Own Mind”.
I know you are going to find enrolling on this
course one of the most important steps you have ever taken.
The above statement may seem a hard one to live up to, nevertheless it is one
I fully intend to try.
It is my intention to show you how you can take control of your own mind and
therefore your own life from this point onwards. By learning the art of Hypnosis
and Self Hypnosis you will be able to mould your life the way you want it.
Many who have gone before you were staggered by how their lives
could have been so utterly changed for the better simply spending just twenty
very relaxing and pleasant minutes twice a day. The idea that something so
simple can be so rewarding is hard to understand until you have experienced
You will learn:-
How you can develop the unique talents, powers, and abilities,
that we all possess, to undreamed of heights.
How to become rich and successful.
and get anything you want from life.
How you can increase your powers of concentration, memory, or
physical stamina.
How to control and eradicate any fears or phobias
that spoil and disrupt
your life and prevent you from enjoying your life to the full. For example fear of
flying, fear of insects, of enclosed spaces, or whatever, the list goes on and
Smoking is one of the few vices that can be cured with one course of
Hypnosis! Think of all that money you could save each year if you gave up not
to mention the improvement in your health, more breath and energy, better
taste of food etc.
How to give up smoking and make £130,000 in the process!
Let us
assume the average smoker spends £3.00 per day. That comes to £21.00 per
week and £1092 per year. Lets assume a smoker gives up and instead puts
the money they would have spent on cigarettes into a building society account
at say 8% interest. After twenty years they would have amassed £54,000. That
is enough to give them a £450 a month income for life. It that person was
twenty when they gave up in they would have a staggering £134,000 in the
account by the time they reached fifty.
How to lose weight.
There is a vast industry selling the public one new
diet plan after another which seldom work. All that dieting does is lead people
to overeat again. After an initial time the weight might drop off but soon goes
up again later, and the whole miserable cycle starts all over again. Would you
like to know how to lose weight and maintain that perfect figure?
How to improve your golf handicap or your tennis swing.
How to give confident public speeches.
How to become more popular and make friends easily.
How to improve your love and sex life!
In short anything you want from life is yours for the taking and
you are going to be shown how to get it in simple easy steps!
I know that to those of you who have not had any experience of
Hypnosis and its amazing power for good in our lives might feel that you have
read some pretty fanciful claims. They must be too good to be true. Pie in the
Scientific research at the UCLA has established that we only use a tiny
percentage of our true mental ability. Early this century scientists believed
humans only used about 10% of their brain! Today scientists believe we use
less than 2%.
Let me assure you right here and now that those claims are only a
fraction of what you can do as a human being. Merely the tip of the iceberg. In
America at “Cray Research” they have been carrying out research using a
combination of very powerful computers and Hypnosis. Using such advanced
techniques they have been able to prove that the human brain can absorb
information at phenomenal speeds. Some subjects have been able to process
more than 690,000 words per minute!
(More on this at later date.)
As a human being you are empowered with talents and abilities that
you probably never dreamed of. Did you know that your subconscious mind
can deal with over 2,000,000 different pieces of information per second.
Most people go through life without ever having tapped a minuscule
amount of their true potential as human beings. You on the other hand have
shown that you want to learn how to take control of your life and steer it
around in the direction you want it to go. You want to improve the quality of
your life and live it to the utmost of your ability!
It never ceases to maze me that most people live out their lives in
“Quiet desperation”, to quote Oscar Wilde, only to end their lives in bitter
resentment and anger thinking of what might have been if only they had had
the breaks and chances
seem to have.
I find it very sad that many people are content to base the future
happiness of their lives on the random selection of a few ping pong balls falling
out of a lottery machine every Saturday night! They prefer to throw a few
pounds away every week on a
fourteen million to one chance
which they know
they will never win rather than actually do something about improving their
lives. And even if they do win this money there is no guarantee that money
alone is going to make them happy and feel fulfilled in their life as many have
discovered. After all there are only so many meals you can eat, houses you
can live in, cars you can drive, etc.
Do you really know what it is you want from life. I mean
really know?
If you just want money and other material riches then that is no problem
you will be shown how to get them. lt’s relatively easy! You will be shown how
to programme your mind to tap your vast creative resources and put them to
work for you. But I hope you will gain much much more from this course than
just money. If not then I will feel that I have badly let you down.
Maybe you want to increase your ability drastically to retain facts and
information so as to get a first class honours degree. Perhaps you want to
master several foreign languages. Or maybe you want to perfect your
technique at tennis, football, snooker, or at playing the piano.
Perhaps you want to be more patient with your family. Be a calmer
driver. Be a better lover. Get less stressed when problems arise. Look
younger, lose weight, get fit and trim. Be more popular and make more friends.
Be the best in your field! Dramatically improve your health. Become
resilient against illness. Reduce or eliminate pain. (Even reduce and cure
Yes Hypnosis has been, in some
successful in treating a
number of incurable diseases like
In short anything you want The only limit is that of your
own imagination.
You will be taught how your mind works and how to programme it to help you
to get the best life has to offer you! This course is in part a kind of
instruction manual for your own mind!
Believe me you are about to start out on a fantastic journey of discovery
which will change your whole view of life. The really amazing thing is it is so
easy to turn your life around. It really is if only you are just shown how.
Hypnosis is probably one of the most misunderstood phenomenon in
our lives today. Hypnosis has long been associated with mumbo-jumbo,
occult and sinister mystery men bent on controlling your mind. Despite the
proof that exists about the remarkably positive effects of Hypnosis it is widely
shunned and ignored by many people.
There are many reasons for this not least the recent spate of TV programmes
showing stage hypnotists making ordinary members of the audience look
complete fools for our
I would like to state for the record that I am totally opposed to public
displays of Hypnosis for entertainment. Most professional Hypnotists, who
use their skills and knowledge to help people, consider stage shows as a bit
like watching a surgeon culling off someone’s leg for the amusement of an
The problem is that the stage Hypnotist will inevitably be more
concerned with the audiences reaction first and the condition and welfare of
their participant second. There is very little similarity between a Professional
Hypnotist and a stage hypnotist. Just as there is little similarity between a
butcher and a surgeon.
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