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IC4 – Supply Hunt
We’ve found a small town that hasn’t been looted yet, time to put that right.
This only needs season 1.
V 1.0
Set the map up as shown above.
Special Rules
Only the BLUE spawn point is active at the start of the game.
The Blue Spawn point spawns differently than usual depending on the number of survivors. Roll a dice at the
start of the zombie spawn phase and check the following table to see how many spawn cards to draw for the
blue spawn point.
Number Of
No Cards No Cards No Cards
1 Card
1 Card
1 Card
No Cards No Cards
1 Card
1 Card
1 Card
1 Card
No Cards
1 Card
1 Card
1 Card
1 Card
2 Cards
1 Card
1 Card
1 Card
1 Card
2 Cards
2 Cards
1 Card
1 Card
1 Card
2 Cards
2 Cards
2 Cards
1 Card
1 Card
2 Cards
2 Cards
2 Cards
3 Cards
Red Spawn points spawn as normal, but aren’t active at the start of the game.
Spawn points should be spawned in the sequence shown in the red circles.
Red spawn points become active when the door to the building they are in are opened for the first time and
remain active from then on.
The Red crosses represent supplies; they take no space and give the survivor 5 XP when they are picked up.
Unlike the area, the police car has been ransacked, it cannot be searched.
The police car is in a sorry state of repair having had many Zombies bounced off it. After an action has been
taken to move the police car roll 2 dice and on a double 1 it breaks down. The car still moves this time but then
is permanently broken.
All Survivors must leave together. The can do so from the exit zone at the end of a survivor phase if there are no
zombies in the zone.
To win ALL starting survivors must leave via the exit zone having picked up all 5 red crosses.
V 1.0
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