TIA_Portal_edycja programu.pdf

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Editing projects
Editing projects
This chapter contains the following information:
The basics of projects
Using logs
Creating and managing projects
Using reference projects
Editing project data
Undoing and redoing actions
Find and replace
Working with multi-language projects
Working with text lists
Using memory cards
Using libraries
Using cross-references
Simulating devices
The basics of projects
The basics of projects
Projects are used to organize the storage of data and programs resulting from the creation of an auto‐
mation solution. The data that makes up a project includes the following:
Configuration data on the hardware structure and parameter assignment data for modules
Project engineering data for communication over networks
Project engineering data for the devices
Logs for important events in the life cycle of the project
Project hierarchy
Data is stored in a project in the form of objects. Within the project, the objects are arranged in a tree
structure (project hierarchy).
The project hierarchy is based on the devices and stations along with the configuration data and pro‐
grams belonging to them.
Common data of the project and online access, for example, are also displayed in the project tree.
Using logs
Using logs
For some operations within the TIA Portal, logs are created automatically in the background. These
logs document changes in the project. Logs are created automatically, for example, when you migrate
projects and programs or when you update instances from the library.
Logs are displayed in the "Common data" folder in the project tree. They are stored together with the
project in the project folder and can therefore be read independently of the programming device/PC
used as soon as you have opened the project. The log can be filtered for errors, warnings, and infor‐
In addition to displaying them in the TIA Portal, logs can also be printed.
Displaying logs
To open a log, follow these steps:
1. Open the "Common data > Logs" folder in the project tree.
2. Double-click the desired log in the list.
The contents of the log are displayed in the work area.
3. Optional: To show or hide a particular category of alarms, activate or deactivate the button
for "Errors", "Warnings", or "Information" in the toolbar.
Deleting logs
To delete a log, follow these steps:
1. Select the log in the project tree.
2. Press <Del>.
The selected log is deleted from the project directory and removed from the project tree.
Creating and managing projects
Creating and managing projects
This chapter contains the following information:
Creating a new project
Compatibility of projects
Opening projects
Upgrading projects
Displaying properties of the project
Saving projects
Closing projects
Removing projects
Deleting projects
Archiving and retrieving projects
Creating a new project
Creating a new project
To create a new project, follow these steps:
1. Select the "New" command in the "Project" menu.
The "Create a new project" dialog opens.
2. Enter your project name and path or accept the proposed settings.
3. Click the "Create" button.
The new project is created and displayed in the project tree.
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