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My Earth
Photo/Illustration Credits:
Cover, Mary Steinbacker / PhotoEdit; p. 1, NASA;
pp. 2-3, Superstock; p. 2(inset), Dave Lawrence / The Stock Market;
p. 5, Michael Gadomski / Earth Scenes; 4(inset), John M. Roberts / The Stock
Market; pp. 6-7, Greg Vaughn / Tom Stack & Associates; p. 7(inset), Richard Shi-
ell / Earth Scenes; p. 8, NASA. All other photos by Sonny Senser / Harcourt.
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Printed in Mexico
ISBN 0-15-344643-9
My Earth
By Shirley Fre derick
Orlando Austin New York San Diego Toronto London
The Learning Site!
T his is m y m o u n t a i n.
This i s my lake.
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