PZO9534 The Ruby Phoenix Tournament.pdf

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By Tim Hitchcock
Ruby Phoenix
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1 square = 5 feet
Ruby Phoenix
Tim Hitchcock
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The Ruby Phoenix Tournament
is a Pathfinder Module designed for four 11th-level characters and uses the medium XP advancement track.
This module is designed for play in the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be adapted for use with any world. This module is
compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the 3.5 edition of the
world’s oldest fantasy roleplaying game. The OGL can be found on page 32 of this product.
This product makes use of the
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary,
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat,
Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic.
These rules can be found online as part of the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document at
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The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open
Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artwork, and trade dress.
Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content or are in the public domain are not included in this declaration.
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Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this Paizo Publishing game product are Open Game
Content, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content
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Pathfinder Module: The Ruby Phoenix Tournament
is published by Paizo Publishing, LLC under the Open Game License version 1.0a Copyright 2000 Wizards of the
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Game, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder Campaign Setting, Pathfinder Module, Pathfinder Player Companion, Pathfinder Society, and Pathfinder Tales are
trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC. © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC.
Printed in China.
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Ruby Phoenix
The Ruby Phoenix, Hao Jin, is certainly dead. Why else would the collection that so
dominated her life—the greatest assembly of wonders Golarion has ever known—be
made a prize for the winner of the fighting tournament that now bears her name?
I weep at the thought of the Ruby Phoenix in a perpetual state of ash, but from her
demise will rise a champion of as much renown as she earned in life, and with his
chosen prize, he shall continue her legacy. I will be that champion!
—Final journal entry of Tan Dae Gun,
failed Ruby Phoenix Tournament contestant, 6901 ic
Ruby Phoenix
The sorceress Hao Jin left an indelible mark upon the
land of Tian Xia. Throughout her centuries-long life,
Hao Jin—a devout follower of Abadar, god of contracts,
wealth, and order—set out to amass her own First Vault,
a collection of those items she deemed most perfect or
wondrous in all the world.
Among the many Abadaran pacts and contracts that
dictated Hao Jin’s life was her carefully contracted
agreement with the temple of Abadar in Goka regarding
the fate of her collection in the event of her eventual death.
Fearful that her treasures would fall into the wrong hands
or simply be lost to history, Hao Jin left strict instructions
that were she not to set foot within the temple for 10 years
and a day, on the 10 year anniversary of that occasion, an
epic competition of martial arts was to be held, overseen
by the city’s Abadaran clergy; the winning team would
be allowed to choose a single item as a prize for their
victory. Not only would this prevent the collection from
immediately being broken up, but it also ensured her life’s
work would attain its own legendary immortality through
the prestige the contest would bring.
During her lifetime, many who knew of her will
attempted to end her life prematurely, and many
succeeded. But Hao Jin had contingencies in place to such
a degree that even her most cunning and careful would-
be assassins underestimated her ability to return from
the dead. Each time an enemy killed her, she miraculously
emerged unscathed days later, her red hair a shade more
vibrant than before her death. Her ability to overcome
death and the resemblance her hair soon had to an
animated, flickering flame earned Hao Jin the nickname
Ruby Phoenix, and over the centuries of her life, many
believed her to be truly immortal.
Yet in 6891 ic (Imperial Calendar; 4391 ar), a recordkeeper
at Goka’s Grand Bank of Abadar informed the archbanker
that a decade and a day had passed since the Ruby Phoenix
last visited the temple. The conditions of her will had been
met. As no one had seen nor heard from the sorceress for
several years, she was assumed to have finally met her end,
and the preparations were made to conduct the first Ruby
Phoenix Tournament 10 years later. That tournament also
established the office of the Emissary, an Abadaran official
appointed for life to run the proceedings.
Each decennial since, the greatest champions from
across Golarion have vied for the victors’ spot, and most
contestants have competed honorably and passionately. A
decade ago, however, the Ruby Phoenix Tournament was
the subject of a terrible scandal that resulted in the first
disqualification of a contestant in over a century.
The shamed competitor was the earth sorceress Wu
Dizhen, who was caught callously and repeatedly cheating
and had to be ejected from the contest. Among the most
The Ruby Phoenix Tournament
takes place on an island
in the wide harbor of Goka, an independent city-state
on Tian Xia’s western coast. Goka lies at the one break
in the nearly impassable Wall of Heaven Mountains,
making it a hub of culture and trade between Tian
Xia and Casmaron, Vudra, and the lands of the Inner
Sea region far to the west. For more information on
Goka or the Dragon Empires of Tian Xia, see
Campaign Setting: Dragon Empires Gazetteer,
available at
and your local game store.
egregious of her crimes were employing her identical twin,
Wu Jufeng, as a body double (which allowed her to leave
the island for healing and aid), using Wu Jufeng as outside
aid during contests, and not sparing foes who forfeited
bouts. Wu Dizhen’s crimes were discovered only moments
prior to her entry into the final round of the contest, and
her disqualification resulted in the automatic victory of
her competitor, the Iomedaean paladin Marthysan the
Righteous. Now the twins—conjoined at birth and now
distinguishable from one another only by which side of
their body bears the scar of their separation—have set their
sights on disrupting this year’s Ruby Phoenix Tournament
and attaining victory over the contest by destroying the
centuries-old institution entirely. To aid them in this
endeavor, they have allied with the sinister Golden League,
an organized crime syndicate based in mainland Goka. For
their part, the masters of the Golden League hope that they
can use the twins’ meddling to ensure their champion wins
the contest, guaranteeing that their gambling racket brings
in the highest profits possible.
The PCs arrive on Xielan Island to compete in the
Ruby Phoenix Tournament, an exclusive martial arts
competition held every 10 years to test the world’s greatest
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