Whole Brain Synchronized Thinking.pdf

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This is the actual 5 page script that I use (and I provide to my high paying private clients) to guide myself
to and fully utilize the state of
whole-brain thinking.
The state where both my left and right brain
hemisphere’s are synchronized and I have a fully conscious access to my unconscious resources.
To get to Whole Brain Thinking level as efficiently and precisely as possible requires the following exact
Clearly setting your intention, and communicating it through the induction;
Using a short, self-guided induction specifically designed to give you conscious access to your
unconscious resources;
Using a proven order to progressively, physically relax the body;
Using proven visualizations to mentally relax;
Combine a visualization and self-guidance technique to deepen the state and supercharge your
I will also share with you how I:
Direct all my resources to whatever I want it to work on
Come back up to a normal waking state while intensifying the work done at the whole brain
thinking level
Sit comfortably in a quiet room, with your spine erect and your hands on your thighs. Close your eyes.
I suggest you either record the script and play it back or memorize it and repeat it out loud (it’s very
easy to learn).
Do not force the relaxation, let it come as it comes. With time, the procedure will get faster and more
powerful. Be gentle with yourself. Forcing, creates resistance, which slows down the process.
Allow yourself a gentle pause of a few seconds after each visualization or physical relaxation command.
The Script
I am now going to count down from 3 to 1. On the count of 1 I will be at my whole brain level of mind
where both my right and left brain hemispheres are completely synchronized and I have a fully
conscious access to my other than conscious resources.
I am going down to this level in order to manifest/do …….
(visualize and repeat) 3…3…3…
I now allow myself to imagine gently relaxing my eyes. Allowing myself to relax my eyelids and the tissue
surrounding my eyes.
I now allow myself to imagine gently relaxing my forehead… my scalp… my face. I can feel the relaxation
spread down to my cheeks… my jaw and the rest of my face.
I am now relaxing my neck…my shoulders… my arms and fingers.
I now allow myself to imagine gently relaxing my chest, both internally and externally.
Relaxing my stomach both internally and externally.
I am now relaxing my hips and thighs.
Relaxing my knees… my calves and my feet.
My entire body is now completely and utterly relaxed. Whenever, I mentally visualize and repeat the
number 3 I will return to this state of complete physical relaxation.
(visualize and repeat) 2…2…2…
I am now allowing myself to relax mentally. I’m imagining myself sitting on a deserted white sand beach.
I can hear the seagulls in the background, the gentle rolling of the waves. I take in a deep breath and
enjoy the distinctive smell of the air.
I now gently allow myself to become aware of the space between my body and beginning of the ocean.
Allowing myself to feel this space as best I can. (short, gentle pause)
I am now becoming aware of the space between the right edge of my body and the end of the beach.
Allowing myself to see, hear and feel this space as best I can. (short, gentle pause)
I am now becoming aware of the space between the left edge of my body and the end of the beach.
Allowing myself to perceive this space with all my senses as best I can.(short, gentle pause)
I am now allow myself to sense the space behind me. To feel, see and hear the space behind me. (short,
gentle pause)
Now, I allow myself to imagine, that on my next breath, my entire body will fill with air.
(deep breath in)
And as I breathe out, I will imagine that all the air is leaving my body and it is left empty, full of open
(breathe out)
Once again, as I breathe in, I will allow myself to imagine that my entire body is filling with air.
(deep breath in)
And as I breathe out, I will imagine that all the air is leaving my body and it is left empty, full of open
(breathe out)
Now, I allow myself to imagine that the boundaries of my body are dissolving, and that the space inside
my body and the space outside my body are becoming once continuous space. One, unending, space.
I am now at a state of mental relaxation. Whenever I mentally visualize and repeat the number 2, I will
return to this level of mental relaxation.
In a moment, I am going to mentally visualize and repeat the number 1. When I do this, I will be at my
whole brain level of mind, where both my left and right brain hemispheres are synchronized and where I
have a fully conscious access to my subconscious mind.
(visualize and repeat) 1…1…1…
I am now at my whole brain level of mind. Both hemispheres are my brain are synchronized and I have a
fully conscious access to my subconscious mind.
In a moment, I am going to imagine descending down 10 flights of stairs, from the 9
floor to the ground
floor. When I get to the ground floor, I will be at a level of mind where my thought forms are at least
1000 times more powerful than normal.
I’m starting to walk down those steps now, going deeper and deeper.
Down from the 9
to the 8
Down from the 8
floor to the 7
floor. Deeper and deeper.
Down from the 7
floor to the 6
floor. When I reach the ground level, I will be at the level of mind
where my thought forms are at least a 1000 times more powerful than normal, and this is so.
Down from the 6
to the 5
From the 5
to the 4
. Deeper and deeper.
Down from the 4
to the 3
. When I reach the ground level, I will be at a level of mind where my
thought forms are at least a 1000 times more powerful than normal, and this is so.
From the 3
to the 2
From the 2
floor to the 1
And now, from the 1
to the ground floor.
I am now at the ground floor and at the level of mind where my thought forms are at least a 1000 times
more powerful than normal.
I am now going to count from 1 to 3. On the count of 3 I will allow myself to accept my desire of …. as
already been manifested/created.
1..2...3…I now allow myself to accept my desire of …. as already been manifested/created.
On the count of 5 I will open my eyes, feeling great, filled with gratitude, knowing that (my goal) has
already been manifested and that it’s only a matter of time until it appears on the physical plane.
2, Coming out now.
3, On the count of 5 I will open my eyes, feeling great, filled with gratitude, knowing that … has already
been manifested and that it’s only a matter of time until it appears on the physical plane.
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